Pic related: How do we protect these fair young Aryan maidens from getting rapped by savage mudslimes?
How do we protect our superior western culture from Islam?
>when a girl gets more pussy than you do
Get rid of the influence of the Central Banker families. Deport the Jews to Israel. Get a real Pope who will declare a crusade instead of kissing Satanic Central banker ass. Burn the protestants if they won't convert to the old Roman Catholic Church.
If you think this is bad, always remember that 1/3 of “French” arabic bitches are married to niggers, but that’s fine since they are one in Mudllah
I think you're confused
>EU flag
Wow, two girls acting out in public. I guess you convinced me. I love Islam now!
It should never be forgotten that the jews were allied with the muslims during the last occupation of Europe in Spain and the east.
Looks like she unhinged her jaw and is about eat that boob.
Just for a second imagine the brains in the heads of those two subhuman slags. The neglectful (or indulgent) parenting that produced them. The HOURS of Jew media they absorbed. The lack of shame, the lack of morality, the lack of decency. Imagine the dark, static-clouded nothingness of their souls. Fallen, fallen, fallen world.
Semites working with other semites, I've always known they will just unite one day and try to kill us all.
>dude this is so awesome
>I would highfive you but we holding our chicks
>lets just hold eye contact
And the all those cucks (including the two holding them) getting excited about all those watching.
Honestly, I don't get why you goose stepper retards are even so scared of Islam. As far as I can see, it contains basically the same exact bullshit value system that Sup Forums holds so dear.
Because it comes with being replaced by arabs.
Ben Shapiro in the back
>quintessentially british
islam hates freedom, science and art
also it's a arab supremacy ideology
>Islam hates freedom
>Only culture not subverted by ZOG
Good one dickhead. I suppose you think its great that you can eat, buy, fuck anything you want in the glorious Jew-controlled west huh? Just don't question the sacred 6 million or you might end up in jail. "Freedom" haha get the fuck out of here.
Leave it. Day of the rope is coming for them.
At least our women are not oppressed by evil barbaric Islam. We must ensure that Islamic values never change our women.
>Muh islam will fix women argument
Nobody cares about that, the actual issue is islam is anti-intellectual and keeps countries in a perpetual state of "goat herder" unless secularist dictators maintain it with an iron grip.
Yeah (((intellectuals))) have really done a lot of good in the west.
>hey watch me pull open my brown asshole in middle of the town square
women need to be stopped
I'm not talking about the absolute state of (((intellectuals))) I'm talking about how muslims set themselves back 300 years whenever they get the chance.
San Fermin Pamplona ... Bull run and 10 days of party hard ! Not for weak american (every year one or two americans die in the bull run
>women want islam
>women deserve islam
I wish we could give them islam without getting force converted or slaughtered in the process
Do you want to know the secret to Islam's history of successful expansionism? It's weaponized virginity.
Polygyny results in the upper crust of older men with more wealth taking all the women thus creating a giant mass of blue-balled Elliot Rodgers types, you then point them towards a rival and tell them to take their women, Jihad is their only hope of getting their end wet. This is ofc a highly effective way to motivate young men to remain on the war path.
However, when Islam is not expanding, polygyny results in literal rape culture, increased bestiality and pedophilia, arranged cousin marriage/incest (which eventually leads to low iq and mental defects on a massive scale), and unrest/revolution/civil war. Islamic cultures always degenerate because when they stop expanding they create a mass of sexually frustrated young men with nothing to lose who sperg out and dismantle the society, usually returning it to fundamentalism and extreme conservatism.
>Mfw western civilization is dying
It's not dying its fucking dead. Pro-west in 2017 means pro-faggot and pro-Israel.
This gives me a hardoff.
>Do you want to know the secret to Islam's history of successful expansionism? It's weaponized virginity.
Don't forget the trauma based mind control in the form of genital mutilation, making them unemphatic psychopaths. Combine that with a few generations of inbreeding and a violent ideology and you have thousands suicidal troops willing to blow themselves up at a moments notice.
We should nuke the entire islamic world while we still are far ahead technology wise.
They can live in my basement.
I keep them locked in my basement.
theres nothing worth defending in western civilisation left.
the women and the gays have ruined it. i blame the hippies and the kids they raised.
when they said the world was going to end in 2012, i thought it was going to go out with a bang!
not like this.....
anything but this slow torturous death, i cant bear to see my loved ones becoming depraved godless degenerates.
The chestlet often shows submission to the titcow by suckling on her large superior breasts.
>This is real western culture, not Christ,not fags, not feminist irrationality. Logic and reason is western culture.
>implying this isn't due to subversive jewish influence
Libtard degenerates are the only whites who defend mudslimes.
All libtard degenerates live in cities. Mudslimes only move to cities.
I'm now of the opinion that we let the libtards "defend" themselves.
Once the libtards have all been killed by the mudslimes there will be nobody to stop us from levelling the cities with artillery and killing all mudslimes.
We don't.
Their wombs have been replaced
Trans men dominate their sports
Men make better parents
Men make better workers
Men make better politicians
Sexbots replace their sexual appeal
We don't save them, we save ourselves. By removing kebab.
Only Jews and brainwashed morons have a problem with Muslims. True nationalists understand that they are not our enemies and that it's this Jewish system we live under that forces our two cultures together and causes conflict.
stop this.
I'm not a Muslim but I acknowledge the truth that Islam is a superior social order to liberal western democracy.
>I'm not a Muslim
Don't believe you
>Islam is a superior social order to liberal western democracy.
also if this:
> I acknowledge the truth that Islam is a superior social order
then why this?:
>I'm not a Muslim
>he says this while flying his meme Nazi flag
Lefty/pol/ is so fucking incompetent at hiding their "subversion," like holy shit man.
The west died in the ditches near stalingrad
Why would I bother to lie? I'm an atheist white Aussie and I'm ideologically aligned with National Socialism. You retards just cannot free yourself from the phony 'left vs right' dichotomy can you.
Islam is better than Western civilisation. If we can't revive a based version of Catholicism, then islam is the best option.
Fuck you kike
History has shown that muslims only want to conquer and rape
There is nothing wrong in auctioning womin on a slave market.
Didn't think so before. Totalitarian Feminism made me like this.
>brown asshole
They don't want to rape your fatass women.
Best way to redpill on Islam. Reverse Psychology.
I actually think a Christian version of ISIS wouldn't be so bad.
It wouldn't. Society is shit now. The alternative is not Islam but to reform Western Civilisation back to Christianity so we remember our values as a people instead of this individualistic, consumerism mono-culture we have that has done away with our patriotism and tradition.
But that's the thing; Islam managed to stay true to its traditional message while Christianity cucked out to progressives. Christianity failed the one job it had because it is weak where as Islam is strong.
There is no point trying to resurrect Christianity.
islam is better than everything west created in the last 50 years but muslims are shitty people contrarily
It's time for us men to keep our pimp hand strong and restore the patriarchy.
An Arab-free version of Islam? That can only be based version of Catholicism. We can give it a new name for PR purposes.
O Tempora, O Mores
We can give it a new name for PR, a "new internet ideology that has lured young people into woman-hating"
I recall some Arab french rapper singing about how wrong it was
If you see Mister Westmount around here ask him for the video
Cracking down on domestic violence was a mistake
Owning 5 women who stfu when you say so IS freedom
I'll answer the question when I finish masturbating on the picture
Owning 5 women who stfu is the only acceptable family situation for a redpilled alpha male.
Google tells me this pic is from a festival in Spain. Those people look like slavs to me though