R any of y'all veterans?


Im a veteran of your moms anus

EPIC ROAST my dude

Yea i was in the Meme wars and the Fapping war.

we thank you for your sevice

Yep! Joined the Air Force, got knocked up before my first deployment, and later developed PTSD after I read a racially charged slur written on a wall. The commander of my brigade lost his shit over that, and I couldn't be happier. :)
Was diagnosed with anxiety, received a 100% disabled rating, and now I receive roughly $1,800 a month from the VA. Don't forget to thank me for my service.

Damn, that's one ugly kid.
And no, the only war I've been in was the so-called meme war as a meme engineer.


>Being a soldier for Israel

Hope you all fucking die in a fire in some shitty arab shithole fighting for you jew masters

Oooohhh, ur so edgy.

>pic related

>spouting the truth is edgy


Veteran as in I have been in the military, but not a real combat veteran because I did not go to war.

>D...d....d...don't insult my master, please
The state of 56%istan

How is he wrong though? US Foreign policy is obviously very favorable towards Israel.

It's also very favorable to the UK, South Korea, NATO, Japan, etc. Why single out Israel, where we haven't even ever engaged in combat? (Other than Liberty lol.)

I know your memeing but it hurts that people like this do exist. Allowing women in the military was a mistake

Half of those are bad examples. The UK's foreign policy regarding the Middle East is almost as fucked as Americas. NATO has engaged in bombing campaigns against Eastern European countries. The reason we should single out Israel is because they are a horrible ally who have stolen nuclear materials from us and attacked a military ship killing American soldiers. Even if you want to forgive that, it's hardly a mutually beneficial relationships given how much money we've sent Israel in foreign aid.
>Liberty lol
>using hundreds of billions of dollars in American taxpayer money is freedom apparently

I was in the navy just to bang hoors from all over the world. I don't think I contributed any to Israeli hegemony driving a ship around the world banging hoors.

Many Bothans died to get to that anus.