How do i read manga in public and not look like a total fucking loser

it's getting bad at this point

on your phone.

dress in a nice suit and hire some minority to hold it open for you while you drink something expensive

You don't

If you feel insecure about reading in public, either stop doing it or stop being a pussy.

OP, how is this not the first thing you thought of? There's a ton of shitty apps that let you read it for free too. There's also the option of just downloading it.

People sit on their phones looking at shit in public all the time, just be discreet and you should look like slightly less of a loser.

It depends on what you read.
Nobody will bat an eye if you're reading Wan Piss or something similar.

get really buff
also look around. most people are fucking loser freak faggots these days anyway

I read manga / books on my tablet or play videogames on my handhelds.
People don't care about what other people are doing because everyone is glued to his/her own little screen.

Well, except for a time when someone audibly gasped behind me when I started fighting a boss in Strange Journey and let a disappointed groan when I died during said fight but that's the only time I can think about.

Normalfags are so fucking annoying.

Just kill yourself.

>ng said fight but that's the only time I can think about.
It's as this user says.
Nobody gives a shit. And if someone gives a shit it's probably a person that does the same.

don't take manga out on the go unless you're borrowing it from the library or something, also, this

Google Images 漫画ブックカバー作り方 if irl.
Tablet if digital.

It's all about attitude anyways.

user. You just don't get it do you? You don't.

>step one:
don't look like a fucking loser
>step two:
see step one

stop being a pussy and embrace it you faggot. i read mine on the train, before class even at work. who are you trying to impress? odds are if you post here your probably autistic and anyone who would start a conversation who mistook you for a normalfag would realize in three seconds your true nature.

see, i dont want people to know my power level

Just dont look like a weirdo.

>hey user whatcha reading? Is that a comic?
oh hey stacy, its this Japanese comic book some exchange student in class recommended.
>oh wow thats super cool. Haha youre such a dork ;P

then don't read manga in public you mook

Manga are mainstream nowadays, I've seen a lot of normies casually buying manga, as long as you're not wearing a ha-roo-hee t-shirt and a Naruto headband you're fine.

>get cheap andriod tablet
>get sd card
>download manga to SD card

>He doesn't wear his Naruto headband in public

>year 2014+4-1
>caring about other people's opinions

Unless you are reading a doujin right next to someone no one will bat an eye.

Manga and anime so so widely accepted now doubt anyone would care

Don't worry.

You must be trolling. No one can be such an absolutely plebeian, phoneposting is bad enough but reading manga on anything less than a 7" screen is cancerous.

Yare Yare Daze

*tips cap*

>reddshit, summarized in an image

More like the modern Sup Forums user in an image. This is how I see every single Neptunia fan ever.

you can't because everyone knows you're already a loser.

Manga isn't the problem here.

So many normalfags on neo-Sup Forums.

>reddshit, summarized in an image
>More like the modern Sup Forums
There's not really a difference.

You're right.

t. autist

Hello cancerous crossboarder normalfag.

Wear a wig, say "sugoi" half the time, and if there is a sexy moment, just wank off.

Manga is a participatory medium, and you get more out of it when you let everyone around you know.

Whats the best manga app for android? I feel like every single one i tried is shit.

Loudly announce to everyone around you that you are not a loser for reading manga in public. Don't forget to include verbal ticks.

The problem isn't the manga, the problem is you're just a fucking loser.

Its probably impossible, I remember laughing at the Asian kids reading manga when I was in middle school.

Ok Chad.

Well, IS he?


Not my fault that OP is so worried about the perception of others that he neuters himself and that many people on Sup Forums are fucking scared little bitches.

Not to mention if OP was 6'5" and 270lbs of pure muscle, no one would dare think of him as a loser, except for OP who already sees himself as such.

But go ahead, blame me instead if it makes you feel better.

All he said was okay you overcompensating manbaby

Mods are absolutely fucking dead tonight huh.

Are you triggered, user? Stop being such a little bitch and read your manga in public, it's not like you've got to wear your nurutu headband and your one piss hat with your FMA hoodie while you do it to make yourself stand out.

Why make yourself suffer to be something your not, and if you don't like what you are why not make yourself better?

>It depends on what you read.
>Nobody will bat an eye if you're reading Wan Piss or something similar.
You live in Japan?

I agree this thread should have been nuked from orbit upon conception.

later OP and the rest of you beta faggots, i'm going to go read my manga in public and not give a fuck, like an adult would do.

Maybe the other way around

>Are you triggered, user?

buy a iphone or android luddie