Will Kishi fuck her character up? She seems promising
Will Kishi fuck her character up? She seems promising
Well kishi is only the Editor and Boruto already vowed out of the race so we can only assume she will complete her arc.
plus look at pic related and tell me that they were not literally made for each other.
Got me a little confused, there's more Naturo stuff after the whole Ninja war or whatever it was with the sage and such?
Spin-off with the next generation.
The money train never stops.
I just hope she won't go full pink shit mode when Boruto inevitably becomes a missing nin.
Kishi isn't the author of the sequel generation. With the way she's being handled now looks promising so I think we can expect Kodachi can write female characters a lot better than Kishi who can't write female characters to save his own life.
let's be honest, if their relationship were to be exactly like Naruto's and Sasuke's except that it is Sarada and Boruto, it would still be an improvement.
Don't forget he gets a million piercings including gauges.
Why not? He's already made Bort insufferable and eliminated the only really unique thing about him by not giving him the byakugan.
How will her Mangekyo awaken?
Since he's not writing it, I doubt it.
After a night of fun with me!
I hope not. She is the Uchiha of the next genoration so she will get some focus because of her family. Who I fear for is Mitsuki. He has Sai 2.0 written all over him. They need to focus on his bond with Orochimaru or become a regretful villain for a arc or something unique otherwise he's fodder tier
Dr. Snakes patented Darkness Pills.
I awaken your inner Uchiha Darkness or it kills you
Boruto is gonna be shit, like every other shounen is shit, there's no escaping it
Sarada is the best what happened in Naruto after Konan.
Nigga don't Jinx my shit this early, kishi hinted at great things for him on his one shot and he is Orochimaru's son, he is there for a reason.
I really do hope they expand on his bond and relationship with Orochimaru and his brother and the rest of Taka, I would also lime to see him train under Kabuto.
Her Doujins already did justice for her
Konan was awful though.
>be just as strong as every other Akastuki member if not stronger
>never get to do anything because lol gender roles
I was honestly surprised to learn that Kishi was a married man considering how sexist a lot of writing is.
Kishi doesn't writer Boruto.
Kodachi does.
Seems SP already revving up the homolust engines
She's going to play a more important role than Sakura did for sure because lmao uchiha
Kishimoto isn't even an editor. He's a consultant. He can suggest something and the editors can tell him to shut the fuck up.
> Being a cumdumpster of Naruto
Plotline of Konoha Donburi, I asusme
I'm pretty sure he isn't even involved and that whole "consultant" thing is a way for them to keep his name tied to the franchise in order to get people to stay with it.
Hopefully the roles are reversed with Boruto and her and she has to fight him when he becomes a traitor.
Nah, he is working with the writer in a legitimate regard. It's just that when he says "X wouldn't do that", the writer can just say "Yeah, but they are."
I think naruto already did the fucking of her
Naruto apparently dies later on, so maybe that.
Why do we have to do another ninja gone rouge plot? Why boruto of all people he has no reason to leave the leaf at least Sasuke had hints he was fucked up
>tfw you will never be a cumdumpster for Naruto
Why do people like Naruto as a character again? I really don't get it.
> Boruto has to go on a Dark Souls-esque pilgrimage to learn about the fate of shinobi
> it climaxes with the Boruto v Kawaki face-off shown in the prologue
Speaking of Boruto, is he able to see other dead people such as Neji?
Also in Road to Boruto it is implied that Himawari can communicate with her uncle
So i guess Uzumaki-Hyuuga mix will have new abilities?
Bort can't have too many Hyuuga abilities because he has to be a clone of Naruto in order to maintain the brand.
Well i just think he's sexy and cute, so that's probably not the standard response.
She already awakened it when she lost all hope that Karin could have been her mother, it's just that no one noticed and she repressed the memory.
>friendly (not moody at all)
>has a nice body and face
>does cute shit all the time
Nardo is seriously a 10/10 husbando.
Momoshiki's spirit likely revealed himself only to Boruto. The power was coming from Momoshiki, not from Boruto himself.
Dunno man
Kishi highlighted his Uzumaki side, but it seems Kobayashi going for full Hyuugawank
Reminder that Sasuke awakened his Sharingan at about age 8 and then completely forgot for years until the Land of Waves.
Boruto and Sasuke leaving without notice maybe.
Karin should have been her mother
Naruto's an alright guy. He's in the same vein as Goku and Luffy.
The problem was when the series tried to turn him into some Messiah who's going to bring about world peace. The kid was dumb as rocks the entire manga, now he's supposed to know how to solve war?
