UN Jerusalem vote - live: General Assembly expected to condemn US recognition of holy city as Israel capital
President Donald Trump's Jerusalem decision has sparked global condemnation
UN Jerusalem vote - live: General Assembly expected to condemn US recognition of holy city as Israel capital
President Donald Trump's Jerusalem decision has sparked global condemnation
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Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the UN should teach Donald Trump a “very good lesson” as it votes on a resolution calling for the US to withdraw its decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
President Trump has threatened to cut aid to countries that support the resolution being put forward to the UN General Assembly
Mr Erdogan said UN member states should not let their decision be dictated by money.
Who knew using Israel would be a good way to get out of the UN and cut ties with the EU.
We are losing allies by the day, thanks drumph
>votes on a resolution
oh man we better take back what we said, we wouldn’t want a sternly worded letter
With allies like Turkey and the EU we don't need enemies.
Drumph will look incredibly weak today, his threats hold no water
israel is the west's greatest ally
Says who?
Why is UN broadcasting two separate live streams. Same account.
Also, UN has pic related problem right now
Jerusalem belongs to the Jews.
The israelites.
Not the fake jews
Are you some kind of "black hebrew israelite" cultist?
LMAO at a fucking TURK trying to lecture about human rights. HAHAHAHAHA
oooooo boy
This is Sup Forums now
ib4 trump's foreign policy is literal shit
Nikki Haley btfo the antisemitic goyim.
He's not "MAKING" it the capital you dipshit - he's moving the embassy there. Also - fuck Islam.
Nikki Haley statement is sounding like the kind of stuff you hear out of banana republics addressing the UN.
Trump is truly the biggest jew lover world has ever seen.
>inb4 64D chess
she's hot tho.. loves the way she speaks...very clear and arousing
lol jews proving their history with money... fucking kikes
>I got a shekel now gimme a Jerusalem goy
this guy is talking about coins again oy vey
No matter what it sounds like, it's a huge FUCK YOU to the UN and the sand niggers. About fucking time!
You forgot this
Jew giving out shekels
The UN can go straight to hell. Bunch of Muslims, commies, Chinese and Africans making decisions for the world.
The entire concept of the UN is a dumb idea to start with.
The American Ambasador to UN is "taking notes" about which countries vote what.
>Haley demanding a return on investment by not disagreeing with the USA
>US gives around $3 billion/year to UN
What's stopping pic related from stepping in and offering to cover that with no strings attached while USA can sit on side with Namibia influence?
Seems like chump change for them and a good investment.
>We are losing allies by the day
You're not. Those idiots condemn US decisions to seem like the good guys to the eyes of the world. They know that they can't afford being enemies to the us
Venezuea gets to talk.
Now you are going to see what Commies think
and who is one what side
>US goes along with israel
Did Nikki just leave?
Yeah, they let a failed Communist nation get up on stage and bash America's choices
you think China would openly so work against the U.S.A. on the world stage? plz..
all other states are the ones who are going along. Palestine didn't exist when the British got it from the ottoman empire. There is no such thing as a Palestinian state.
what a fucking joke of a parady shoah
what is this sham racket oraganization that is the "jewnited" nations going to do about it???
Either them arabs make like Hizbollah and fix those kikes but good and permanently or start handing over Al Aqsa mosque over to rabbi scglomowitz for synogouge conversion.
>Thinking the chinks have the liquidity to do that
No. They can't. Any money they get goes directly to the desert for more ghost cities to occupy their billion people so they don't revolt.
It was just the name of a piece of land. Before 1948, the "Palestine post" was a Jewish newspaper. Also, all the institutions with "palestine" in their name were either british or Jewish owned. The arabs only adopted that name in the 1960s
>There is no such thing as a Palestinian state.
Yes, Yes, that's because it's rightful Ottoman clay
Return Constantinople immediately
Say what you want about Israel, but these dropshot nations in UN engage in more Jewery than Israel does these days. You haters suck Islam's dick worse than USA does israel. Wanting gibs, pissing and moaning all the time, victim whoring, pinko commie bullshit etc. Who are the real Jews?
Bongs are first on the list by the way. Bunch of wee wee boys if you ask me; hope Trump takes your ungrateful bullshit as an excuse to leave you pinkos high and dry in brexit negotiations.
just you try and take it.
youll lose even more cities to islamic conquest, poor yurotrash
> when the brits got it from the Ottoman Empire
They didn’t , the Arabs fought for them with the help of the brits
Look en.m.wikipedia.org
Oh hi Ahmed.
Nobody is afraid of sand people
The US gives billions to Pakistan. I hope Trump stands by his word and stops giving them anything.
What percentage of the arabs living in Israel and the "west bank" and Gaza came by immigration since Israel became a state? Do you know? I have an idea but I'm not sure.
Dumb meme flag poster posting Balestinians
The fake jews you are talking about are the elite diaspora jews
I have to admit that this would be a good thing.
>fuck Islam
>translation: Fuck white people
daily reminder that saying "fuck islam" is the same as saying "fuck white people".
Not a lot because Israel isn't a cuck country. Most of them came before Israel was formed as cheap labor when Jews started developing that wasteland.
