What the fuck is wrong with Russians?

What the fuck is wrong with Russians?

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They're poor, uneducated, and brainwashed to boot.

Communist subhumans and niggers are not Russian

Are you one of the few Russians on here who isn't a Stalin/commie apologist?


>implying amerimutts any better.
most of your people don't know where is russia on the map and any other countries.
you ameritrash are really dumb, all your smart people either jews or european immigrants.

I never implied we were better. You're implying that retard.

This thread isn't about American faults though. It's about Russians being retarded. Stop derailing and admit you guys are fuckheads. Don't worry. There will be plenty of America shitting threads today. Just take this thread for what it is and call yourself an a$$hole.


Can you tell me why your nationalist heroes are Jews and Georgians who killed millions of your people?

Russians? Nothing

(((RUSSIANS)))? Everything.

Russia is a giant zombie that somehow stumbles on. Its amazing they have not collapsed yet. Soon they will be coming for us.

Because they killed all those people in your propaganda imagination?

Can you tell me what is a nation?
If they are russian jews then they are belong to the russian nation

Russians hate Stalin, shitskins and communism. Those who don’t are paid shills, proxy or shitskins

I hate Lenin, Trotsky and all the other communists, but admire Stalin. He did the samething thatrussian whites would have done if they won - executed all the old jew bolsheviks.

Russia is a weird land where they managed to mix Orthodox Imperialism with Stalinism and formed this insane war propaganda that actually works

Russian special forces everyone

Many see Stalin more as a strict czar than a communist.

Well, you could say why are most people dumb?
Because it's true, most people on the earth are really dumb independently on the nation ( except niggers they are dumb because of evolution ).
Plus many people in Russia live in rural area and small towns where education and the internet are not available for everyone, who have these things and some kind of will to improve yourself usually are smart enough.

Not mine.
As I said above there are many dumb people who easily take propaganda especially if it's on the national level all over the country. People in general are your to fool, especially if they don't have education. They will believe in the beautiful stories and any shit your will drop to them. Like liberals do today.

They killed all the non-cucked Russians that resisted.
You are descended from basically the equivalent of subservient trailer trash
Hope you are right

>projew commie
what a surprise

They are a confused people who followed a strange version of Christianity where there was no God to reward you and instead you had to obey the leader. It was called Marxist-Leninism. Now they lack all faith and are sustained only by a crippling vodka addiction and excessive squatting, some try to go to church and believe things, but they do this not out of any real faith, but more so because past revolutionary behaviour was a total failure and they don't know what else to do.

>They killed all the non-cucked Russians that resisted.

"Non-cucked" russians who support foreign invasion of Japan, England, USA and others in Russia? And "cucked" russian is all those who defend their country? Ok.

Responding to amerimutts is a waste of time ivan

He is from Latvia·
I know him he grew up in Rezekne and got bullied so hard by white kids he fled the country.
We just do this to almost every ethnicity

They are not Russians, they are noviops
Russia died in 1917

"Russians can do no wrong" mentality leads to interesting combinations
but you're a fucking idiot if you think these people are numerous
besides, they send all sorts of extremist trash from both sides of the spectrum to die there
you get cannon fodder, and you clean society, so it's a win-win in the mind of Russian regime

How did that nigger get in Russia >:(

We already have 13.000 niggers in Russia.
Thanks liberals to the Article 282

Everything that killing fucking commies is good thing

People who live in DNR and LNR is not a Russians.

d'oh how did my white paradise get ruined _mutts in amerimutt_

You're a good dude

Stop larping as a stereotypical amerimutt, dumbass. NATO won't spare you because of your sycophancy.

ты чё тyт дeлaeшь, a нy нaзaд нa двaчик

99.(9)% of the smart russians were killed off by bolsheviks

NATO is more cucked than early sovok.
They are worthless.

>this meme
there were no smart people who were communists, and all smart people were fighting for Whites?
are you legally retarded?

>нaзывaть мeйлaч двaчeм

Двaч yмep в 2009

You are too retarded, even for Sup Forums.

чeл зaцeни
cлыш пидpилa cocи хyй
я хopoш?


Nothing. They are just being Russians. Russkies just russkie things up and then everything is fucked again.

>cuckoldstani meme flag
>calling anyone retarded

liberal scum detected



cyкa блять

a нaхyй вы мeждy coбoй нa нa этoм пoгaнoм языкe гoвopитe

Cлaвa Poccии!

Friendly reminder than """"(((Russian)))""" liberals are Nomenklatura's children's.

