>the absolute state of Amerilards
UN voting
>implying we give a shit about what anyone else thinks
who are the other 7 rouge states?
no idea yet
wouldn't be surprised if Montenegro voted against, our regime are literally American henchmen
okay, here it is
Ameriblubbers BTFO
>thinking we give a single flying fuck about League of Poorfag Nations 2: Electric Begaloo [sic]
Hahahahahahahaha! Y'all faggots can GET FUCKED! America FIRST.
>America First
>vote is about America recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel
if this was a civ5 game, US would be fucked in all holes, but this is real life and nothing is as it seems. This could easily be a calculated event to trigger more, like Trump wanting to cut funding off to a lot of nations with a good reason (internally at least)
America is greater israel lol
>marshall islands
so these are the type of mongrel 3rd nations that bow down to israel.
oh except for the great us of a of course
Does this even do anything really or is it just another UN bitchfit?
do you think US ''funding'' is about helping countries, and not bribing politicians and maintaining their influence via PR?
don't be naive
ey if nothing, its an embarresment to US in the international stage...
>How to leave UN
>Step one, Piss off as many members as you can
This is a huge win for the US
It means we don't have to give irrelevant shitholes money anymore and all that cash can go towards the wall and infrastructure
nothing, it's symbolic, but it shows that 90% of the world shits on you and your decisions
not to mention your chimpout with ''w-we'll cut your lunch money if you vote against us''
this is a big fuck you to USA
as if
trump = all talk, no action
i thought mexico was paying for the reinforced fence
>implying UN has any power over the US
You guys are powerless.
Oh no, we are shamed. Please, if they couldn't stop us from shitting up Iraq, they aren't gonna stop us now.
>g-guys if we just become pariah state and such Israel's cock we'll be great again
UN was founded by USA you retarded mutt
USA DEPENDS on international trade and international influence
your orange daddy is blundering hard
it looked ridiculous, but theory that he's Russian asset doesn't sound so weird anymore, few politicians were this incompetent in terms of diplomacy in the last 100 years or so
Wait why isn’t Jerusalem already the capitol? Why is this wrong
It’s like the Jew capitol of the world
Do people think the town near it is the capitol?
Deus vult hahaha
you actually had some support when it came to Iraq, even in 2003
this is a diplomatic disaster of epic scale
even your traditional lackeys like Poland and Romania just abstained, they didn't vote against
that was then. you are not as popular and there are serious rivals to you guys now, russkies and chinks..
All this will do is trigger us to leave the UN. Meaning we won’t stop winning now.
>that was then. you are not as popular and there are serious rivals to you guys now, russkies and chinks..
Because mudslimes'll get angry.
Fuck off retard you dont have to like Israel to see that this is just a globalist plot to force nations into ding what the UN wants
So they’re always angry
You're thinking of Onigger. Businesses are flooding back to the US due to Trumps action. Not leaving, like under Obama, and claiming they won't be coming back.
>UN Security Force after US repossess all the equipment it lent
better stock up on oats
should like you should have offered a better deal
Agan, what can they really do besides try and make us feel bad? Sure, we may not be as popular but I doubt Trump gives nearly as many fucks about the need to be loved international as Obama or even Bush did.
Like anyone cares about that lmao
Lol. No one in America gives two shits about the UN
Why? We'll leave and any enforcement the UN had is gone, it's a joke of an organization that doesn't represent the people of those countries at all. Shilling for the UN is top comrade behavior.
>No one in America gives two shits about the UN
That isn't exactly true, most people in America hate the UN
>leaving UN
good luck, you'd be first state to do so, after Indonesia
holy fuck do you think soft power means nothing?
''not be as popular'' is an understatement
what's even worse is your retarded representative threatening nations who vote for this
this is a catastrophe
of course, American Sup Forumstards never left their state, let alone country, and it's hard to get a feeling how world works from your basement
>putting saudi arabia in your human rights council and thinking your opinion matters
The UN is a meme
9 states like to suck jewish cock .
confirming we give zero shits about the UN
That's the point. It really doesn't matter what we did, anyone wo thinks this was THE deciding factor in the death of any peace deal in the middle east is a complete retard basing their opinions in sensationalist news headlines. In truth, muzzies have been mad since their desert pedo founded their little cult and they'll continue to be that way until the end of time. If it wasn't Jerusalem, they'd find something else to lose their shit over. Pretty fun to watch, though, as least as long as they keep away from the rest of us.
Wave good bye to your countries free gibs mountain nigger. We have every right to put our embassies where we please if the reigning government approves. You niggers dont get to tell us we cant, doesnt matter what nation it is.
nah one of those is israel, and they only like zionists
It’s either we suck jewish corcumsized cock
Or Muslim uncut cock
Isn’t circumsized cleaner?
Why all those countries like to suck stink cock and not clean Jew cock?
