Ragnarok Division

How would you like to be part of the single most funded, best trained and best equipped right wing safety squad on your block? Well good news!

Ragnarok Division is a group of well trained, well equipped and well groomed men responsible for going to our rallies and guarding our men. We are to remain inside the law AT ALL TIMES, but if attacked, we are free to absolutely decimate our enemies.

We will equip you, we have the funds. We will also train you, you will come to IRL events in which this will happen. You will attend rallies and march in with your comrades, and no this is not a honeypot lmfao.

Interested? Just wanna hear us out? Here's our discord: nCKG2p

Other urls found in this thread:


It's okay, in time you all will see that this is enormously beneficial to us all

You're probably observed by security agencies, dumb mongrel.

Not doing anything illegal, not a problem.

>totally legitimate bro!
Your LARPing will accomplish nothing besides adding another broken wagon to the trainwreck of Western civilization.

Hey, with an attitude like that I certainly wouldn't be suprised. This is no LARP however. Just join the discord, talk to a few.

>safety squad
>well groomed men
>remain inside the law AT ALL TIMES
>decimate our enemies

I really hope you're joking. This is cringey as fuck. LITERALLY a soyboy squad.

>well groomed men
I mean, really? What are you, fucking gay?

What attitude, I'm giving you a friendly advice.
If you want to help your people, you're gonna need more than rehashing dead symbols and ideologies, and marching around a bit.
Radical solutions require radical efforts.

What is it with this shit, you have a good cause, and then you go full retard with the image, ragnarok and swastika? Really?
Common people will think you as a bunch of violent fuckups, even if you are not.

“We are the cult of absolute evil, we’re the good guys.”

You see the contradiction?
No one will ever take you seriously, except the violent fuckups

Just made a discord says i gotta wait 5 mins

It's imperative that we don't look like a bunch of backwater hillbillies.

I am aware, this is a recruitment tool. Nobody will ever take the SIEGEpill if they don't first take the redpill. Projecting power and demonstrating military prowess, thus making us look powerful is never a bad thing.


Try harder CIA

Gee whiz god forbid somebody actually fucking try something as opposed to being a complete closet NEET sitting in his mother's basement covered in jizz after watching 11 fucking hentai videos

FBI honeypot don't fall for it

What military prowess? Where did you fight?
Your recruitment is awful, as this Finn said, a fucking swastika.
Do you think future of whites in USA is LARPing as a dead German nationalist movement?
Do you think you aren't giving ammo to detractors by connecting yourself to massive failure that were German Nazis?
You might think you're fighting the system, but system wants this.


>yes goys come join our honeytr- I mean our super based swastika swinging sekrit club we wanna gas the kikes and race war now and we don't afraid of anything don't notice that mythological reference there when you all get killed lol just come on in and don't forget to tell us your name and address and we'll even give you a super based sticker you can put on your car so everyone can see you like the windmill of peace but you have to give us your social security number for that ok now who's with us? RAG NAR OK

FBI (angery snort face) get muh agency right

yes goyim come into our movement

Bunch of

Are you offended?

I guess these feds are looking for suckers


Isn't it great watching our tax dollars get wasted by these fucking jokers. At least it's kind of funny in a certain way. I actually kind of doubt it's the feds it's probably the ADL only the kikes or SJWs could possibly be this fucking stupid.

>Right Wing Safety Squad recruitment bread


Yeah, no thanks Mr Glow-in-the-dark CIA Nigger sir

I legit thought it was a real safety squad but it is some strange brainwashing routine

>it is some strange brainwashing routine

what do you mean?

get someone to record you in action. it both acts as a way for you to secure your defence just incase some dumbcunt tries to press charges (assuming you stay in the law, as you've said), as well as being very good propaganda videos (assuming you're as well groomed and trained as you've said).

for future recruitment threads, look to add some barebones requirements. this legitimizes yourselves a bit more, since it looks sketch when it's just "well here's a discord lol".

stuff like:
>no fatties
>certain fitness levels
>assumed you're an american group from the context, but it doesn't hurt to add like "US applicants preferred/only" or some shit
>preferred experience in security or military
etc etc.

just so that people who fit those categories know that they're the target audience, even though it should be obvious of any security force.

>this is not a honeypot lmfao
its a honeypot

Lmao....you fags are kiddie tier.


Solid advice. Thanks, seriously. You ought to join the discord we'll slap you in department of recruiting if you want.

You might have gotten cyber AIDS maybe you should unironically delet system32 and switch to Linux if you're not already one of the kool kids

>we'll slap you in ''department of recruiting''

Yea sure CIANigger

You're not real....because IM THE REAL DEAL.

Checked it out 100% fag group.

Doesn't understand tactics yet thinks they can provide any training that could win anything.

Enjoy being cannon fodder and jail bait.

You're just upset that we wouldn't adopt jew tactics

Never heard of it. What events you done bithc?

>with your comrades

mmmm drooooooooop


t l
t.Kunar combat vet with full battle kit +2 alt kits

I'm ready for civil war... literally.

