Name a single more retarded, bestialized, pathetic, monkeyfied, violent, dumb, evil, murderous, shallow, ignorant, moronic, worthless, trashy and more worth of the rope than the Brazilian?
Brazilian HATE Thread
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Everyone in Brazile is a nigger.
You're too eloquent to be brazilian.
Where are you really from?
Jews, Muslims
Can confirm, we are doomed as a country.
Maybe we can get refugee status in Sweden?
Your country. You can hate it if you want. I'm not into hate Threads.
America is worse.
If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.
Facts about America:
- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously
America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself.
My heart is just full of bitter hatred for this pestilential race.
Every city needs to be nuked clean. Specially Rio, which needs to be nuked twice.
Muslims at least have a reason to chimp out. Brazilians just kill each other more than syrians do, and we are not even in a civil war.
We are far more toxic than muslims. The difference is that no one cares about us enough to bring us as rapefugees.
Fat Ronaldo > Fat Ronaldinho
Muslims have no reason and they're subhuman too. The violence in Brazil isn't senseless; it's to steal money and things or part of the drug trade.
Doesn't that shit contain sugar?
Ey mam, not legal
Your mother likes it.
Die, filthy animal.
We are all a horrible race and deserve to be exterminated like roaches.
Check crime rates.
Brazilians are way more toxic.
Also, muslims are a minority. Brazilians are the entire country.
Honestly Brazil seemed nice when i visited it
yes, quite a lot.
Easy for a video-gaming, yogurt-drinking, sugar-craving, basement dwelling fatass to blabber in an online forum about how shitty his country is while doing nothing to better it. Kys.
Brazilians are turning indo animals really fast.
>are tuning
you must live in a really nice place because where I live this was always the case for 99.9% of the population.
>doing something better for monkeys
The only thing that I could do would be to kill myself with as many monkeys as I can.
Brazil doesn't deserve anything good.
Brazilians têm mais que se fuder.
Where are you from?
I don't like Nando Moura, but he just had to pay money to some communist and he is chimping out now:
(Everything he said is pretty right)
I've spent a couple of months in Brazil and a visited a few ME countries.
Brazil = uncivilized and fun
Islamic countries = uncivilized and miserable.
It can be so much worse....
The Republic was a mistake.
You have no idea how vicious the brazilian is.
We are an evil race. This is a culture that has become pathologically convincing to lying, bribing and murdering. We call it euphemism and go on with it. Our culture has degenerated a lot in the past years to become an even more degenerate parody of american black culture. We have become animals who cannot think about anything besides bundas and dicks. And I'm saying this about a people that were never sophisticated to begin with.
The brazilian is a passionate liar and will defend taking advantage from others as a virtue. The state is omnipresent and those who control it can go through the rules as much as they want. The only chance of this country ever being serious ended four days ago when the corrupt president held the economy as hostage in order to remain in power and switch the leadership of the Federal Police and weaken the only judge who still tried to bring justice to this accursed shithole. His processes have been distributed to judges who are friendly to the government and we are having a systematic meltdown of everything that has been achieved with the Lava Jato scandal.
Meanwhile only 3% of the murders are solved in the coutry that has 13 of the 20 most murderous cities in the world. The police are garbage shit eating pigs who deserve to go first in the day of the rope. They are only there to extort and get money through fines. Our tax rates make entrepreneurship pointless to anyone who is not in bed with the government and our rampant burocracy makes it simply impossible to have a business and not be a crook.
Meanwhile the brazilian is devouring garbage. The example is the shit that we see on YouTube. Brazil has the worst YouTube on Earth: we watch videos more than any people on Earth and guess what we watch: shitty reaction video to bunda.
That is the intellectual limit of the brazilian.
If you paste all brazilian inventions on Word, you won't get 2 pages of text. If you paste the inventions of any decent country in the past 50 years, you'll get more than ten times that amount. Brazil is meaningless and has never contributed with anything to the world. Our only meaningful exports are beautiful trannies and professional ball kickers.
