Got my gf (European from Scandinavia) pregnant and we are keeping it. What can I expect over the next year?

Got my gf (European from Scandinavia) pregnant and we are keeping it. What can I expect over the next year?

A baby

fpbp. and they say armerican education is dire

BTC at 50k



An assortment of emotional breakdowns-

1. Get married. There might be some judgement at first since it’s obvious you are rushing things due to an oops baby, but in time people don’t even remember the exact timing of events
2. Everything in your life changes when you have children, but not all at once so stay calm
3. You will start panicking that you aren’t ready for X Y Z child related thing, but none of that stuff happens right away, everything changes over time
4. You will still have time for hobbies, maybe just less time overall
5. Having children is the most wonderful feeling in the world for a man. Embrace your child and use it as motivation to better yourself

You can expect the most amazing time in your life. Having a child completely changes the way you look at least it did with me. You can't imagine loving anything as much as you will love your baby. It's awesome.

What about Iota?

>RIP OP's freedom
>RIP OP's sex life
>RIP OP's sleeping schedule


Little sleep. Lots of barf. Tiny diapers.

Could be worse, you could be having a baby with an Americanized Russian woman-they say Muslims don’t integrate? Yeah, Russian women don’t either. They do,until they have your balls

My baby barfed like 2 times total.

>muh freedumb to drink every weekend with retards and pick up slags

She is not your gf if you raped it, Ahmed, and she is not pregnant if she is still 9

It varies greatly between children, seems to be genetic. My babies, especially my son, barfed up milk CONSTANTLY. My brothers children never did.

Mines been easy, and I’ve been a raging alcoholic 60 percent of time while working full time. Just don’t be a pussy

raped her*
>europoor education

And mine is almost nine now, must be doing something right?

It's not an oops baby. Stopped the pill.

When my wife was pregnant, she slept all the fucking time, so I had a lot if free time. That shit was halal as fuck, especially during the summer. I had tons of time to drink in the sun, mow the lawn, shit was cash. Enjoy it bong, once that baby comes, your free time is a lot more rationed.

If she was conceived on the 13th it may be a foal.