You're doing it wrong.

t. NVA

literally sounds like a Hellboy title, cannot believe Rasputin figured out how the internet works

Fuckin' A, friend.

Well I guess you commie gooks did win in the end.

You would be like the Allies in WW2 where you send wave after wave of men at the enemy until they run out of bullets and claim victory instead of thinking about what you're doing beforehand to avoid unnecessary losses.

If you believe that using your head is a Jewish tactic then I wish you all the best in your endeavours.

It's where I learned jew and commie spells.


it's not the Weimar republic yet

the government is too strong for paramilitaries to form, you can get 10 years for using pepper spray

Why are the Vietnamese training white supremacist larpers in Oregon?

I'm in TN...but was born in NW. I miss AK and OR...

> sad face

This thread is full of larpers and Feds.

Not all makes are men.

Some men are more than a man.

Sounds more like some faggot actually spent a few minutes trying to conjure up a group that is as scary as possible to middle american soccer moms since atomwaffen doesn't seem to be taking off. It's like they're not even trying any more. I mean if you're gonna make a fake edgelord group to ensnare teenage edgelords at least make sure it has more satanic references and less nazi symbols, that shit is soooooo 20th century. Throw in a little cyberpunk and BAM you hit all the bases, cyberpunk edgelord anti-semites from hell. Fear us.

The only good threads, desu

a.k.a. the entirety of pol. It's gotta be like 25% cia nigs at this point

NVA ATTACKS combat footage happening now livestream:



>Ragnarok division
>Dude we fight against liberals lmao join our discord
StormFaggotry + Paganism, the absolute larp lmao obviously not a honeypot

Well shit some one needs more funding in the first quarter hahaha trump cut ur shit off huh

should've just used pic related's symbol, you got Satanism, lovecraft bullshit, and a retard wheel

I'm an open Nazi and a Pagan. LARPing is for the uninitiated. Life is great!


Bout time rich fags started pumping money into this

not enough cyberpunk and too much swastika, swastikas are no longer in style, all the LARPing kinda ruined them plus who the fuck looks up to historical losers anyway

Already infiltrated by FBI agents

Just wait for the weird overly friendly guy to say

>”Y-Yeah! Now let’s GET those Jews!”

Like this?

Funniest thread on Sup Forums right now

life is just an extended series of larps, senpai

Are all americans like this?
I mean action is good, I like doing stuff more than not doin stuff, but this is retarded mate.

Yeah pretty much. We need to stay away from looking like autistic fags

How so? Also, show flag you crypto mutt

back in the day the FBI would try to get us to meet at mcdonalds food courts and wear green hats. Those were the days

Yes. This is true.

Did we really? Ahh I wish I was part of the CIFBI back then. Could jew ppl easily... nowadays we have to come up with schemes like this

fuckin newfags

Don't you fags have any sense for snyky breeky.
Being "Heroes" and waving flags doesn't win you shit. You seen Rambo first blood? He's a sneaky little shit, never does he blow shit up straight forward.

You should have been here for the

“Feminist hit-squad” thread a few years ago

Even the FBI agents realized they were being too obvious and aborted the mission

Or that one podcast guy we used to troll who turned out to be an FBI informant

I know, right...sad yet entertaining.

US is the only warrior classed nation.


Hey, takes one to know one. Americans are for the most part mutts. One of the few pure bloods here. Also, nah g, opsec is for fags. Our new tactic is to up and say that we're feds so people believe we're joking. Brilliant init?

Oh fucks sake no way - was that the mumble?

Here's a couple lulzy recordings of the FBI trolling some kripplekikefags



No thanks, OP
We operate more effectively as anons.
Keep your IRL operations between people you can trust.

Hahaha yeah it's the mumble. Ah I wish I was there.

>tfw u are the overly friendly guy saying "yeah now lets get those Jews"

Yeah we use IRC now and you'll never fucking find it we don't even use the same machines or internet, hahahahahaha. We got some high tech mesh going on we don't even use the normienet anymore keekekekekeekek

>Sup Forums speaks

>feeble, cracking voice
>overly defensive and sarcastic
>using memes and meme phrases in every sentence
Fucking why does it have to be like this every time

I wish I could get paid to argue with people on the internet and bait them into committing crimes

I bet this is another russian controlled group. When are you morons going to realize YOU'RE the controlled opposition?

Because they're the only idiots autistic enough to record themselves under the designation of Sup Forums?

Lmao...that's fucked up funny. Complicated feels, there...

how can I be controlled opposition if they can't even label me?


So I have a question for any federal agents. How do you actually sleep at night after a hard days work of kneeling before your jewish masters and trying to fuck over real american patriots? Don't you think that trying to solve any number of horrific murders committed by niggers or any number of financial crimes being committed by the kikes would be a better use of your time, or do you just really hate white guys that complain about the problems kikes and niggers cause in our lives on a Western Xia Moon Rune website?

Of course not.
Amused mainly.

>well groomed men
>You will attend rallies and march in with your comrades
>absolutely decimate our enemies
LARP: The Post