Unless you can convince me that Radical Christianity (ex. Joseph Kony, WWII, Crusades) is not a modern problem, then don't call yourselves "anti-terrorist", call yourselves by what you really are; "anti-Islam"
Unless you can convince me that Radical Christianity (ex. Joseph Kony, WWII, Crusades) is not a modern problem...
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Agreed. Even though I'm a Kekistani/Trump supporter, I think it's getting out of hand. As long as you are patriotic and stand by the flag and military, I don't give a shit on what you worship. That's not how civic nationalism survives.
No one here has a problem calling themselves anti-Islam, samefag.
samefag lmao
1 shekel deposited in your account
>modern problem
radical christianity is mostly an african problem.
all religions are shit but some are more shit than others
see video.
I wish
whoa.. twins.. impressive
>Radical Christianity is a bad thing
Atheists leave please
Nearly within 10 seconds of eachother, I deeply hope you shills learn your lesson before you end up in the lake of fire
> Westboro hurting people
When a loli holding a sign that says "God hates fags" is the same as getting thrown off a building by mudslimes following their doctrine implicitly in you're mind, you're moral equivalency has gone off the rails.
>Radical Christianity
Ah, yes, I remember Verse 14;88 from the book of OP's Ass that stated that "nogs should hang from logs"
>Westboro Baptist Church
>hurt people
Feelings don't count.
>hating Islam
What race are muslims?
>caring if the kike god punishes you
the kike god may be all powerful but hes an all powerful nigger who ran away from being a father. hes a fucking nigger and deserves to be despised like one you bible thumping retard
>afraid to talk to girls, father didnt teach him to be a man
>decides to just become a faggot instead
>decides to hate christians for having morals
>westboro church is like 25 guys
>only ever pickets with signs
>kkk is around 4,000 members (~0.0012% of the US pop.)
>hasn't done shit since the 70s and early 80s
>1.8 billion Muslims in the world (~24% of the world pop.)
>average of 38% of Muslims believe suicide bombing is justified
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Look at this fag samefagging. At least use a vpn if you are going to shill. But yeah, we don’t care, we ARE anti Islam.
They don't have anything they can say without complete dishonesty that would tie Christianity to terrorism so they try to rationalize unrelated historical tragedies as apart of their "ebil Christian" narrative.
>Radical Christian
>implying that anyone here would have a problem with being called "Anti-Islam"
>samefagging and shilling for civic nationalism
Could you make it more obvious next time?
OP is a faggot
And whats the problem with anti islam??
it's most natural.
Lets pray for it
By sayind that you're insulting fags
WWII? How is that Christianity's fault? It was a combination of crippling economic sanctions, bad political environment, and an upsurge in nationalism lead by Hitler in an attempt to claw Germany's way out of a deep depression. Christianity didn't have anything to do with it, though it is very arguable that the moral environment set by Christianity actually softened the blow since it imbued a deeper sense of value in human life on the Allies (And even the Axis) than has been seen in pretty much every non judeo-christian society.
The Crusades were a war of self defence. For centuries, muslms had been invading Europe, raping and pillaging every settlement that the conquered, and then forcing them into Islam. If you think that the Christians just thought to themselves one day "Gee, there isn't enough death, let's change that" and started a war, then you are nothing more than a disgusting victim blamer. Europe had endured centuries of attacks, kidnapping, and the enslavement of those abducted, and only when they were being pushed to the brink - to the point that they would be overrun and the City of Constantinople was begging for support because they had been besieged for years, did - did Christianity mount a resistance.
If it wasn't for the crusades, Western Civilization would have never come about and you would likely be speaking arabic and fucking 5 of your 12 year old nieces, and 4 of your 7 year old nephews. Forget women's rights, and it would be a cold day in hell that gays and trannies wouldn't be thrown off of buildings.
Learn your history before you embarrass yourself again by showing how shallow your knowledge is.
Samefag, same thread, same sage
>porg posting
absolutely degenerate
Ah yes, the standard bait thread. Complete with samefagging using memeflags.
MUSLIMS = SEMITES (not so much duh but still more duh than not)
Great - Im anti-Islam. Wtf did you think? Its a shit "religion" that shouldnt exist.
Also, youre a fucking idiot the crusades were a great thing to fight the muslim invading hordes
I'm proud to be anti-islam you stupid faggot.
you mean nigger Islam?
nigger and sand nigger people are niggers, change their Islam to Judaism and they're still niggers
if Charles Martel had lost and Europe turned muslim we'd be fine, stoning thots and faggots now and then, suppressing them for the most part, keeping everything trad and moral
nice deflection
also i'm a dyke
Please, please, PLEASE tell me you aren't this retarded.
>a fag insulting God
what the fuck
How is Kony Christian? They consider somebody that is not jesus to be Jesus' reincarnation. That violatest he Nicene creed which is the literal definition of Christianity.
Were to retrieve the millions of European slaves that had been forcibly enslaved by Muslims.
Get over yourself.