Previous threads-
The Sweden Democrats are the 3rd largest Party in the riksdag- Anti-migrant, conservative, and the best hope at uncucking Sweden. There’s an election on the 9th September next year, and they’re doing well in the polls; but the west- and ESPECIALLY Sweden- cannot afford to keep up the complacency this board has shown for most of the last year. Sup Forums has spent most of the year watching their progress undo itself, gaining followers but losing ground. It’s time to stand up and fight.
So was Trump. Doesn’t mean Hillary should have won. The SD want to halt Migration coming into Sweden; that’ll buy them time they currently don’t have, and will require us to get the masses to start paying attention to what’s really going on. Denmark has been under a civicnat rightwing goverment for the past 2 years, and it has been very successful in telling the EU to go fuck itself. Danish Folketing even passed a law stating the wont accept any more refugees period. One step at a time, people. Just because we can’t do everything at once, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything.
/SWEG/- Swedish Election General
.Cross link this thread in any slide threads & euro-related threads you can find. Remember to post an image so it catches people’s eye. We don’t want to distract from important threads, especially other threads working to achieve a goal; the ideal aim is to co-ordinate active threads so that Sup Forums doesn’t settle back into watching as the world burns, so if you DO post the link in those threads make sure that intention is clear.
.Start sending links to this thread to patriotic European Facebook groups, twitter/ profiles, & right-wing personalities. We need to get people talking about this, we need to get recruiting.
This is the outlining stage. This war is going to be fought on 2 fronts; The Swedish Front and the Western Front.
.The Western Front will be a campaign of Swede-shaming; we need to gather all the statistics, all the cases, all the examples of blatant government complacency that has made sweden’s government the embarrassment of the western world (which as things stand is a low fucking bar indeed). What little National pride the swedes are allowed to show is almost completely tied up in their international image; when the time is right, we will troll an entire nation into wokeness.
.The Swedish Front will be a campaign of keeping the SD in the public eye leading up to the election. This means focussing on the false promises made to the Swedes about Immigration; it’s cost & it’s benefits to Sweden. You can also focus on members of other parties that have crossed over to the SD, and their quotes as to why; you’ll also need to promote their non-swedish members. I know that won’t sit right with some, but we have to think like a normie if we want the normies to start thinking like the SD.
The silent Majority of Swedes are with us, but they are kept in check by a culture of peer pressure & virtue signalling. If they can see how many people stand with them, and against their establishment, we can break the stigma.
Swedish Front- Start contacting politicians who crossed the aisle from other parties & ethnic minorities who joined the SD, ask them to comment on why they joined & what message they would give to Swedes. Start
Western Front- Memes. We need memes. Specifically memes about the wilful ignorance of Swedes & their readiness to go along with the disastrous handling of their country by the political establishment so as not to be seen as cultural heretics. Mirant Crime is not the focus; it is how the Swedes are handling it. The rape epidemic is bad because their self-proclaimed feminist government is ignoring it. This is not an attack on the state of Sweden- this is an attack on how & why SWEDES created it.
Once we have a collection, we’ll begin the attack in the months leading up to the election- flood the Swedish internet with what the rest of the world really thinks of them, & flood the streets of Sweden with redpills.
.IGNORE THE SHILLS! Same goes for the defeatists. If you want to believe there’s no point in fighting, cut out the middle man and become an hero- we’re here to plan a campaign.
Under no circumstances are you to create fake accounts and impersonate A non-white living in Sweden. For one thing, You won’t succeed in redpilling Swedes, and if you’re caught then it will ruin the plan and the SD’s chance at holding on to third place, let alone winning. And for another, we’re better then that, goddamnit. We don’t need to *pretend* that things are bad.
>inb4 SD are cucks
critique our new posters
That third one is genius.
And the first one's going in the thread description from now on, thank you!
Actually, scratch that, these are all genius.
i dont know any swede and i understood half of them perfectly clear. i like them.
Doing what we can.
some moar
Did you see the front page of SvD today? Good news. Anti-immigration is becoming mainstream. Our problem is that moderaterna (M) is going is gonna take alot of SD's voters, since they are going a more soft anti-immigration. Besides, the moment they get to power it will be the same old same old (de vänder kappan efter vinden). A top priority of ours should be to discredit M, since otherwise this changing wind in the mainstream media will only be to their favour.
Descrediting S on their turn around in the matter will also be important to get those old socialists who believe that S has actually changed back to its good old self, rather than just (as is true) practicing "real politic'" - ready to change back to their " humanitarian superpower" at any time. Not to mention the eternal MP (enviromentparty) influence on them.
try and find footage or articles of them being weak on immigration in the past if you can, being weak on violent crime, etc. establish a record of failure.
glad you are getting positive news already.
Moderates soaking the votes?
A nice prediction.
A good suggestion.
Fun Fact: USs first joint military endeavor after the Revoultionary war against the Barbary Pirates was with Sweden.
I like Swedes, they're tolerant :)
Make a pastebin!
Done! Thanks for the suggestion.
sweet, now we really can get this shit going. good job bongbro!
Thank you for helping our struggle, Kartvelibro.
Good evening bongbro, I won't stay for long today but I was wondering if any anons finished the list of defectors to SD last night?
We're just formatting the information now. Pic related. Do you have the other 20?
Cool. Had no idea about that lol
Thanks for coming to the thread pal. We're only in the early planning phases but it is truly touching and very appreciated to see people actually want to help us.