The brazilian is so demented that they will fill their air with lungs and call me an 'Entreguista' (macaco for 'having common sense and not loving an abusive person') for having criticism. They will raise their shitstained pants after and celebrate the glories of fascism and socialism, which they swear a monkey viado (faggot) will get right somehow. The country is an intellectual cesspit and because of the recent political developments in favor of corrupted politicians, there is no sign of any renovation for better or worse.
We are a dumb and murderous. More than 60% of brazilians are functionally illiterate, which means they can't understand sentences besides knowing the words. Also, our average IQ is 85. That means we are a culture of pointless sex, single motherhood and crime.
Brazil has no powerful jews in academia. We don't need them. The jew fears the macaco. The brazilian is much more toxic than any jew. The difference is that the jew has a sense of community and will destroy their host in order to benefit his similars; the brazilian will destroy his similars in order to undermine the host and kill them both.
We are worse than vermins. If we were replaced by any foreign population, this land would be extraordinary.
Proof? Foreign immigrants with maximum purity vastly outmatch the brazilian in income, knowledge, family unit and personal development.
imagine the smell
Why you aren't bad
Your language is exactly what down syndrome people sound like when they speak Spanish, it sounds pathetically disgusting and dumb, as soon as you teach portuguese to a child you make it impossible for his IQ to rise above 90, it is disgusting and you all sound like the fucking monkeys that you are, but even worse than portuguese from Portugal, is your retarded faggot accent, you Brazilian sub-human, people who haven't heard you chimpanzees won't understand, but your accent makes it sound like you're in complete shock and awe at everything you see, it makes any human being who is not a mulatto favela dwelling monkey like you want to rip their ears off, and let's not even talk about historical significance
Actually let's do it, there is no language more despicable than portuguese not only because it is an ugly and deformed version of Spanish, but also because it is completely fucking dull and nothing is respectable about it, NOBODY has ever written anything important or interesting in your insignificant language, if anyone wants to learn portuguese i only have 3 possible reasons i can come up with that would justify their decision:
1)They are mentally retarded
2)They want to be able to understand the half-breed Brazilians who will rape them and kill them when they go to any Brazilian shithole of a city
3)Or they want to read fucking 15th century maps,nothing else of significance was created in this ugly collection of guttural sounds
That's all that there is to your ugly stupid language, and just know, that you will live your entire life, speaking in that disgusting mistake of a tongue, and you should kill yourself because of it.
If you knew my personal life, you'd say I'm also part of the problem.
I've just become self-conscious about this SHIThole.
The pasta is right. Portuguese is garbage. The good thing is that most brazilians don't have nearly enough IQ to speak it correctly, so we don't have many issues.
Mexicans. I'm a spic myself, but these parasites in America are something else.
just kill yourself you virgin faggot
The Brazilian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Not White and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
And this is the intellectual capacity of the brazilian,
When confronted with any theory, the modus operandi is to call anyone who does not have bundas and dicks in their heads 'a virgin'.
hang in there, you are a nation of idiots but at least you have charm
why are you so oversexualized as a nation?
BASED brazilian killed himself to spare us from the trouble.
That is a beautiful name for an overgrown monkey colony.
>risk getting shot whenever I leave home
>risk getting robbed whenever I leave home
>get robbed inside my own house anyways
A-At least I'm tall, I guess. Thanks RNG!
Jesus op really hates his country lel and I kinda agree with you,brazilians tend to be the most annoying,loud,obnoxious,lazy and dishonest people out there
1 straight girl, 1 bi guy, and a bunch of faggots
I kek'd. Agree. In Costa Rica we have a lot of call centers and for some reason there is a need for portuguese customer service, so a lot of people are learning portuguese and actually feel proud about it and it kills me inside. I'm glad someone else sees how portugueses sounds like an attempt to speak spanish but with your tongue cut and mouth swollen.
>shooting a train driver
now THAT is just another level of mental
90% of Brazilians are short, ugly and FAT. Probably the fattest on earth. My eyes bleed every time I visit Macacoland.
On the wall, it's written:
"Trabalho Mata"
>work kills
Someone nuke, please. I can't take this anymore.
hmm, so you're shiting and crying in an international scale?
The ''thing'' is:
We complain too much about the next people around, and do nothing to help or make it better
Look like trostkyite champagne socialists. Once they run out of daddies money they'll go back. I know lots of people like that. Scum.