Nikki Haley just destroyed ALL OF THEM. I cant wait for the next time one of these scum sucking countries comes crawling to us begging for handouts. Just let them all fail.
>elite diaspora
How does it feel to know that you're literally killing your own ancestors? You do realise that arabian jews were the first jews in existence right?
>isolationism is cool mkay
Fuck off, the USA should have it's boots on every square inch of soil on the planet. Without the US global presence, savages like the Ruskies could spread their plague.
Nice try Achmed
Lets start by cutting off Israel's aid, you're a big kid now you don't need USA money
>How does it feel to know that you're literally killing your own ancestors?
okay, that's similar to what I heard, how much of them and stayed since then, 95% of arabs?
In other words how many arabs today in all of Israel are descendants of arabs which actually lived in Israel before the Jews came and developped the land?
> wasteland
What wasteland ?
It’s funny that zionists are so cucked to believe that nobody lived where they established their country
He thinks Palestinians (basically the levant amerimutts) are the real Jooooooos!
We Wuz kangz and shieeeit.
Stormfags christians claim whites are the true Israelites. So do afro-niggers, so do most shitskins.
Lmao, the inferiority complexes of some goyim is hilarious. They are so ashamed of their race that they want to be Jews
By killing other arabs, kicking them out of their countries and releasing anti-arab propaganda everywhere. Does it make you feel tough to know that you're killing the same people who gave you your religion and state in the first place?
It's actually true that anti-Islam = anti-White.
Saying "fuck Islam" is the same as saying "fuck white people and fuck whiteness".
The only people acting like Jews are the folks telling USA where their embassy should be while gladly accepting our shekels.
How does it feel to realize your nations are worse Jews than the actual Jews?
Let see what will happen if U.S stop giving aid to Israel
Do your research you dumb jew, there's more than one ethnicity of jews. The very first jews were middle eastern, then the ashkenazi niggers came from europe and raided the whole place.
I wanted to asked him if he meant Palestinians but I passed because I didn't thought he is that stupid.
they are not jews and not the orignal jews
Of course Germany would think that Islam is good for whites.
>Revolt against Ottomans with help of Eternal Anglo
>Eternal Anglo stabs you back and gives it to Jews and makes you suffer eternally
Maybe this is Divine Justice after all...
It's hard to say. About half a million of them fled in 1948. As well as 800k Jews who were kicked out of arab countries to Israel. The Jews were settled in israel. There are way more arabs now than back then, though, because of births.
Being against Islam (and therefore, against White people and the White race) is the same as killing White people.
>Jews dindunuffin
>it's the arabs that are evil
While interesting what might happen, you drop-shots are behaving more cowardly right now than the Jews themselves.
The behavior of the Jews is why they are despised. When other peoples exhibit that same or worse behavior they become as low or lower than the jews themselves.
>muh 1967 borders
Jesus Christ this shit again
Same old story. All the muzziez in the world and their oil slaves are against Israel.
Don't ya love when the translators struggle to clean up the nonsense being spoken.
Maybe if you weren't against us in the first place, we wouldn't be against you.
>Hey guys let's build a racist ethno-state right on top of an existing state and make it only allowable to enter for jews
Fuck off. Hitler should've gassed all of you.
Everyone is against Kikestan now.
I think you Jews are Deceivers, but i cannot deny that the UN are acting like bigger "Jews" than you are currently. So you aren't moving up in my book everyone else is moving down.
UN nations taking our shekels while constantly deriding us with pinko sjw shit. Sucking islamic dick all the time. Arabs are just as bad as the Jews and proving themselves to be even worse. Constant pissing and moaning. We will put our embassy where we want.
>global condemnation
Literally terrified. Does this mean will be invaded if we don’t do what the UN wants?
>worse than Jews
Both sides are pretty bad let's not be delusional, but jews are worse.
I just wish Israel would kill them all at once now. Just go into Arab neighborhoods as this meeting takes place and wipe them all out then take the mic in the UN and say, here now you got something interesting to talk about then drop the mic and walk off.
I could only wish for an invasion. These pusscuck Euros and Arabs got me so blueballed with their constant shitting on the US. It's like hearing a bunch of nerds talk shit about Chad but knowing they'll just hide behind the principal's office instead of actually fighting.
Why is everyone shilling for the kikes right now?
I wish
It's amazing though how the whole world chimps out over such a tiny country. And over the US declaring something about it. Wtf, they must have better things to worry about. You don't see so much interest when hundreds of thousands are killed by sandniggers in Syria and Africa.
with gymnastics like those you could be in the olympics, Hans-ahmed
its like in a playoff berth you root for teams you dont normally root for in order to make sure your team is well seeded in the playoffs.
The existence of the Jew must be eradicated. Even the diaspora kikes. Even the Israeli kikes. Gas them all.
What a good goy Trump is ! Suure they will love him now, because that has worked out before
because we both want all shitskins like you to die.
Also, the Jews are worse than the Arabs which are worse than the negroes.
You has-been degenerates are right there with the Jews btw. What are you faggots gonna do if we move our embassy? Send in your armed dildo forces?
You're even lower than Jews. You don't get to have the image of your ancestors when you have become a bunch of cockmasters in modern times.