Kremlin shill.

and I'm not even a commie sympathizer, but this shit like ''killed all the smart people'' and ''Stalin murdered 80 bazzilion'' is just dumb and you should stop parroting it because it has no roots in logic or facts
as for how smart and successful was Russian elite in that period, see how their army worked in WW1
all those Everts, Rennenkampfs, Sievers and all the other German names soiling the fields of Poland and Galicia with Russian blood because they were to intelligent to fight a modern war

>most of your people don't know where is russia on the map and any other countries.
most countries, sure, but everybody north of a three digit IQ knows where russia is on the map

you guys were the "bad guys" of the past couple generations and are the biggest country

Russia is based, love you Russian posters too, most of the time you're smarter than amerimutts.

They learned that they could get ahead in the world by lying and stealing. It's in their blood. They know nothing else.

Yes, and, surprise surprise, the revolution was led by the 1% of academics, who then moved to ruthlessly considate power into their own hands while forcing everyone else into "fair and equal" poverty.

What this means is that 99% of Russians today are descendants of either gangster flavoured or peasant flavoured bydlo

it's true cummunism fucked up culture, but that's the extent of it

what does that have to do with ''killed all the smart people''?
Russians today are descendants of Russians of past
there's nothing inherent or eternal to it
communism failed, it was mostly shit with some positives
the end

Russians are good. Putin shills are neo commies and DPR and LPR are subhuman commies Crimea however is Russia

>American said this

Soviet era and Stalin are a thing of nostalgia for some Russians. Some perhaps can't possibly even begin to conceive in their minds that Stalin did something wrong.

Also speaking of Christianity it's obvious they being a chunk of rebels in Ukraine are false Christians if they get so much into politics and take up arms. Pseudo spiritual beliefs mixed in with worthless good for nothing short sighted nationalism (svitaya rys!).

> Russians are uneducated
Bubba, maybe you should stick to commenting about things you know about, like cuckoldry and getting mugged by niggers.


DPR's constitution is quite based if you read about it

Still not a reason to chimpout an start a war. Also self proclaimed anti-fascists are never based.

Taк пидopы жe, нyжнo нa пидopcкoм языкe гoвopить.


>like cuckoldry and getting mugged by niggers.


fascists murdered 27 million Soviet citizens
perhaps their outlook isn't the same as that of Joe Gomez from Cincinnati?
I don't know, think about it, muttkins



>responding to mutts who likely don't understand, let alone care about history

>27 million Soviet citizens
Non-Slavs don’t matter



most of those were Slavs
1/4 of Belarus for example

I know but 27 figure includes Asians and Caucasians that should have been used as the cannon fodder in the first place

very small numbers of them
their lands were never occupied, and they were few percent of Red Army

incapable of creating a functioning system of law and thus nobody wants to start a buisness when the mafia gov can just take it.

Бpaтки ктo в кypcaх кaкoгo хyя этoт yнтepмeньш c Бaлкaн в кaждoм тpeдe пpo Poccию, coвoк и Пyтинa? Eщё oднa caвyшкa?


28yo here.
My father anhero'ed in 1997.

>psting twerk shit
user...russian girls who are like 10 dress up in little whore outfits and do twerk dances way worse than that to an audience of thousands who applaud it

They traded Jewish engineers for Niggers and Churkas.


i kekked

"If you open any whiteguard newspaper, you will see that Kolchak, who says that he defends the unity of Russia, that he is going for her national revival, this Kolchak has help from all the imperialists of the world. You in this newspaper will read the triumphant notes that the English are advancing very successfully in the North of Russia, that they have taken Arkhangelsk and that today they will not move closer to the center of Russia today. Here you will read that Estland and Finland are beating the Bolsheviks, that tomorrow Petrograd will be taken, that their troops are working very well. In the west, also successfully beat the Bolsheviks and the Polish troops are advancing.
Similarly, in the south, Romanian troops advance; English and French fleets are very successful, bombard the Black Sea cities and also beat the Bolsheviks. Further you read that Baku is in the hands of the British, the Bolshevik ships are also smashed by the English fleet. In the east, Japanese troops also beat the Bolsheviks and also act successfully.

Comrades, compare all these statements that you read, and think about where the Russian people are - everywhere on these numerous fronts the British, the French, the Japanese, the Poles, the Estonians, etc., and where are the Russian workers and peasants? They are here, inside the country, they are the Bolsheviks who are beaten by all these Japanese, English, Poles and others.
And I think, comrades, that every fool must understand that there, in the camp of our enemies, there can not be a national revival of Russia, that precisely from that side there can be no talk of a struggle for the welfare of the Russian people. Because not because of the beautiful eyes all these Frenchmen, the English help Denikin and Kolchak - it is natural that they pursue their interests. This fact should be fairly clear, that Russia is not there"

It means that the members of the intelligentsia who were not ruthless sociopaths (aka communists) were all murdered by the commies, who were 1% ruthless sociopaths and 99% retarded peasants.

