I'm not trolling or being satirical, I really want to know. Why the fuck do you idolize the people who laugh at you the moment the door closes? Why on earth would you fight so hard for billionaires to earn even more money? You constantly and consistently work against your own interests. Do you just not care? WHY??
Why do you bow down to the rich?
I am really at the point where liberals are not going to be happy if the rich gets more money.
Even if the middle class are benefiting too
The top .1 percent gets a 2.75% change in income. Everyone as a whole gets a 2.25% change in income. This is so unfair!!
How the fuck am I supposed to know which group I'm in, (((faggot)))? This means nothing to me.
why dont we just murder the rich and take their money?
Because rich people are objectively better in every way than poor people. People richer than me are my betters. They have worked harder to earn more money. People poorer than me are only poorer than me because they are lazier or not as capable as me.
I am pleased to see the crumbs from my rightful masters and betters land on my middle class table as a reward for working harder.
When you see this truth for what it is, it is easy to accept why rich people do what they do. It's because they deserve to because they have earned the right to rule over us plebs.
Listen faggot. Not wanting to give the government more money for dem programs ≠ bowing down or whatever other strawman for rich cocking sucking you Commie fags want to project about.
Hierarchy is necessary for the advancement of humanity. Equality breeds stagnation.
Where do you think money comes from? Do you think we have an infinite supply?
is trickle down economic if grug nice to rich ppl they nice to him and make him one of them btw did u know taxation is theft and that if you lower taxes it actually eans gubbermint makes me money? because if you take less money then that money come back to grug friend and they nice to grug and make gubermint money by giving them less. maga
What is 2.25% of 30,000? What is 2.75% of 30,000,000,000?
How much money do you make?
Because that's evil.
Nice satire but I'd like to hear your real opinion.
Because I'm not a resentful faggot who despises anyone who makes more money than me.
You may be able to claim that for someone like bill Gates who made there fortunes through there own hard work, but you can't say the same about the Rothschilds, European royals, the Saudis, etc who got there wealth simply by luck of being born in a family that had an ancestor who was an achiever.
I think there is a case to be made against super inheritance, as it's creating a new fuedalism.
Nonsense. People who are born into wealth come from strong genetic stick, and would have become rich anyway, as their parents did before them. The Apple never falls far from the tree. We too can earn our way into wealth if we are good enough.
We are led always by the people, or their forebears who have earned their right to lead by being successful in life due to being inherently better and harder working people due to superior genetics manifesting superior capabilities.
We just have to accept that capitalism is a manifestation of evolution to continue increasing the human species capabilities in a technologically advanced evolutionary context.
Any gift from our benign and just overlords is a boon to me. Those poorer than me are where they deserve to be due to their inherent weakness.
Why do I want the Feds to have that money instead?
>people who pay the most taxes benefit the most from tax cuts
woah... damn...
How does that objectively correct statement address my concern? Thanks for the trolling though.
>Do you think we have an infinite supply?
We have an near infinite supply of paper and ink
Because if billionares can make more money here they'll build and do business here which is something we currently LACK horribly.
You see we live in a capitalist greed system.
And while you libs can't hardly function with that knowledge, if we just ignore your wild manic feelings for a second, we would realize that in a system such as that, giving greedy fucks incentive to build provides jobs and industry to the country.
It's not about caring about rich people. It's about providing incentive to do business here.
What is your concern?
Liberals have a mental disease and we've allowed the celebration of mental illness to go on long enough. It's time to stop encouraging the mentally ill to have elective surgeries so men can be women and vice versa. It's time to stop avoiding the topic of providing medical treatment for people who continue to celebrate their degeneracy as some sort of unique character trait, when in reality they are simply exposing their broken mental faculty to the rest of the world via social media. It's not "inspiring" anymore for gays to parade around naked in the city streets, exposing themselves to children and now in public bathrooms. It's not "progressive" anymore to allow men/women to pretend to be women/men. Instead of expensive gender reassignment surgeries to fulfill the desires of a mentally ill individual, money should be spent into getting them the mental treatment and drugs they need. There's a reason suicide is the highest amongst gays, transgenders, and liberals in general and mental illness is the reason. You can blame society for not "accepting" you as the way you are, but forcing a society who depends on individuals to have the mental capacity to raise families, work to improve a country's infrastructure, economy, and quality of life for its citizens can no longer be entrusted to people who seek attention for their mental instability and not treatment for it.
Thank you for the trolling as well. It's a little sad that it's all you have. My concern is that you're genuinely retarded for supporting a demographic that in no way benefits you or anyone you know.
Did you know that what you're saying has no bearing on this topic? It's true!
