The ultimate soyboy litmus test

The ultimate soyboy litmus test.

Can you drive it, Sup Forums?

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yeah, do you drive it on the right side tho?

Yes, and I can double clutch.

t. Poorfag raised on farm in Kentucky who had to drive to school and date in a 1968 Ford dump truck resurrected from an abandoned mining site.


Now find me a rhd steering column for a datsun 521 so i can finish converting this thing

Can you heel toe brake though?

people call me takumi fujiwara

I own a 2014 4door tacoma with a 6speed manual in it. I love it, thanks based nip!

I don't think it's possible to have driver's license and don't know how to drive stick in Finland.

The world that exalts Pasteur and Pavlov, and countless other tormentors of innocent creatures, in the name of the so-called “interest of mankind,” while branding as “war criminals” men who have not shrunk from acts of violence upon hostile human elements, when such was their duty in the service of higher mankind and in the interest of all life, does not deserve to live.

>terrible reverse positioning
>no reverse a lock out
>angled reverse gate

Horrible. Too easy to accidentally grind reverse instead of going into 2nd while shifting fast.

3/10, would not drive.

Yes. I drive a 10 speed for work. Too much of a pleb with unflexable joints to heel toe correctly :(

>If you can't operate archaic technology you must be effeminate


no, why should i

here in the UK you must sit the test in a manual transmission car.
or if you are really to stupid to do it, you can get a special automatic only license.

Disagree. In fact I’d argue the opposite. Kind of like how soyboys / numales all have beards, driving stick is one of the few “masculine” things they may cling to in order to fool themselves they’re still masculine.

Also I don’t get the point. Automatic became a thing for a reason. Why needlessly complicate driving for no practical reason? All I do I drive to work and to the grocery store.

this coming from the same faggot that says niggers where kangz!

you only like archaic technology when it involves a black cock

yea, and i'm getting kinda tired of it.

I hate reverse on the left

it's kind of mandatory.

we have a 'special' license for people that did their test in an automatic.


British so yes.
it's really not hard btw, just put the clutch down and shift into whatever gear you need as you require it, when you wanna park after stopping just clutch, shift into neutral and put the handbrake on.
It's only awkward at first, you get used to it.

I wish it was mandatory in America to learn.

On the upside, it is nice when "men" and women alike are ooing and aahing when they see the stick (eyebrow waging). Feels good mayne.

>driving a car with a number stick

I'm a mechanic and I see soyboys driving them all the time. It's nothing special. They do it because it's easier on gas. The way I drive wouldn't be easier on gas though.

Also drive a 10 spd for work

driven one every day of the last 10 years.

Every car I’ve owned before my current was manual; but with technology advancements and the performance gains on automatic, specifically duel clutch systems driving a manual is retarded now when it no longer gives you any sort of performance advantage.

Yes, but why the fuck would I want to?

Manual transmissions are for poor european faggots and old men having midlife crises.

I've never seen a soyboy drive manual

It is, you can get a license that only lets you drive automatics.

6 speed here. I also maintain it myself.


You have no idea of what you speak.

Yes, and can reach sixth gear faster than your closed nippon eyes can see

I've never driven an automatic and I don't get how it works.
Can anyone redpill me on automatic?
Isn't it just like normal cars, but with no arbitrary order? I don't really get why the gear stick is the way it is. Why isn't it just a linear line?

It looks like there's a load of water in your car, what the fuck user?

>americans incapable of use a manual gearbox

What do you do?


Does it go in my butt?

Yes. I drive stick because my last car got stolen and niggers won't bother with manual transmission cars. It's a theft deterrent.

that the glossy wood shifter surround trim in the light.

Nigger, it was hilly as fuck in Appalachitistainistan. Of course I can.

Hell yeah I can drive it, I was taught how to drive in germany to boot, one of the best places to learn how to drive a car. driving automatic feels clunky and awkward to me I dont like it. A plus side is I know no one here will be able to steal my car

We're also incapable of using penny farthings and horse driven plows.

Why would we care about obsolete technology?

Truth. 8speed auto srt8 is faster than a 6speed manual Hellcat in a 1/4 mile.

If I say yes does that make me a soy boy? Because most of the soy boys I know drive a car with a manual transmission and throw that fact around like driving stick is the only thing they ever have or will achieve in their lifetime.


same car different knob

it's like a bigger go kart in all honesty.
You have Park, Neutral Reverse and Drive
and no clutch
So instead of manually shifting gears, you put it into D... and then drive....
It's literally a big go kart.

