Why do American liberals have such poor work ethic?

Why do American liberals have such poor work ethic?

They usually work dead end jobs they have zero passion for.

People that are successful and know how to work with some enthusiasm rarley become liberal unless they see some advantage to it like controlling the unwashed masses or virtue signaling.

I don't mind if customers come in at closing. If they're assholes who don't know what they want and make a fuss then I start getting angry.

Oh no what a holocaust

closes at 10 in the morning?

The Chinese Embassy here closes at 11 AM and the Russian at 12 PM. Pretty sure this is the US Embassy lol

Just look at them. Do you expect this to be hard working? They will only work hard if they get whipped inside labour camps.

If you don't want people coming in at 9:59, then close at 9:59. Time is conveniently a specific instrument of measure.

>If you don't want people coming in at 9:59, then close at 9:59.

If you wanted to shop when the store closes at 10:00, don't show up at 9:59. It's your responsibility to arrive with the necessary buffer to enter the store and find your item before closing.

Not doing so violates the NAP and you should be shot.

That's why the free market blessed us with Wal-Mart, friend. Open 24 hours with everything you could possibly need under the sun.

Liberals have never succeeded so they have nothing to lose. Winning makes you inherently right wing.

>It's your responsibility to arrive with the necessary buffer to enter the store and find your item before closing.
If it were my responsibility, then this wouldn't be a problem for you, slave. Sorry you're stuck doing a dead end job meant for teens.

But i am a teen
I-i mean im 18+!!! :)

>Sorry you're stuck doing a dead end job meant for teens.

Literally owning a small business? Do you think retarded customers act differently? If anything they're worse and draw even more bile when you're not going through 1000 of them every day.

why work hard? our parents worked less hard than we do and got more
niggers get gibs for free
low trust environment
being displaced
demotivated by the media
it's all so tiring

You don't own a small business. If you did, you would understand that telling everyone to get the fuck out of your store because it's closed ruins your small business astonishingly fast.

the ((owner)) would insist you make the sale

>Why do American liberals have such poor work ethic?
That's what the Kremlin says.

The math suggests otherwise. If most of the retirees are republican, most of the military, most of the Wall Street stock holders, most of the CEOs and executives, then the other half of America that is white and blue collar wage earners must be Democrats and Liberals - the American workers actually producing the wealth for capital owners.

Not a 1000% chance that was posted by an internet store...

boss makes a dollar
i make a dime
that's why i shitpost
on company time

I used to work at an electronics store and we'd laugh when some middle class cuck would come to the store to buy electronics near closing time. It's kinda sad

The problem with most liberal stores is when it says it closes at 10:00, you better get there at 9:15 or else you will be treated like shit for interrupting the work they need to do to close.

What a shamefur dispray to waste the time of others by arriving late to the store. If a shop closes by 22:00, that means there shouldn't be a single customer in the store left.

They use AM/PM Bulgarbro, not 24:00 clock like sensible people.

>blue and white collar working class
Oh boy are you retarded.
Democrats consist solely of left coast rich liberals and their poor urban minority pets.

>lazy fucks turn off store sign 30 min before closing
>hang out in the back so customers can't see them inside
>if a customer tries to open door, is greeted with upstanding melanated female who yells
"we closed"

I've worked many food service/retail jobs, so I will never walk in right before closing, but fuck if people aren't lazy as shit and it's getting worse.

Many of those shitty stores illegally refuse to pay overtime in those situations. Of course if the worker pushes back they are out of a job.

There are many factors but one that contributes heavily is everyone told millenials "follow your dreams" instead of "you will have to make tough decisions when planning your future by determining what balance of fun and financial security you are willing to subject yourself to."

This is how you get your food fucked with. Amazing how many of you there are walking around too. Oh well, enjoy your next meal :)

we use both
its not hard to count

Becuase they're entitled little bitches. If you fucking work hard, you'll fucking Excel no matter your industry, but libs don't wanna do the work part, they just want the reward.

I assume when a store means its closing is that anyone who arrives before it closes can shop/eat for a reasonable amount of time before they have to go. If you want all people out before a certain time, closer earlier

I own a small business and I appreciate any customer I can get. That being said, I tend to start cleaning up early when business is slow so when that late customer arrives its much of a hassle to turn everything on, and set everything up.

I dont take my annoyance out on the customer, in fact I act extra nice. They excpect for you to be an asshole and instead you prove their expectation wrong.

In a way, proving their expectations wrong ia much more rewarding than rolling your eyes and catching an attidude with a customer.