How is not wanting the Feds to have more money supporting them supporting billionaires?
I dont give a fuck about billionaires or how much money they have
> no way benefits you or anyone you know.
Well the rich people own every single business and corporation you've ever heard of and some poor people own some of them too!
And these places have things called " jobs ".
We need jobs. I realize this hard to understand for someone who has likely no intention of working at all, but it's true that we still need business for the country to function.
Why the fuck are you only looking at two options?
1. The Feds have all the money.
2. The rich have all the money.
What about the middle class? What about investment into infrastructure? Literally anything for the greater good?
So, because the rich so graciously provide us with jobs we're supposed to shower them with more money? That's how you feel?
But aren't most Rich People Democrats?
Ignore the flag. I am an American who goes to a small, private college in the South that is ~15-20% money, both old and new. The kids of the wealthy act the exact same as middle class individuals, except they drive nicer cars and buy more expensive things. They are also uber degenerates. The only people who glorify them are the ones that have never met any.
>What about the middle class?
I get my money from my job not from welfare
> What about investment into infrastructure?
Like what
>Literally anything for the greater good?
This is the consequence of pluralism
I literally don't give a shit about probably 60%-70% of this country
> So, because the rich so graciously provide us with jobs we're supposed to shower them with more money? That's how you feel?
No liberal, it's not about feelings. That's what you don't understand.
We are competing with China for industry. Understand?
We are attempting to make it PROFITABLE and WORTHWHILE to do business in the United States.
A country becomes rich by exporting and MAKING shit. We don't. Because it's not profitable to do so here. How do you change that?
Tax Cuts and JOBS act. Oh.
>letting people keep more of their money = showering them with more money
>Like what
Roads? Bridges? Streetlights? Public Transit? Parks? It seems like you're being stupid on purpose. Either that, or you're 15.
so everyone pays less and somehow we're retarded for liking this?
Brainwashing from hollywood. They make you believe that everyone who is rich got that way because they're basically Gods. In reality they just got that way by being lucky and selfish and greedy and willing to exploit other people at every turn.
Yeah. It is. That's exactly what it is. Subtracting a negative gives you a positive. Do you understand that?
You didn't answer me at all. Because you can't. That's okay though, I understand what you're trying to say, and you're wrong. You think that businesses will stop cutting corners if we cut the corners for them. Brilliant.
Are you that fucking backwardly stupid?
Bringing back business and helping employ people gets them off the Government plantation that controls them.
I've answered you 3 times now douche bag.
With a long, logical responses.
The issue here, is that you're emotional and a baby, and can't handle logic.
There's no reason for the middle class to dislike the rich. We're still comfortable enough to never worry about starving and have most comforts we'd want.
Hating the rich is for poorfags who leech off the rest of the country anyways.
pol will never overcome its habit of bootlicking the rich. this is the only reason Sup Forums still exists - to quarantine all the people who could actually overthrow the economic elites in one easily surveillable place; divide and conquer with nonsense arguments between people who ultimately agree.
OF course it does. For someone to come to the conclusion that lead to this post, they have serious mental gymnastics going on and really need to get help.
> You think that businesses will stop cutting corners if we cut the corners for them
Also incorrect. That's not what I said.
I said businesses will do business here and employ people here instead of China.
Right? Right.
>logical responses
Yet you keep ignoring any thing I say. I asked if you think we should let the rich have more money because they give us jobs, you said that we're competing with China. I said instead of them cutting corners, we're cutting the corners for them. You say nothing.
Can you see how that doesn't address what I said?
Can you imagine what it's like to be so petty that you're against getting a tax cut for yourself because it means someone else who's better off than you would also get one? I mean really think about it, just imagine living like that.
Seems proportal to the income levels, dont see problem really
I'm glad you say this. Do you accept Jews are superior to everyone else? Goyim need to accept their place as 3rd best. 2nd best are Asians. Whites are superior to blacks/mexicans, so you can be happy right in the middle.
Yes the rich should have more incentive to build corporations here. Yes they should have MORE MONEY. That's the only thing that convinces a corporation or business to operate in the US. Otherwise? They'll just go to country that makes them more rich than we do. Understand? It's basic economics shit brain.
Yes we want to make them MORE RICH. Indeed.
Democracy is two or more groups of elites vying for power
>We are competing with China for industry
That is impossible. How is a post-industrial labor force able to compete with a slave economy
Most of that is the responsibility of state and local governments
The interstate highway system should be completely funded by gas taxes
> I asked if you think we should let the rich have more money because they give us jobs, you said that we're competing with China.
Yes that's a direct response to your query you fucking imbecile. We should let the rich have MORE MONEY so that they build businesses here because we industrially competing with China direct.
