How does this monotonous unattractive music attract so many youths from the white middle class?
>please respond intelligently, instead of blaming the Jews
Why does Rap Music attract so many suburban white teenagers?
It's like when kids rebel against strict parents when they leave the house, kids born into safety and unseasoned chicken gravitate towards something exotic, dangerous, naughty, risky, threatening and full of sex.
Tay Tay and another rapper
Scientifically designed to be attractive to youth. Look into the involvement of the CIA in the rap music industry.
Kids want to fit in and get laid and not get bullied. They do anything for these causes.
whats advertised everywhere all the time, everyday. a constant bombardment from every popular source of media consumption. who owns that media? who owns those publishing organizations? who are the producers? who did they get their start from? this shit is on every channel, its called programming for a reason. i didnt say kike once, you nigger.
Because white people on the whole live a boring existence but when they see something foreign, they think "hmmm... that actually seems like a lot of fun" but due to peer pressure, are told not to do that thing.
It is a forbidden pleasure.
>instead of blaming the jews
How convenient
>kids are dumb and rap is dumb
it's real easy
>something exotic, dangerous, naughty, risky, threatening and full of sex.
Full of sex with whom? Rappers?