Why are liberals so hateful?

I really want to know.

And while we're at it: Why are liberals so culturally suicidal?

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Vice is for the mentally retarded

Jews want your culture gone and they pretend to be whites to do it.

Christmas is haram, otherwise muslims wouldn't be burning down christmas trees.

My wrath on thee!
Kike, shill, faggot, cuck and nigger,
White man's brain is surely bigger!
I do not want to be a soyboy,
You say "oy vey please eat my soy, goy!"
I do not want to join a Klan,
Or be a skinhead Nazi man.
Look soft! The glow of CIA in the night!
A-REE! A-REE! Screech the alt-right.
They holler and shriek with all their might,
Forgetting Americans aren't even white.

no i like Christmas time. people are nice. the trails are empty and full of snow when i walk the dog. i eat fondu at my friends house. there is a never ending stream of Italian cookies in my office. socially approprate to drink out of my office bar during the day. its comfortably in my top five national holidays.

All the shit Christians have to deal with during the year because you won't shut up about your moon god.

"Is Islam heretical?"

What you just says means nothing to the guy you replied to, but I agree. Chrimbus is bretty comfy

They've taken the Jew bait so hard they don't even know they're hooked.

Fuck Islam and fuck the prophet Muhamumphffff!

they're literally white.

Here's to you vice

Mery Christmas

Passover is literally a call to kill all goyim.


I have an idea. Write about the shit we have to deal with muzzies during the rest of the year.

>All the Shit Muslims Have to Deal with During Christmas
>All the Shit Christians Have to Deal with During Christmas


Why are we the only countries that has to cater to foreign customs? Nobody expects fucking Muslims or Hindus to celebrate Christmas.

Fuck them
They can go back

Clearly they aren't home for Christmas

No they aren't they are Semites you retard

Real muslims are living in muslims countries, not at these degenerate western "nations"

Poland looks so comfy, user.

Ask them if they are responsible for slavery, since they say whites are. They will tell you they are not white, they are jewish.

It is comfy, poor, but comfy.
>don't come here and infest us with your west cuckoldry though.

Here's one for my country. I doubt that one is real.

>Why are liberals so culturally suicidal?
They live in a fantasy world, quite literally. That’s why they manufacture “safe spaces” everywhere, because learning about reality would change their minds (and votes). They’re adult children that can’t cope at their core.



They only identify as white when convenient, which the Polish and other Slavs need to abuse more often.

>Be in foreign country
>Tries to complain about there customs

>All the Shit Muslims Have to Deal with During Christmas

Yeah, this Hussain Kesvani guy is clearly a jew pretending to be white.

Liberals have a mental disease and we've allowed the celebration of mental illness to go on long enough. It's time to stop encouraging the mentally ill to have elective surgeries so men can be women and vice versa. It's time to stop avoiding the topic of providing medical treatment for people who continue to celebrate their degeneracy as some sort of unique character trait, when in reality they are simply exposing their broken mental faculty to the rest of the world via social media. It's not "inspiring" anymore for gays to parade around naked in the city streets, exposing themselves to children and now in public bathrooms. It's not "progressive" anymore to allow men/women to pretend to be women/men. Instead of expensive gender reassignment surgeries to fulfill the desires of a mentally ill individual, money should be spent into getting them the mental treatment and drugs they need. There's a reason suicide is the highest amongst gays, transgenders, and liberals in general and mental illness is the reason. You can blame society for not "accepting" you as the way you are, but forcing a society who depends on individuals to have the mental capacity to raise families, work to improve a country's infrastructure, economy, and quality of life for its citizens can no longer be entrusted to people who seek attention for their mental instability and not treatment for it.

Slavs are white

>If you were superman, would you defend the right to bear weapons as hard as you do now? No?


Include me in it please the_donald

A Muslim can choose to ignore Christmas or even celebrate it with me and even come to Church. If I got to Mecca as a Christian I would be killed.

I don't know in Iran they celebrate Christmas


Well said, user.

makes sense

in video on YouTube called "Antifa Leader calls for murder-" who is the person of interest advocating this- Looks similar to a "Cornel West" who has defended Antifa

It's another episode of Liberal crusader jumps in and finds their sword is wooden

All the shit muslims I have to deal with during christmas.