Direct response, reason given why. What fucking more do you want?
> I said instead of them cutting corners, we're cutting the corners for them.
Yes we are cutting corners for them. They won. They moved all their shit out of the US, laughed at us, and now we have to do something to bring them back before the country implodes financially. Mkay?
>Trickle down economics
Nice Republican brainwashing
Honestly the corporate tax rate needs to be a lot higher. Every time a country has sacrificed the job creators to the lowest common denominator it's been best for the people. It's high time America goes down the right path of history.
Hey if all the industry moves out of the US because they can, and we've given them no reason to business here, we get poorer. And we have.
How do you bring them back? Tell me. Go on. I'll wait.
Maybe we should roll back some of those federal gibs. If you want taxes for social services do it at the state level.
These are things that little teenage commies will never be able to understand. The rest of us are working our asses off to become rich.
You bring them back by doing what any sensible nation-state would do. You bar them from doing business inside the borders and nationalize their assets if they decide to move overseas
$700bn military budget. get businesses back at gun point.
Because I'm not a bitter and insecure envious cunt?
> You bar them from doing business inside the borders and nationalize their assets if they decide to move overseas
You mean we sanction ourselves? LMFAO!
Do you have any idea what that would do you fucking socialist scum bag? Leftists are fucking retarded.
They just want the 1000$ extra bucks a year, they don't give a fuck about america
> $700bn military budget. get businesses back at gun point.
So WW3 then? Any other suggestions?
>We sanction ourselves
You are retarded. If a business moves overseas, it is no longer part of that nation
You don't bring them back it will forever be cheaper to produce elsewhere, we're a service economy
If we deny all products from a corporation then we sanction ourselves from countless corporations.
And a corporation is free to do business wherever it wants and wherever it is the most profitable.
What your suggestion does and make it no longer profitable for a foreign corporation to sell to us at all. Okay. They won't.
That doesn't help us. That hurts us.
We do this to foreign powers to hurt them.
You fucking moron.
Smarter than you....
Because it's their fucking money. Why do you think you can just steal people's shit?
No, it's still just less negative actually. You aren't giving them money. They're paying taxes still, but now less. If it were a positive, they would pay zero taxes and the government would pay them. Knucklehead.
>He believes in free trade
More Republican propaganda! Foreign businesses that compete with domestic should be tariffs heavily
>He believes in free trade
More Republican propaganda! Foreign businesses that compete with domestic should be tariffed heavily
nobody needs those absurd amounts of money, fuck em, tax em
Trickle down doesn't exist you fucking faggot, that word only gets used by democrats and liberals when they don't want tax cuts.
it's not their money, they have stole it from the workers whose labour they have exploited. workers should get the lions share of the profit they generate.
You are retarded as well. The entire tax bill claims that by giving the rich a massive tax cut, they will invest in America, creating more jobs. The wealth will T R I C K L E down to the middle/lower class
>Supply side tax cuts
What would you call it bozo?
Lower class idiots voting against themselves and their entitlements.
itt cucks who are content with the scraps the rich throw them while they pocket all of the wealth their labour generates
Then they can make their own companies and fuck off. The ones who agree to be paid x for their labor are not being exploited
Invest in american stock, after the tax cuts companies are going to buy that shit up to raise stock price. You too can get rich off the financial rape of millennials
>It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ridiculous tax laws against corporations forces companies to move their money overseas. Only dumb people think helping businesses and large companies doesn't also help the people they employ and the national economy.
creating a system where people die on the street is also evil. Which is likely to cause more evil: The death of a rich person or the death of hundreds of people caused by a system that the rich person created? Plus, maybe I no longer wish for good or better, maybe I just want smug assholes to feel hopeless despair.
I never said smarter, but as she is richer, clearly she has superior genetics and is my better in absolute terms in the modern evolutionary setting enabling her to amass wealth. Wealth is the only measure of worth. You need to accept it and your place.
The rich are unquestionably better than poor people in every way. That is why they are rich. Their crumbs are welcome at my table.
Capitalism is a biological system of evolution. The better genes end up with more money.
Do you think the government can do more to improve your life with your tax return than you can? Me either.
how naïve
You have no idea what you are talking about and are only regurgitating shit you heard from others with an agenda.
Just stop.
well time to end capitalism then so the race to the bottom stops
Fiduciary responsibility to shareholders
Asshole, top bracket pays 70% of this nation's income tax. Literally fund the government, but get the smallest break in taxes. Meanwhile you complain about 21% corporate rate. Canada is taxing @15%.
Stop viewing yourself as being permanently poor.