BASED Buisnessman Protests Outisde Twitter HQ

>Based corporate-looking guy protests Twitter for silencing pro-white/Alt-Right voices

>Kike rat shows up to counterprotest and starts screeching about the Holocaust.

>Business guy drops some red pills about the Holodomor and other Jewish-led atrocities

Hats off to this guy. These were great optics.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"The holocaust happened, Patrick"
>".......Well I'd like to debate that"

HAHAHAH fucking based

wtf literally the corporate branch of pol LMAO. OUR CEO IS BASED

>mfw someone says the holocaust happened

A nazi is a white man who stands up for there people. Nice based white man

Also, why do Jews act like they're actual communists and not just swindling liberal retards. I love the kike talking himself in a circle about "checking free speech" and the libshit cameraman helps him out by saying "well bottom line, this guys a jerk, right?"


He calls his friend "comrade". Pretty sure this is only something communists do.

Twitter stock is a modern day Ponzi scheme.

Jews put on a show of communism for the whites they actually get to believe their bullshit. It's good for optics.

Good guy, wish I could buy him a beer

Is it just me or the audio is muted for 90% of the video?


I like this guy. Also keked at how the camera literately shut down as he began dropping the goods.

> silencing pro-white/Alt-Right voices

Awwww, cuckservatives and snowflakes hate it when a PRIVATE company decides who to serve! Change your diaper, hypocrite. Bitch.

I'm the grandchild of holocaust survivors, much of my family perished in the shoa.

It keeps switching from left to right if you're wearing headphones, which is pretty annoying. But it should still be listenable.

Bake the Fucking CAKE!!!

Because that's definitely something you would smile about lmao.

Consumers are allowed to voice their opinions on the market. If Twitter thinks it can maintain itself with only niggers and catladies, then that's their bad decision.


Would be total bros with/10

The video also cuts-out several times when he's about to drop a redpill. Jewish editing techniques.





Nice projection!

those are the most hideous glasses i've ever seen


>TFW the Jew has an effeminate voice and behavior, and calls his friend a "comrade".

Every single time.

>mah grandfather had to be gassed 92 times goyim!

>kikes holding up ant white signs
They aren't even hiding it even more


every time


>I'm going to Austria in a few days and I welcome the Jews to arrest me there.

Holy shit he's dropping redpills left and right. Normies beware, don't overdose.

Reminds me of Terry Richardson


I wish I could see the reees if he dropped the Holdomor shit.

The ADL is going to take down this video if it gets too much attention.

kek, shame it cut off

You know twitter is considered a public forum?

Watch the video. I fucked up and forgot to link it in the original post.

I like this retarded neo-journlaism. No longer is it about trying to get to the nature of the subject you're interviewing, it's nothing more than a way to accumulate good goy points.

can you prove that companies/corporations exist?

>when he just turns the camera off and kills the video

Make backups

Who is this madman? There is no way he doesn't post on here. He needs to run for office


> comrade
His opinion is discarded at that point

Well Sup Forums? Should we find and introduce ourselves to this man?

yeah the retard editing was too busy kvetching to get it right


what evidence do you have that they exist? a building? a logo?

could they just be a legal fiction(made up)?

Now PRIVATE company can block twitter or slow peoples connection to it

poor quality but wanted to get it in before the thread died

someone should make a better version


>Hi, how ya doin

Sup Forums was right again




what is that some sort of horrible hob goblin

Why is there so many survivors? It fucking bugs me, you come out as a nazi and there's one sitting just there. It's like the nazis didn't kill shit

Good job guy
Should have crusified the kike and lot him on fire though
That would have been better optics

I don't understand. Saying that you're being discriminated against makes you a white supremacist? Or does saying anything about whites that isn't an attack or condemnation make you a white supremacist?

>the Nazis reported the numbers-
>What is a Nazi?
>Oh, I know what this is *changes subject*
What did they mean by this?

They fully admit that they're "signalling" which means never letting whitey stand up

ive got a jew airbnb’ing at my house right now and he brought up the holocaust and said he was descended from survivors exactly like the dude in the video did

like, fuck man lmao you dont really seem that upset about it do you?

And with that the overton window shifted ever so slightly to the right
Not now, not today, but soon. Things are looking so positive.

Is that what that means?

Thinking on it, it's almost cartoonish and pulpy that a huge-nosed Jew of all people showed-up to protest the white man.

It's symbolic of the two major powers involved in the current political conflict. Everything else is just smoke a mirrors.

This is what kikes do. They change the subject and then insist they won the argument. It happens to Tucker Carlson all the time.

>you dont really seem that upset about it do you?

this! why the fuck is he on the verge of laughter?

>I invited my comrade here
>well twitter is a private company


Except liberals are appalled when business in Indiana refuse to serve gays but when business refuse to serve hologoax deniers it is "businesses exercising their rights"

There are hypocrites on both sides.

This obvious plant is the spergiest motherfucker ever.

Who shopped his nose to make it look smaller

Yes. We call them Jews.

Literally looks like a rat

Yeah, they really don't want goyim to know about the Holodomor. Notice how the Jew said he "doesn't want to argue" really quick as soon as the white man brought it up.

I'm glad you understand this,. the next stage in your cognitive development will be to understand it makes your side look like giant fucking retards to act that hypocritical and pushes away anyone who's even mildly interested because they know you'll just betray them like the jews will anyway.

Literally looks like one of those amerimutt memes

This guy is fucking good. I have absolutely nothing but respect for him and I'd be proud to shake his hand and stand with him.
He's presentable, polite and is going about his talking points in a calm, thoughtful manner.

Fuck that squirmy little rat of a kike next to him.

I concur dr.

So a jewish nu-male that knows yiddish and is an active leftist just (((happened))) to walk by?

Which one of you faggots did this

>survived the shoah
>my friend and comrade

When did the word 'PR' turn into 'optics'?

What the fuck did she do to that poor AUG

Look at the rat face on that guy

Take a picture of it. Oh, the humanity!

This guys needs a good name.
>pol's CEO
>Average polak basement dweller?

Digits of truth

Oy vey it’s like anuddah shoah

How can one be so ugly?

our guy did fucking great. Would have been legendary if he kept pressing the issue though

“Oh you don’t want to talk about it? Why not? Well here are some facts:...”

They believe it gives them an auto upper hand in any argument. Their joy is from thinking about winning that arguement in the future. Low level brain mechanisms rewarding the ego are what the jew fights for.

Nah man, I have an AUG right next to me. What’s with the awful bolt on front sight and ugly-ass fake suppressor