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no, nothing will change.

Your flag sucks. I mean, Catalonia doesn't suck, it's just that your flag is visually jarring and awful. Learn some vexillology.

it's not a flag, it's 2 Spanish flags together.


Tell that to OP

Sitting here comfy as hell just waiting for the shit to hit the fan.

The sense of inequality in the power balance is so big that they have absolutely nothing to do besides crying.

The catalan flag is one of the oldest flags you Americunt.
And it's years ahead than your shit flag with too many bars and stars.

yep, slow day at work, I can put these 4 hours to a better use, plus there's tons of meme potential if indepes lose

>he doesn't know

Gracias por montar este circo tan divertido, querido catalufo, pero permaneceréis por siempre subyugados a la superioridad del pueblo de Castilla.
Viva España (Castilla), y que os oprimamos por un milenio más.

Toca abolir la broma de las autonomías pronto ya.

This. I can still remember indepes sad faces when Puchi destroyed in less than 9 secs its self-proclaimed independency

I was thinking about it. Where do I go?

what vote will make a difference ? spain will occupy catalonia until rajoy says ALL CLEAR! seccession movement is ded,bro



Aztlán (Virreinato de Nueva España) is rightful Castillian clay


doubt she has such great tiddies

Godspeed Catalan bros.

Fuck Spain.

wtf I love Ciudadanos now

stars > bars

Votao. A la mierda se van a ir estos perros separatistas.

¡Viva España!

How come some women have such perky mammaries, whereas others have chesticles that hang between their legs? And why do we find the perky types so attractive? Why do childless women have breasts in the first place?!

Sure i did. Voted for Junqueras. ||*||

Not sure which outcome will provide the best entertainment?

Just voted.

It’s a win win situation for the lulz department.

Who cares, if the separatist can make a coalition government Madrid will keep in charge of the money, if the unionist win riots and all that during a couple of months, if they can't make a goberment all that will reboot and more elections in summer, I think this is what will happen but who knows

>ahmed mad because he got kicked the fuck out

well at least you got marseille and paris now, godspeed you dirty sandnigger

JxCat here.

Is this the right website for results?

Remember that JUNTSxCAT, ERC-CatSí and CUP are /ourguys/.

I know, I support separatisms worldwide ;-)

>meme flag
>meme opinion

cheks itself

>whiny commies are /ourguys/
Ves a cagar

>un moro immigrant
Ves a cagar al forat d'on hagis sortit.

She's such a qtpie

hohohoohoh que t'has fumat nano?

Tourist here. A Colombian prostitute told me yesterday the separatists want to kick out migrants. This goes against everything I knew about Catalonia. So what's up?

The 'friendly' face of independentism is just an attempt to gain normie and international sympathy. In reality, many of us are strongly nationalistic.

Does that mean kicking out Colombian prostitutes?

Daily reminder that you have to go back.

She didn't know what she was talking about atlhough the majority of us want to kick all immigrants. Pro tip: the so called "catalans who don't want independence" aren't actually catalans but immigrants all of them.

Maybe. She is not the worst to me, tho. I would rather kick all the north africans first.
For those truly nationalist 'tolerantmen' it is just a matter of time. They will eventually get red pilled when they realise most immigrants do not even bother to learn Catalan.

I figured as much. It baffles me how migrants from other parts of Spain get to have a say into the identity of Catalonia. Non Quebecois and non Scots should not have decided either about the future of the country they happen to live in. How many non Catalans from Spain are there in Catalonia?

A fuckton. Most of their spawn still live on ghetto-like towns.

>They will eventually get red pilled when they realise most immigrants do not even bother to learn Catalan.
Doesn't surprise me desu.

You mean the aragonese flag?

Our population is prolly 20% catalans, 60% spanish immigrants and 20% non-spanish immigrants. I wish I was kidding...

I love the USA and I wish you and your Trump blessed lands the best possible, but if you think your flag is an example of good vexillology you are delusional. The Catalan flag is one of the best in the world.

It is the flag of the Counts of Barcelona.
They brought it in Aragon when the count of Barcelona became the king of the (from there) Crown of Aragon.
It is one google search away.

Fucking idiot.

You mean the flag of the Count of Barcelona right?

Podria ser de Catalunya nord imbècil

>Podria ser de Catalunya nord imbècil
És obvi que no és el cas. Què hem de fer per què deixeu d'emigrar i us quedeu a la vostra terra? Alla on aneu embruteu.

There's some that for sure want to do that, but there's the more lefty side of the movement filled with student commies so idk, depends on where you look.

So, he is count of Barcelona and Princeps of Aragon. No catalano-aragonese crown.
About Berenger emblem hypothesis, is only that: a hypothesis.
Remind that yellow was the colour of the flag of soldiers under the vatican bless during reconquista. And they reinforced their yellow shields with 4 metal bars, that eventually became rusted and reddish.
t. historian

Obvious meme larp is obvious.

sssshhhhhh. US will be over soon as well



> yellow was the colour of the flag of soldiers under the vatican bless during reconquista
I read somewhere that was just to pay less taxes to Rome, idk
>No catalano-aragonese crown
Catalonia was a principality after the union with Castilla just like Asturias, from 1714 to 1833, not a crown itself

So the count of Barcelona before even marrying Peronella already controlled Aragón, therefore the Crown (good to remember that the original name was Crown of Aragon and Catalonia) was catalan, led by catalan kings and capital in Barcelona.
And about the flag, you have the male of a powerful country marrying a women of a less powerful one which he already controlled, whose flag is he going to keep? Easy one.

Live stream - coverage begins at 19:30 CET

Fuck off Puigdemont

Visca Catalunya Lliure

Anyway official results will begin in one hour from what I've understood

My Queen.

Please save Spain.
This one is better.

>pro EU, against the very use of words that can be somewhat linked to nationalism
>Anyone's queen

Her party is an EU creation (pic related) so their narrative is "nationalism is cancer", "open borders", refugees welcome", "I want a federal Europe".

Like pottery

That's Disgusting, It looks like Medieval Europe.

>Deus Vult
>despises medieval Europe
Show us your real flag

You know you dynastic line is still French by bloodline right? That's being nation cucked right there.

Oh I love Medieval Europe, But it's 2017. And I'm not supporting any Muslim Revolutions (I.e Kosovo, Kurdistan, Chechnya, Andalusia, Dagestan, North Cyprus, Etc.)

kys nigga

Come and take it fag


So is England's ever since 1066. No Euro country has a "pure" royal family anyways, since they all intermarried for alliances. What's your point?

First Projections, faggets

How many burgers and fries until the bloodshed?

This is like one of the first european flags to ever exist, learn some respect burger

Official thread here. COME ALL

first 5800 vote for now


Learn some history please.