The descendants of these kinds of people are responsible for Russia being the shithole it is today.

The Bolsheviks didnt fight for a "country" and they certainly didnt fight for "Russia" because they were internationalists.
They believed that concepts such as the "fatherland" and "patriotism" were bourgeois inventions to keep the proletariat docile.
Their only loyalty was to the world revolution, thats what they fought for.
Lenin in particular absolutely hated Russians and the idea of Russian patriotism.

Heres an example:

"The Pyatigorsk Cheka organized a "day of Red Terror" to execute 300 people in one day. They ordered local Communist Party organizations to draw up execution lists.
According to one of the chekists, "this rather unsatisfactory method led to a great deal of private settling of old scores. ... In Kislovodsk, for lack of a better idea, it was decided to kill people who were in the hospital."
Many Cossack towns were burned to the ground, and all survivors deported on the orders by Sergo Ordzhonikidze who was head of the Revolutionary Committee of the Northern Caucasus.[16]
The files of Sergo Ordzhonikidze include documents which detail such operations. On the 23rd of October he ordered:

The town of Kalinovskaya to be burned.
The inhabitants of Ermolovskaya, Romanovskaya, Samachinskaya and Mikhailovskaya to be driven out of their homes, and the houses and land redistributed among the poor peasants, particularly among the CHECHENS, who have always shown great respect for Soviet power.
All males ages eighteen to fifty from the above-mentioned towns to be gathered into convoys and deported under armed escort to the north, where they will be forced into heavy labor.
Women, children, and old people to be driven from their homes, although they are allowed to resettle farther north.
All the cattle and goods of the above mentioned towns to be seized.[17]"

The greater the terror, the greater our victories-Kornilov
I'm personally pro-White but you're naive if you think only Bolsheviks used brutality

"You know that Kolchak was assisted by the entire European bourgeoisie. You know that the Siberian line was guarded by both Poles and Czechs, there were Italians and American volunteer officers. Everything that could paralyze the revolution, everything came to the rescue of Kolchak. And all this collapsed, because the peasants, the Siberian peasants, who are least susceptible to the influence of communism, because they are least watch it, have received such a lesson from Kolchak,
such a practical comparison (and the peasants love practical comparisons), that we can say: Kolchak gave us millions of supporters of Soviet power in the most remote areas from industrial centers where it would be difficult for us conquer. This is how Kolchak's power ended, and that's why on this front we feel the most solid ... "

White guard terror was worse than Red terror. And their economic program was shit (peasants return land to land-woners or get shot lol). And white discipline was worse, hence marauding 24/7. That's how reds won civil war even though foreign powers supported whites. People just picked less awful side. Fuck those cunts that were protecting their fortunes and social positions, at least red guys were crazy idealists.

Fucking mongoloid subhumans.
Praising the guy who killed millions and millions of them.


This guy was a pro-Russian neo-bolshevik terrorist here, but he moved to Russia/Dombass

I love how he parrots Kremlins talking points

who is that exactly?

False. The true meaning of nation, is a people.

>(Ney-shuh n)
>an aggregation of persons of the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language or cognate languages.

Cyka Blyat


He's a great public speaker


Russia is actually one of the most educated countries in the world

Russians are fucked in the head. The confusion is that on the surface they're White just like us, but underneath every Russian is a bloodlusting Tatar barbarian with no regard for human life.

Himmler and Patton were right about Russians. Himmler said it's true that the Russian is a nice family-loving church-goer one day, then the next day he brings his neighbour's liver to work in his lunch box. Tru dat.

Luckily Russians are easy to kill as (((the Bolsheviks))), the Finns, the Germans, and Afghans found out. Russians win wars by smothering their enemies in dead human flesh.

Europe just needs to uncuck itself and get it's shit together and they will easily resist those Asiatic barbarians.

I was born in Russia and my whole family grew up there I hate communists more then Fascists by a long shot I hope the Holols slaughter everyone of those pigs.

Nice D&C. For the record, veteran Wehrmacht and SS divisions in Stalingrad found out about the capacity of Russian soldiers. One Wehrmacht soldier called them men of iron, after his compang attempted to remove a pair of Russian soldiers occupying the tangled ruins of a grain elevator.

Both had very capable fighters,