Why are they all so obsessed with vile sexual insults?

0/bait but good effort

>no kek

I'm sure you can work it into there, otherwise 7/10 made me chuckle

poor muslims :(

This I want them to go back but they just try to immigrate here anyway and try to change our laws to suit their tastes. It's disgusting because the government comply to them when they shouldn't. What they ask are unreasonable accommodations because it's not like in their country. Soon we'll see the Sharia law getting adopted because there are more and more sandniggers.

I was never invited to spend christmas with my christian or jew friends.
Instead of that it was one of my muslim friend who did.

Really tells a lot about the state of our society.
t. orphan

But why?

>he have jew and muslim friends

The absolute state of frenchistan

All the shit white people have to deal with during Ramadan

So, what about the shit infidels have to put up with? Another Afghan drove a car into a crowd today.



>Donald trump is so sexist!
>let me make sexual insults about him!

>thinking you'll know about peoples and cultures by ignoring them
Is that amefrican education? You like medias so much down there that you can't make yourself your own opinion?

>Only think about sex
Why are you surprised?

Why the Jews and what do they gain from it?

>desire to know about shit
Are you gut-doctor?

This is all nicely outlined in the Protocols of Zion.

Jews are like turks, only smart. They are sick psychos and wish to enslave all the non-jews

>Passover is literally a call to kill all goyim.

Niggers, specifically. Dey wuz kangz, ya know.

The world IS violent. Liberals forget this.
Sometimes having that inner voice of “hey, that thing moving in the dark could mean trouble” is what kept our species alive for millennias. Conservatives understand this because they know the world cannot be a universal safe space.

Politifact rules this as 98% correct because despite the tax reform passing in December 2017, Trump will not sign the bill until January 2018.

Anyone remember when Vice was promoting Pedophilia?

>all the shit Christians have to put up with during Christmas thanks to muslims

they are about 1% of the population

Oh no, people are celebrating the birth of someone who is regarded as a prophet by my religion.
How awful.

Liberals are so fucked up they scream for emotional safe spaces while destroying our physical safe spaces with angry invaders who want to kill us.

Too much soy consumption causes hormone induced emotional outbursts

Simply curious, avoiding prejudice and bigotry.

I live in a dense immigrant area in Ontario. It's as though all the slimes get dumped here. Every house in my neighbourhood is getting a Christmas card each year, with free yummies inside. Anyone who doesn't like that can go ahead and eat the fucking cookies and like 'em anyway. Welcome to Canada.

The shit Christians have to deal with around Christmas.


>suspend reality
>become liberal

really spins the ole hamster wheel.

They literally rape and kill our people during Christmas, poor of them!

You poor, insane man

A Muslim wrote that article. It's time to start shouldering some of this directly on the Muslims and their Saudi or Iranian masters. Not everything is the Jews anymore though the Kalgeri Jews did get it rolling. Also it's not fair to normal Jews. All Muslims are bad but most Jews are fine.

I suppose at that point you remind them of the Jewish owned slave ships. I'd love to hear a line about supply and demand.

then go to a fucking Muslim country and live there you Muslim FUCKs . Fuck you liberals thinking you have to cut shit out of everyone's lives to appeal to people who make up a fraction of the countries population plus hate you

Pic extremely related.


Is that statement wrong?

Nigger lover or nigger which are you?

Jews aren't semetic at all they more closely related to greeks than semites

*All the shit christians have to deal with due to muslims at all times

Where is the "All the Shit Christians Have to Deal with During Palm Sunday" with a nice stock photo of blown up churches in Egypt.

The JIDF must be getting nervous that they're getting out on 4 chan.

So they bring up stupid shit about Muslims.
Hey JIDF tell us what your holy book the TALMUD says about Christ.

t. Abraham Goldstein, London resident

What a joke.

>Why are liberals so culturally suicidal?

it's social proof.... they do whatever the media tells them is popular, because they want to "Fit in"

They really are the dumbest, most easily manipulated fools on the planet.

You don't invite people for Christmas, you stay home with family.