Gunilla Gomér is one more that I found
Also, high profile Moderaterna-politician Patrick Reslow recently defected to join SD.
what's his plan for the police?
Increasing budget spending on them, increasing their wages, replacing current police force leadership, better discipline, better training, more direct/violent response.
>Increasing budget spending on them, increasing their wages
sounds good but a simple thing to promise
>replacing current police force leadership
very likely a good idea, wonder what M thinks about it (and why Eliasson still has his job, since I've understood he isn't popular among the police either)
>better discipline, better training
sounds like bullshit
>more direct/violent response.
also sounds like bullshit, but could maybe be true if they got enough votes.
Getting enough votes is what we're here for, user.
And they'll be able to keep their promises on wages & budget spending when Sweden isn't paying for Migrant handouts & cultural programmes
>(and why Eliasson still has his job
Because he is a cultural marxists with no field-experience. Our government are also cultural marxists with no attachment to reality. They decide who stays and who goes, so he stays despite being the most incompetent police chief in the history of our country and possibly of Europe.
These are both great.
Thanks, just posting to keep the thread of Archiving.
I hate slow days.
I'm heading off for tonight, gotta get up early for wagecuck. Merry Christmas, brothers.
r/Sweden is pretty large on reddit, i think we can reach out to alot of people if we start posting memes on there.
as much as i hate reddit, this could probably be a huge step forward into normie territory
>r/Sweden is pretty large on reddit,
no fucking wonder
Merry Christmas and Yuletide.
Join the discord and reach out to us anytime.
How Redpilled is it? People are going to have to distribute this stuff eventually. Thought I had a recruitment plan yesterday, but it fell through. Could always use suggestions for a plan B.
The Swedish subreddit isn't as bad as you would expect, politically. The majority are openly calling out immigration and politicians for all crime relates articles. The mods are massive commie faggots but no one respects the mods there.
Shit now that I've moved I need to figure out where the Swedish consulate is in Washington state so I can vote.
Society is a pendulum, its pretty far to the left right now, and it is winding up.
B is Plan B.
How can I help out?
Is this still relevant?
Will everything be okay user?
Everything is useful at this stage user, thank you. We're working on getting on posters right now, the most helpful thing would be to get the word out to as many people as possible.
They've been doing well in the polls, and regular swedes are getting tired of the establishment's bullshit. It's just a matter of keeping them in public focus. And when they win, it's going to send a hell of a message to the rest of Europe.
As long as we can stay motivated and keep bringing people in, then Yes, user. Everything's going to be more then OK.
This was a skit in the program 'I managen med Glen Killing', which aired in 1992.
I deleted the file.
I thought it was of no relevance.
Let me repost.
Sweden needs to unfuck itself.
And badly.
>Denmark has been under a civicnat rightwing goverment for the past 2 years, and it has been very successful in telling the EU to go fuck itself
a new law have just passed where even the social democrats supported it. It states that we will only receive 500 UN refugees pr. year and any minister of immigration can lower that number to zero if they deem it necessary.
The biggest leftwing party supported this. That is how far things have changed that last 10 years.
Snart så grabbar.
The grammar is wrong
On top of the picture it should be:
Middle text should be
Bottom is correct
You should add the source, I know state owned news station SVT publicized this a few years ago
Beautiful. Would like bottom row to be pictures of burning cars etc, if possible?
Should be:
Wrong grammar
Should be:
>[...] har köpt 94 bostadsrätter som totalt är värt 305 miljoner kronor [...]
I don't know if you want to use the term "handouts", people will definitly understand but still a swedish term would be better. Maybe
Translated: So what does 13,9m kronor in welfare grants look like?
Translated: so what does a 13,9m kronor house look like?
This pic is really good
>Ethnicity and sex has no meaning to me
>There are too many white men in my party!
From Left Party, formerly namned Communist Party...
Läs inlägget?
Vet i fan hur jag missade det där. Mitt fel!
People from Sweden need to be going around putting posters up everywhere.
Here is a pretty view from my home town
Från en svunnen tid
Thanks for the feedback
Do you have more of these pictures ?
I have contacts at a printworks..
I sure do
Thanks for the advice, I'll fix them. That pic is priceless, by the way! thank you.
That's the plan. About five months before the election. We're working on smaller things to do in the meantime, though; like triggering the feminists into protesting by pointing out the connection between Refugees & rape, & exposing ordinary Swedes to their hypocrisy. Also gonna be fun to see how many politicians publicly support them.
Id happily pay for some to be made.
Can you
a) link the sauce if any
b) join discord and dump all that you have simultaneously
c) share all of this vintage goodness one by one here, if you have the time and energy to spare
And thanks, I've been searching for those a while already.
swedes are such weak little cucks, if you try to take our welfare money we will just cut off your heads and take it
Link to the discord is on here-
-for anyone interested in working on this off of the threads.
Thank you but there is no need for that
I can dump in discord and search for the source tomorrow after work, I should have gone to sleep an hour ago
Thanks. It's in the twitter link above, Sup Forums won't let me post a direct link.
Got it
Pic is statistics from Gothenburg University
50% of SVT employees sympathize with the Green Party who I'm betting next election will end up below 4% and out of parliament
Could't find a higher version
Rolig meme fan.
hej sverigevänner
we don't know that
it is mainstream
we need SD to stop going more towards the centre