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British Imperialism/Militarisation Thread
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It was your evil empire that gave the kikes the power they have today back in 1815. It was through your lust for greed and power that has lead to the destruction of the White and Germanic races. Everywhere the British Empire went you brought pain and suffering with a Bible in one hand and a pistol in the other. You put down everyone, even your own brothers, violently to secure your Monopoly on wealth, whether they are Scottish, Welsh, Irish, French, Russian, Dutch, German. You pitted tribes against each other and allowed the kikes and inbred urban nobility to sell drugs under your supervision. It was you who waged a war against White women and children in South Africa for gold, establishing the first death camps. It was you who betrayed the Germans in 1939, and handed Eastern Europe over to Stalin. It was you that worked India to death. It was you that allowed the fabians and transnational capitalists to infiltrate society. Your Royal family is filled with nothing but anti-British sellouts, Freemasons and Luciferians. You betrayed your own people for wealth. Your degenerate culture and government are a reflection of your history, so disgusting that you make the gypsies seem Aryan. And you have the nerve to say that your disgusting culture with even more disgusting food, retarded accents, ugly women, yellow teeth and perverted society is superior? Although I somewhat love the British races as my Celtic-Germanic cousin, sometimes I hope the Rothschilds and financial moguls you let in have the Followers of the Prophet rape your women and Indians shit on your graves.
>imperialism without an empire
>be a tiny puppet state of american empire
>Russian thinks he can lecture on how to run an empire.
>tiny puppet state of a German empire
*cough* perspective *cough*
Welp, I guess I'll have to abandon thread.
It's been an honour, gentlemen.
You think you are in a position to talk shit about either Germany or Russia? Britain is a cucked shithole and that's a damn fact. What do you have? Some joke politicians to name like Nigel Farcuck from UKIP or MI5 shills from Britain First, or can we admit that you live in a shithole whilst South Germany and Austria are basically a paradise?
like, open a fucking history book and check for "how bad" it has to get, for us to even start giving a fuck, and so far your inbred shitskin friends with their inbred cousin marriages, look like a joke
Suck my Big Bavarian Cock
Russian population: 143 million
Britain population 65 million
Half the GDP of Britain btw Ivan
>Suck my Big Bavarian Cock
you are an albanian shitskin though
>South Germany is a paradise.
You've still got niggers there.
Meanwhile, in Britain, places like the Cotswolds and south west are nigger free.
Britain and America are the most powerful nations in the world, not because of high GDP but because they both share the greatest control of finance, the most important economic sector in the modern economy.
If Britain falls, the world falls. If Germany falls we'll just rely on Japan or China for our goods.
We plead guilty to being the best conquerors and innovators, ignorant we may be as a group about our elites at least we have never given in to Bolshevism and dont praise some neo-commie puppet manlet...
Schizo albanian detected
In shitskin subhuman mind (your pic related) reference to another group he has troubles with makes you a member of the said group. Albaniaposting is the soul of racialism both old school and new. You can like it, you can dislike it, but Albanians do have traits all Europeans must follow: all-binding nationalism, nepotism, tribalism, extreme pride, in-group loyalty, blood feuds, honour killings
>native Europeans or Germanics can’t respect Albanian traits
Who are Byron, Fellmerayer, Hitler, Goethe, Coon, Bismarck and Varg?
Stop bullshiting honest people. We all know what kind of subhumans and mongrels post from Britain. From mulattos to part jews and part gypsies to trannies. Just have a good look at this general. 8million non-whites in Britain, James. More than in Germany or Sweden. Highest rate of race-mixing in the Western world. 90+% of all adult negros in your country are in relationships with non-blacks, mostly white. More biracial children than any other Western country
Difference is that even ethnic mixing, let alone racial, is super rare in Germany.
Difference is that we own way more weapons and hella proud to be Germans.
Difference is that I can come over to "my Chancellor" (Merkel is a polish Jewish subhuman) and say it to her.
Video fucking related
Average Briton can't get near their PM
You have racial egalitarianism which is PEAK of the red machine
You are a faggot cuck too
Here there are under 2.7million of you faggots, not enough for a takeover Achmed...
you call other people subhuman while larping as a bavarian or some shit, while you are an albanian i mean how fucked up in your head are you
you must visit a psychologist immediately
your life is not worth living
do you think germanics wants this your albo trash neck yourself please
Okay mate.
Your belief that the pakis and niggers are spread out is wrong. They're only around London, Manchester and Edinburgh: big cities.
I know it's the same in Germany, but Bavaria has Munich which is full of the fuckers.