There are no legal ways to make this country better.
You know it and everybody knows it.
The brazilian needs to be either genocided or sterilized.
Well damn Brazil, when the bundas look like that, it's hard to think about anything else.
Grow up some balls
So you think the order is in chaos?
What is happening in your mind?...
They say that we need to ask for monthly fees for public university (by now it is free). I believe we can take the same ammount of money if we erase all humanities courses from the map. Or we could ask for a symbolic US$ 10 monthly fee for STEM and health sciences but psycology and US$ 3000 monthly fees for humanities.
it's brazil, for all you know the train driver was shooting at someone he was passing
>Straight girl
It's Inês Brasil.
>The jew fears the macaco.
I am not giving up this country. I have enough money to move to europe or usa, but I am staying here. Fuck anyone here who hates brazil, cowards. Instead, do something about the problems we have, never think it is over.
you're talking with a fat manchild in his twenties that never had a job, plays league of legends 12 hours daily, has one of two friends if he has any and potentially is a virgin/never even kissed a girl.
yet he thinks deseves to have an opinion besides having no experience in the real world, you meet so many brazilians like that on the internet it's pathetic, all they do is preach doom and cry like little bitches
Bolsonaro 2018 Lula na cadeia
Who does the Macaco fear?
Macaco fears Dollynho
The soup
source ffs
The jew will most likely get kidnapped as soon as they leave the airport.
Words have no effect on brazilians because we can't understand abstractions.
ID checks out.
Muslims a minority? They're 99/100% of most of the countries they live in. Islam is evil cancer that needs to stay there. You can't compare them with poor niggers who do crime to get some money.
Why the hell would you put it on yourself then?
why ppl from netherlands always show up on brazilian threads?
Ffs, pol keeps forgetting Haiti.
Muslims make 0.02% of the Brazilian population. That's what he meant.
I doubt that's what he meant. A Muslim in Brazil is also a Brazilian.
>Name a single more retarded, bestialized, pathetic, monkeyfied, violent, dumb, evil, murderous, shallow, ignorant, moronic, worthless, trashy and more worth of the rope than the Brazilian?
I have my doubts India is worse.
Choosing India over Brazil is choosing shitting streets over murder districts.
I don't know if I'd choose death over bathrooms.
As shit as usa.
>Don't say that, ó pá!
Como sempre o macaco vira-lata que acha que o Brasil é relevante para ser odiado.
Odiar o brasileiro é coisa de brasileiro, quando isso vai além das fronteiras, já é retardo mental.
please stop bringin your shitty loud castizo tourists to my country, i cant be bothered with them
your guess is good as mine.
leave Portugal out of this, real Portuguese is a nice language and sounds completely different to brazilian when spoken
>o cara que pensa que a opinião dele é relevante
Fica na tua seu babaca.
Macaco retardado.
Você mesmo confirmou que esse país é irrelevante e estúpido.
Eu não posso reclamar com brasileiros porque está cheio de dementes feito você na rua.
I blame socialism, promiscuity, promotion of black culture, the malandro ixperto mentality, and corruption of our leaders (that actually just reflect our own).
Not to mention they have weird recipes.
Sometimes it's cheaper to buy Guarana once it is old and can't be sold legally than buying water.
I don't judge them. Guaraná is really refreshing.
The Argentinian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Black and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
''Oh, my Argentina are full of other people''
Now pay attention my continental neighbour, in ten years Brasil immigration grows in 160%
Shut the fuck up
English and other Khafirs.
Every tourist is sold a lie.
You have no idea how it is to wake up in this hellhole every morning and know the kind of retarded chimp you'll have to deal with all day long. You wake up and you're already sweating, then you check your phone three friends of yours have been robbed. You have to be careful not to be trapped on your way out from home, as there are criminals looking to enter houses/buildings whenever the gates are open. On your way to work 10 different nigglets try to sell you poisoned candy, one of them might knock on your car window with a gun. Before arriving at work, the traffic stops: there is a destroyed vehicle in the middle of the street, some drunk fuck caused an accident and killed a family last night. And your day has barely begun. It goes like this year round, and when you think you'll have some rest there will be niggers chimping out because of Carnaval, new year or soccer.