Being born into a CIA produced nightmare

Why did the CIA works so hard to exploit black women's collective selfishness, and ignorance to undermine the black family and destroy the black community.

Did they fear the black warrior?

They fear any strong grassroots trend or movement that could challenge their control and power.

because evil is easier to justify for the greater good and done piecemeal by compartments

blacks proved to be useful idiots.

Jewish interest and holding power of course.They destroyed blacks and whites so don't feel to bad.

But white women did not go for the bait nearly to the degree that black women did. It may boil down to the fact that white men had more money, and thus the government was not really able to undercut their provider role with gibs.

Because blacks are retarded and have no critical thinking skills, only instinctual ooga booga chest beating and violence. Easy to dupe.

Maybe not then but look at the degeneracy of the modern western woman. Add 10+ years to that and see most of them end up like black women today.

>Being born into a CIA produced nightmare
Hahahahahahaha. Hilarious LARP!
You should be a stand-up comedian.

>western woman
Why do Kremlin contractors always speak English like it's a second language?

this is a good title user
free yeezy

i dont understand, are you posting photos of americans and imported african slaves sold by their own, that have the option to go back home to their own land and people, in some statement that should inspire whites to pay for their ticket back home ?
if so, you are doing a lowsy job, since these niggers have been recieving free gibs for 100 years, its time to get the fuck on home

Black Americans are actually more American than white Americans, due to the fact that most white Americans are actually 20th century immigrants, whereas black Americans are literal products of colonial era america, the only group related to the founding fathers en masse.

They have destroyed the family of all races, my fine dindu friend.

Right-winged brothers unite.

Best social security is a job.

If your really black. Join my discord

Can i join if im not a nigger ?

fbi fag detected

Go for it.

>falling for the divide and conquer like a typical nigger

coming from a black man, the best thing for both our races would be segregation and an end to welfare and other government services

>white women did not go for the bait
So instead they baited them with RadFem, and now they all vote for 1,000,000,000 refugees a year and will arrest you if you criticize them for participating in public gangbangs



I don't think it even needs to be segregation, just not forced integration.