>Ethnic mixing is rare
It's rare amongst Brits. Most race mixing is done by Eastern European women who come here.
>People own more weapons
And? Go ahead and rebel then, because that's the only use of owning a weapon.
Besides, more of your niggers own guns too.
>another LARP thread
I fucking hate all of you.
I’ve been all over Britain, and you have subhumans even in places like Wales ffs.
>I know it's the same in Germany
Our niggers are South “Europeans” and turks
>but Bavaria has Munich which is full of the fuckers.
Has some =/= full. Thanks to Britain and USA, if anything. Another thing - we are armed. Leader of the AfD Alexander Gauland says that “Germany must ditch the narrative of complex of quilt and embrace heroism of Germans in the WWII”, Höcke demands demolition of Soviet monuments and claims that ‘holocaust’ is a non-issue. And there was a huge success in the last election. CDU got plenty of elderly vote that are your typical tribal voters who still remember CDu as a party that run “beware of foreign infiltration” ads in the 1990s, and naive Bavarian cretins that voted for CSU. Another issue is that many Germans don’t vote, because they know “what’s up” and politically Allied-occupied Bunderepublik not likely to be changed to fit Germanic interest
>more of your niggers own guns too.
Except shitskins literally can’t get guns in Germany even naturalized ones. Most subhumans you see in Germany are not citizens
I predict Germany to be 20% white in 2030.
>Places in Wales
Yeah, Cardiff is a big city.
>Our niggers are southern Europeans and Turks
And Africans who came off the boat as refugees and africans who have fled EU countries, like France, to Germany.
the "russian" is an albanian with schizophrenia
Do you have ethnonationalists in your parliament?
>And Africans
Africans are Dutch, Frankish, Anglo-Celtic and German. The terms are you looking for is negroids. Said animals indeed came, but all thanks to Britain, Italy and USA. Not even majority of niggers got to Germany - you are thinking of sh*taly. Merkel is barely a result of anti-German system and a financial zealot
>soldier wearing makeup
absolute state of the UK
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums mixed up
>no trip
The Grekoi is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, lazy indebted monkey, turk cock socket, cuckold fetishist, jingoistic baboon, brainlet, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him armenian-dindu mongrel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Albanian subhuman”
I am laughing so hard right now
it is deeply saddening to see the how far things have fallen in the uk
he broke character on pol once
this is what I posted btw
Albania is the most inbred country in Europe and actually more inbred than most middle-eastern countries
you like seeing your wife fucking other men
Feeling so /comfy/, the Doomsday clock's been set from Midnight to 4:20AM!
look at the 2011 though
look what countries had already busted paki child rape rings, like Oxford or Peterborough now imagine what is happening uncovered in places like Slough or Bradford or Luton...
okay this was great
i will save these pics of your and use them against him when i see him again
this was really shocking to find out of actually
man Sup Forums really have some crazy people i must say
Look what cities* ffs
anyway you're fucked big time, together with sweden. germany and france are right behind you
God bless those brave Britanons who stood to defend our country's honour while I went to eat some Chinese leftovers.
Yeah, I know, but I'm not going to take lectures from an user taking the side of Germany.
Thread reclaimed from the Sup Forumsliwog hordes.
Bradford and Luton are both paki centrals and been so for quite a time. Britons are pathetic people - they let their country to be walked over while their capitol is ruled by a mudshit and their prince is fucking a dindu
When you all are ready for your civil war let us know and we will come help
All we need is leadership, structure, and a common goal. Britain will not die like this.
We all like to talk shit about the Yanks, but you're not a bad people and you've got our backs.
We'll do it lads, with time, patience, and no small degree of backbone.
This thread needs some hardcore christmas tunes.
A fine example of a helpful colonial citizen.
Merry Christmas.
You should know by now that
>Pro islam threads
>Pro usa threads
>Pro Scottish threads
>Pro England threads
Those are the rules you stupid goy, learn them.
The only way you do it is IRA styled bombings and Ustaše tier brutality on cucks and nonwhites.
>BNP 1%
You wuz fighting for Poland
At least we weren't commies.
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,
Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love;
The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best;
The love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
And there's another country, I've heard of long ago,
Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King;
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering;
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness, and all her paths are peace.
Racial egalitarianism is peak red ideology, so not quite. Moreover you became a bitch for a Georgian retard who drop out from elementary school
One from the Antipodes, chaps.
Nothing like a bit of naval dominance, eh boys?
t. Anglo
very beautiful song, i remember it was the first thing i listened to when i heard that leave won
When we finally get out of this mess boys, I'll be among the first to celebrate British Independence Day.