How often am I allowed to stall the engine before it counts as a failure?

Pretty much every car made after 2007 has a built in anti-theft immobilizer. If your car got stolen it's because you're a poorfag.

pls respond

I gotta say user that carpet is disgusting

Looks pretty gay, user, glad you changed it.

>Can you drive it, Sup Forums?
Never drove automatic one.
captcha Speed
yeah thats what I acquire in my 3rd WW golf :^)

If this is about the transmission system, then yes, I can and already do.

Agree, terrible position for reverse.

>spending money on useless shit when I can just walk to where I want to go

Thats e30 right? Could also be e34. Ive had one e30 and 2 e34. All red!

t. asshurt yuropoor that can only go 55mph

thats a big knob

Yeah but it's only for show and to help dumb rednecks feel superior to you.

This, except I bought a old GMC dumptruck and made the back a portable pool.

You can get a minor fault for stalling in OK places and handling it well, if you stall leaving a junction or something and panic and fail to break and get going again easily you'll get a major.
It's on the subjective. Just remember the correct gears and put the clutch ALL the way down.

I drive stick, but my back seat is filled with empty soylent bottles. Where does this put me?

And susceptible to government electronic tampering to kill you.

My 1990 f250 diesel with 5spd is impervious to this.

>it's gated for you

WTF kind of fucking fuckall fucked up newbie-to-the-manual bullshit is this OP???

I got my license two years ago but I didn't drive once since
I'm actually afraid to drive again, I don't know if I could

Because even if brakelines and throttle control is tampered you can still slow and control the speed.


well, it sucks.

i driven a few. best one i've used (and it still sucked) was a renault kadjar.

it essentially estimated which whether to down gear or 'chill' by how hard you press the accelerator. as you can imagine, the down gear only occurs when after the acceleration action instead of before. it feels kind of wierd.

never owned a car in my life because poor.
saves me a lot of trouble and money though because people drive like they're nuts.

But why? That's what I don't get. Why can't you just have a normal car, but instead of turning the stick left right up down you go up or down? Why does changing how you shift gears turn the car into a go kart and hurt performance?

This to me doesn't look like a soyboy issue, it looks like a deliberate engineering issue. I don't see why you couldn't simply press a button on the wheel to change gears. I don't see why you couldn't change the control scheme in any way imaginable without hurting performance.

Found the nigger

I don't like the force pattern types. It doesn't matter much mechanically, but aesthetically a leather cover is cleaner looking to me.

>pic related

I've pretty much only ever driven a stick. From my first truck to now.

You don't even know what the is plesure of the interior fine design. Stay inferior burger

jissis, the grammar. apologies.

Been driving since I was 9, got my first car at 12.

>e34 540 six speed Oxford Green and Parchment

There is a famous Swedebro who has the most 540's name is Stephen

looks like a wrinkly nutsack

I used mine for camping. Five people can sleep back there if you rig a tarp over it.

>That is supposed to be fine interior design
>It looks like the results of post-modern diarrhea

No, that's plastic.

better than a metal grill with a stick in it.

Who would even want automatic?

How you can Drift with automatic and compensate for the power loss?

English teacher please, only amerilards can't drive manual

yes i do 1967 mustang.

This tqbh. Save us america, gay men liking to touch the stick are everywhere here, I hate it

I'll show you a different knob

P is park, the wheels won't move
N is nuetral, it's like park in that the motor isn't engaged, but the wheels are free to run
D is drive, this engages the motor with the wheels. You do not have to shift as the gearbox handles it on its own
D1/D2 locks the engine at a certain RPM for things like towing, mostly seen in trucks.
R is reverse
S+/- Sport mode, you can change gears up or down at whatever rpm you want, but the computer still gets in the way and there's no clutch.

3(4) gears?

Indeed, other than 1 pickup, I haven't owned an automatic since I was in high school. I bought my current car brand new a couple of years ago, which is manuel.

Fag sticks. I drive an automatic because I'm not a small docked virgin trying to compensate.


Yes, because I'm a bong.

It might be a cuckbox but I like it.

how the fuck did you get out of the car? in the plants?

>automatic for commutes
>stick for fun