>Tfw used to work at brick oven pizza place
>tfw closed at 10pm
>tfw stopped making pizzas at 930pm (and we clearly had a sign up stating this)
>tfw people come in past 9:30 expecting us to make it still

>Oh boy are you retarded.
>Democrats consist solely of left coast rich liberals and their poor urban minority pets.
And yet Clinton got 3 million more votes than Trump in the popular election. Out of 100 million voters, that's a fairly close to more than half.

that attitude is why you will always be stuck making other peoples food

A person who gets paid near minimum wage isn't going to take kindly to a bunch of unnecessary extra work for a couple more cents to their paycheck, even more so if the customer assumes they should rightfully sit there and take it, or else they should find a better job. Staying inside the store to eat causes no extra work for the employee unless you leave shit everywhere when you leave. I mean even if you've never worked in customer service that should just be obvious. It's just basic manners. I'm always considering what would make an employees job easier and try to accommodate them unless I'm in a tight situation. I find it baffling how others don't. It is completely foreign to me, especially if you do this kind of shit regularly.

would save you alot of hassle if you just said that you close at 9:30.
If a service states they are open till 10, I expect to get served till 10.

They get paid to do a job. Management decides the mode of operation around closing time. You're all faggots who will die poor.

I once did this but the pizza-dude was extra nice and said he could roll out one more for me. Also let me eat past the closing because he was still cleaning. Would've left a tip but that's not a thing in Finland

Who ever said I make people food? Also why am I being lectured by a bong? Isn't your customer service shitty compared to ours?

>would save you alot of hassle if you just said that you close at 9:30.

we need time to close up the shop, shut down the oven and get everything set up for the next day
>If a service states they are open till 10, I expect to get served till 10.

the service states we stop service at 930

>This literally isn't even an counterargument

>Employee on closing shift, his hours officially end at closing time
>Pajeet walks in at 9:59 to ogle at some things
>Store now has to pay extra labor allocating for Pajeet so he can buy a 200 dollar shitty laptop and then return it because it was too slow
The unemployed and shitskins are the reason why wagecucks hate themselves.

who said you didn't make peoples food?

>that attitude is why you will always be stuck making other peoples food

>this counts as a lecture in America

no wonder your education system is so shit.

There are few scenarios where it isn't a problem to order right before closing. If you're a nurse or a police officer on a tight schedule and it's hard to get in time to eat, I completely understand. If you're simply an entitled fat fuck waiving around your five dollars going "muh capitalism" thinking anyone who makes less than you should kiss your ass(about 99% of you on here), well then have fun gambling on whatever they do to your food. I worked in customer service. It was only ever fat fucks and dipshit teenagers that did this.


are you a literal child? no wonder everyone is replacing retail zombies with real drones and tablets.

>Make wagecucking jobs worse and worse over time
>Be surprised when the wagecucks begin to get pissed
>Have to buy robots now since no one wants to stay an extra half hour to cook up food for Taniqua and he spawn as they rolled in 5 minutes before closing

Customer service at most places is horrendous. I’m 28 and make a lot more money than my peers. Most of my friends work in retail or food service and bitch about it constantly. You can make decent money as a manager at most places but they bitch constantly about having to do their own jobs so they stay at entry level positions. Not that I’m rich by any means but I’m middle class and even that to my friends seems like I’m rolling in dough.

This is true, but it doesn't mean it's not extremely faggoty to show up 5 minutes before closing and create half an hours worth of work.

I work on a sod farm and Pajeet is a nonstop source of shittiness. I had a pick up order of 9 pallets worth of sod show up at 4:50 (closing at 5:00), the vehicle they'd planned on picking up this massive order (each pallet is about a ton for reference) was a little moving van that was just barely big enough to hold the entire order, and the driver who was trying to haul those pallets around inside the van was a 5ft tall woman who babbled the whole time about how she needed to be in burnaby by 5:30 or some shit. By the time I'd finished loading that and then cut another 3 pallets for a pick tomorrow it was 6:45.

Currently in the porta potty at work

3 are being modest about their sexual image, 1 is blatantly fucking his partner in like a disgusting barbarian.

Oh and for reference, if where you're cutting is nice you can fire out a pallet in 7 minutes

I'm surprised the Europeans haven't invented a fucking metric clock and metric calendar yet.

Your assumption is fucking retarded.

It's assumed that if the store closes at 10, if you don't get your shit and leave by 10, you come back tomorrow.

Looks like day time to me

maybe they realize that most work is just more garbage making

One minute is not a reasonable amount of time, though - unless you're the flash.

>not celebrating the fact another customer has walked into the store intent on purchasing items that will sustain the business

Fucking scum

>MFW I stayed over 30 minutes after closing time to fuel a customers plane because they arrived 5 minutes before closing
Can't betray my work ideology.

22:00 is when they stop accepting new customers. At least most places here. Except when by law a store has to shut down business transactions, like blue law states.

Should have given him your tip ;)

Not really. I run a small business and i have a staff that needs to get home. I tell them to start their closing duties 20 min early so when they close they don’t have to stay late.

I usually lock the doors at closing and dim some of the lights so the customers know that it’s closing time. They don’t complain and it’s an easy way to let them know that they need to wrap up their purchase and not loiter.

I occasionally will get people trying to come in while the door is locked and i just open it and let them know that we are closed. If they are really looking for something specific and or super desperate I will make an exception.

>being such a nu-male cuck that you're afraid to engage in human interaction and ask the employees for a little extra time to finish a purchase that makes them money