Based ambassador kills it with terse, direct speech
>respect the US or have funding removed and eat shit
Haley drops the hammer at the UN just now
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I hope these fuckos at the UN show their ass. If we want to move our embassy that's our goddam business.
Bongs first on the list. Y'all are vulnerable too with brexit negotiations, hope those sorry pinko drop-shots play games and then get burned. Same for the rest of those goddam arabs who take out money. All you poor motherfuckers in the UN better get ready for a little pay cut.
Say what you want about the Jews, but right now it's the rest of the world acting like Jews (taking our money and then trying to manipulate with feels and sjw bullshit). I think it's time to ask who the real Jews are?
I have bad news, yesterday we downgraded with immediate effect our embassy in Israel. Sorry man the ANC is Palatine pozzed as fuck. Please sanction us.
Hope they stop aid to the sexual harassment export factory that is Egypt
A Punjabi poo cunt shill speaking for white North Americans
Jews are pathetic garbage.
What the UK needs is a good spanking from Uncle Sam. Nothing more pathetic than a bong begging for help while it drowns under muslim immigrant piss and shit.
>>respect the US
why should we respect a cocksucker?
pic related
Trump is intentionally trying to destroy America's standing and influence in the world by making everyone hate us because he is Putin's asset.
You're not a very deep thinker, are you?
what if china stopped funding the US
what did she say? i closed to scope when she and the jew talked
be prepared to get drafted to go fight and die for kikes, you are footing the bill as well goyim.
What money is it you think you give to Europe?
What ANC is doing to South Africa should be considered a fucking crime.
Absolutely disgusting.
China is the worlds bitch
who else puts up with suicide nets on their factories to build dollar store toys?
>"People don't respect us anymore folks, but that's going to change!"
Remember that campaign promise?
Well, I guess he made good on it. The rest of the world no longer only disrespects the US, they openly mock you and go against your will now. Not even under Bush was it this bad.
Smarts, doesn't it?
If you have to buy your friends, then they aren't really your friends. I'd rather have just a couple very close friends than a bunch of two-faced back-stabbing assholes who are gleeful when something bad happens to me.
You know there are reasons China keeps buying US debt right? It's in their best interest.
Have you seen the American suicide rate recently?
The US unironically does not have any friends it does not buy.
I've never seen anyone in the US government shill for jews as much as this woman
pales in comparison to chinas
We have always known this. Good to see it in the open now. Easier to identify our true enemies.
Everything you said is the exact opposite of what is happening.
The USA has never been in better standing with the world. Even the Chinese treat us differently than Obongo.
If anything it's liberal dumbfucks who want to play it down that the USA is winning and the rest of the world is sucking jew cock.
We'll see, won't we.
>respect Israel and Trump's Jewish Masters or have funding removed and eat shit
Yeah, why couldn't we have obongo style diplomacy? I mean ugh, free Palestine amirite?
Why didn't you let saddam do his goddamn business? :√)
the law and order crowd doesn't give a shit about the law
keep drinking jew cum you fat mulatto
>Want free gibs? Do what we say!
Sounds alot like democraps
More importantly those countries that are on the rise, like China, Japan, and in general the east are treating us very well. They understand the new transactional nature of US policy and are on board. It is all the old countries in Europe that are in the decline that fail to understand and are left bitching.
If Europe wants to play ball offer the US something in trade and you will get what you want, till then fuck off.
Waiting for erdogan to btfo this zionist faggots
>bullying by Trump
let's entertain this notion that Trump is a chess master. Wouldn't that mean he wants us to go against him over shit like this, memes and all?
I'm never so patriotic as when I see other Americans talking shit to everyone else. Keep up the good work.
Trump train is finally rolling, seems the President has finally consolidated power.
maybe you should fight your own fight schlomo
Fuck Turkey, fuck NATO, and fuck the UN.
Literally none of those entities have the US' interests at heart.
hi schlomo, we arnt gonna take our eyes off of you
>International "law"
KYS leaf faggot
Is there no one based enough at that assembly to tell this cunt that there are more important things than money?
Think you faggot.
In chess you want your opponent to play into your moves to your advantage. Americans are on his side while the rest of the world is the opponent.
If someone doesn't win there is a stalemate.
We don't play for stalemates anymore.
That would assume the UN had their priorities in order.
Yeah you could say that if you want to pander to nobodies and not be taken seriously by the people there who matter.
the real jews are the jews, you circumcised shabbos goy
respect israel or else
can a nigger get a stream?
blame your shit mayor.
Burgeristan destroying world parts in the name of the kikes then giving money to rebuild at the end win win for the kikes ez profit.
in the best case for america the whole world starts pretending like america doesn't exist and await a new president.
ignoring him at this point will only give him more power, he's like no troll we've ever seen
the rest of the planet is gonna tell trump to go fuck himself
>i love being ruled by puppets of a foreign country
>uss liberty, dead american soldiers yeah
>more wars please
>who needs self-respect?
the anti america pro neocon shilling is so pathetic
What country is the central power of NATO? What alliance system lets Europe spend half the natural amount on military?
it works like that with domestic influence but not international influence
that's over. europe doesn't need the us to tell them how much they need to spend because of the reckless provocations the us is going to make
t. naive faggot who doesn't have any clue how the world works
>all this worldwide butthurt over some stupid decleration Trump made
>reckless provocations the us is going to make
its only reckless for weak countries like canada
you mean respect israel..
I love Nikki Haley!
Sorry guys, fuckin nogs
... because everyone hates you even more than they hate us.
So we should continue to bow down and suck the cocks of those the left deems necessary like Obama then huh?
Guys Ford has two huge factories here please push for US sanctions so the thousands of workers chimp the fuck out. PLEASE
The solution to all this is simple.
Move the UN to Jerusalem.
Holy shit, Trump is the one who is making everyone bow down to him. Friendship is about helping those who need it when you have the capability. America is the wealthiest nation in the history of the world and we're telling these people they need to jump through hoops to please us. You are not persecuted. Get that through your thick, tiny little skull. They are using feminist tactics on you, don't you see? It's exactly the same.
stupid jew
Ben Garrison kek
Haley is trying too hard. She should calm down if she wants to continue to pretend she's a diplomat.
I think Trump absolutely fucked any chance for a Saudi and Isreali Alliance, he basically just forced them to be the US's bitch after fucking with both their countries.
lol the us should leave the un?
if the us leaves the un who will veto the war crimes resolutions against israel?
>5 minutes later
>wuahhhhh ebil Putin is hurting our feelings, pls come help america
yeah right. in reality he's the bitch and forced to do things
What % face is that?
This is the worse possible time to do so though. I think he is fucking them over because it hurts their ability to interfere with neighbors and make alliances.
well both of her parents are from India
I love it. Strength that all can respect even if the bitch and cry about it.
>dose gibs 4 us mang
So you love israel? I bet you do you filthy kike
>Last name is victim
>Isreal has literally nothing to do with me, but Palestinians are darker so we have to give input on where their US embassy is located
It's about time that we did this. Ron Paul policy lives on strong in Trump.
now I can respect America
How homophobic of you... not progressive at all my memefag friend.
he's our guy