Hmm I think country that suck Muslim cock have stank breath
Please close mouth rest of world I smell the Muslim cock you love like a delicacy
That is phase 2
Phase 1 is a hueg line in the sand
Muslims cut their dick sweety
>muslim male genitals aren't mutilated as well
weak bait
UN doesn't function well, that's true, but it's an international forum at the very least
and right this moment, 129 states with like 90% of worlds population across all continents told America FUCK YOU
if you don't think this is significant, I have no idea how to draw it to you so you can understand
A meme we created and perpetuate
>USA DEPENDS on international trade
There is no country in the world for which this is less true.
why do you want to suck cock so much?
You think that "influence" helps Americans, or just our political class?
I think Obama tried to leverage that soft power thing as much as he could and wound up a spineless, lecturing wimp on the international stage. Soft power certainly is important but it's not all you make it out to be. Look at Trudeau, everyone loves him but that doesn't mean the international community's gonna bend over backwards for Canada any time soon. The reverse is true of china. Everyone knows the chinks are underhanded little cheats but everyone from here to africa's willing to take it up the ass for them because of China's financial weight on the international market.
Fucking Slovakia... always on the wrong site of the history
>...but please keep sending us guns, food and money thx
he who wants least holds all power in a relationship
>90% of worlds population across all continents told America FUCK YOU
And we told them fuck you right back. Literally no one in America cares what the world thinks of us. The UN is a joke and will do what we say
They have all 128 names tho
>128 countries we will no longer contribute aid to
at least you have the support of Micropesia
>and right this moment, 129 states with like 90% of worlds population across all continents told America FUCK YOU
Euros only did it because they're afraid of another truck of peace attack and shitskin nations always go against the US
You suck the black skeleton cock
Australia and Canada confirmed no balls
Your President has a fucking meltdown constantly. I'd say you care a lot
And yet nothing changes at all. THAT is how pathetic and pointless the UN is.
>Sup Forums loves Islam now
I'm not even gonna debate with you, because you clearly don't even know what ''economy'' means if you can claim something like that
I'm not some globalist neolib, you are misunderstanding me, but when 129 states vote against you after your representative shrieking about ''taking names'', this is a fucking disaster, putting you on the same level as North Korea
remember 2003? even back then, you had plenty of states backing you
now, even your closest allies (dicksuckers) like Poland and Romania abstained
that should tell you the extent of this diplomatic disaster
Started as the league of nations under Wilson the worst President and finished by the 2nd worst President FDR.
It was always a stupid idea.
Embassy is still moving to Jerusalem. UN BTFO.
I think you should stop watching US media too much. Especially CNN.
I hope he has a melt down and stops funding the UN.
Why do I care though
You suck the Muslim cock close your breath
When are you going to understand that we don't care - or have to care? And that there's no winning over diehard anti-Americans like you, so why bother?
Marshall Islands
>Sup Forums almost unanimously agrees UN is a kike globalist effort, ineffective and completely useless in any conflict, constantly shits on it and its purpose, brings up the fact it was built by rockefeller jews and is another part of the jewish plot for global government
>except when they vote against the US
Oh no, a bunch of globalists are REEEEing at us again.
In case you didn't notice last November, we don't give a fuck about our reputation among assholes. The UN's time is over, just like the EU.
Remember when the US used to be world leaders? Now they're just world dicks.
I never said soft power is everything, but actions of your government right now are the equivalent of dropping your pants and shitting on the chessboard after the other player's check
There's a superhero who can handle those sort of numbers.
And he's getting released.
Based togo
Long live Togo
Togo best ally
Togo Togo Togo Togo
I want my burger Togo!
Who cares what they think
Israeli kikes > globalist kikes
Literally we made a move that we knew would draw massive condemnation... and then it did. Everyone in the UN votes against Israel on virtually everything.
Moving the embassy was a pointless move - basically just a middle finger to the world.
Lots of Americans trying to do damage control here but basically we look tyrannical and impotent at the same time. This is embarrassing but mostly for the administration, and who didn't already know they're retarded
>Making Jerusalem the capital of Israel makes you a dick.
Blow me.
America is never first. Israel is.
Keep talkin shit. We pay the most for the UN and trumps itching for a reason to stop giving you money
leave the fucking UN already. and dont forget all of our equipment and nukes.
america is the UN, we can literally do anything we want and you cucks can't do anything to stop it.
Try to prove me wrong
pro tip you cant
>why do you want to suck cock so much?
he's american
What's a shame is all the moslim shithole countries that have conned the world into thinking they are victims. gtfo
whys this significant?
it happens all the time but none of you matter
Oy vey we better support our israeli masters quick and the Goodest Goy, Donald J. Trump.
This guy has been a fraud and a liar. Sup Forums is an israeli puppet board.
So your argument against the US being a dick is being a dick yourself? I'm shocked.
however it functions, it's still an international forum
for a country that claims to be the ''leader of the free world'' and what not last few decades, this is a disaster
>putting you on the same level as North Korea
North Korea can only threaten with nukes, the use of which would destroy themselves. USA can threaten with money and actually do it. It's an entirely different scenario.