He's the main character. That's it. His exact type of protagonist gets criticized in every other series (annoying loud kid with all the most powerful abilities from the get go but not solving everything solely due to being stupid/the plot arbitrarily deciding that he's out of energy and everything else in the series orbiting him at all times) but Sup Forums is weirdly tsundere when it comes to this series, atleast nowadays anyway.
Worst thing about Boruto is that him & Sasuke are still prominent in it, honestly. Doubt anyone here will agree. Also how is Kishi good at drawing cute girls but all his male designs look like shit?
Well you couldn't blame the guy since the least explained in the whole naruto series is the byakugan, since the focus of the story is with the sharingan and rinnengan.
Hey now Naruto is top tier cute in that dumb, dorky, shonen boy kind of way.
Kills Sasuke and it doesn't unlock. Then she sees Naruto die and it does.
Boruto is going to nearly die in a fight, she is gonna go full Uchihahaha on the people responsible
Kishi's no longer in charge, so no.
>knows sage mode
>is fodder tier
Beats me. He was always pretty annoying, at least from what I can remember.
She's an Uchiha with a vagina.
Which means she'll either become an insufferable, self-centered edgelord or an irrelevant bench-warmer. Enjoy her now while you still can.
He can sense the presence of Ootsutsukis because of his Hyuuga DNA.
He pursued it himself.
Yeah i liked him better when he was the typical shonen protag instead of trying to be ninja Jesus. All things considered though he walked out of that whole thing better than some of the other characters.
Who did Orochimaru knocked up?
Momoshiki made his presence known to Boruto. That's not Boruto seeing the dead through his own power, that's Momoshiki specifically making Boruto aware of his existence.
He really grew on me as a character right around the Pain Arc. The Sage training and Jiraiya's death matured him quite a bit.
When is Bort going to get a byakugan and when is Salad going to experience DARKNESS? That's basically all I care about when it comes to this franchise.
Momoshiki didn't make his presence known. He didn't even know that Boruto could perceive him.
Wow he really does have Hinata's head/face shape. Shit looks weird.
Sasuke saw him too though.
>When is Bort going to get a byakugan and when is Salad going to experience DARKNESS?
Few years, give or take.
Might explain why his head looks fat half the time.
Don't you have to take they eyes off of a former Mangekyou user?
Probably thinking of Eternal Mangekyou.
Sasuke's a fucking hack and you know it
When's he going to act on that? I can understand neither of them telling Naruto, since there's nothing he could do to help, but Sasuke should get involved soon.
We don't even know if Orochimaru was the one that got Knocked up
Life ah, finds a way.
That could actually happen.
Sasuke noticed something weird going on, but he did not see him or else he would be on that like bread on butter.
Salad should have been MC
The Rinnegan isn't the Byakugan, or in this case just strong Hyuuga blood, but he could probably tell that Momo's chakra entered Bort.
He was probably frozen too with the exception of his Rinnegan because Rikudo eyehax.
Keep whining.
Remember when cancer wasn't allowed?
No way fag
> but he did not see him or else he would be on that like bread on butter.
He was literally locked in a stasis field and yet could still see something was going on. Jesus fucking Christ this series is off to a rocky start.
I liked the little shit even in part 1.
Sasuke is a top level wizard, if Jesus wasn't around he'd literally be the strongest man on earth.
The guy in charge of the Boruto manga was the guy who wrote the Red Dragon anime.
No chance in hell. Well actually the female character in Red Dragon was pretty good but she's literally, literally literally Gen Urobuchi
Sometimes editors or other writers end up fucking up the original vision. Did he write anything else that's shit, or just that?
so is it going to be good, or is it going to be bad?
She'll asspull medical shit and be able to prevent herself from going blind from Mangekyo and get Eternal Mangekyo without taking someone else's eyes, and not have to worry about stamina from casting eye jutsu
Anons are asking were Hinata's boobs went, apparently you need to pay extra for that shit.
if they approach her the same way they did female characters like temari, early p2 sakura, or konan then sarada could be a total bad bitch, with or without eyehax.
but if she's all mopey and "grrrrrl power" overly emotional like final sakura then it's gonna suck ass.
they're really sitting on a goldmine with her potential character right now, especially with a pure uchiha who truly wants to be a hokage.
I really want this to succeed but good females are usually sideshowed in naruto, and uchiha edge is always waiting to gush out.
I'd literally be fine with a female shisui.
They're coming back. Slowly.
Sakura is an Uchiha now?
they could fuck this up by making her go full pinkshit and beat boruto up through the majority of the series.
we all know the anime will pull this old cliche eventually
I wonder what kinds of conversations went behind the scene for something like this.
How is she a pure Uchiha otherwise?
>and beat boruto up through the majority of the series
The only thing she's beating is his dick