White people are inherently evil

Look at this guy, he looks like a regular fat white guy right? WRONG he is a bloodthirsty ISIS Jihadi. Most of ISIS highest ranking commanders are white, like those two ginger guys. Whites are trying to take over the middle east by creating Terror groups like ISIS. USA is the main sponsor for ISIS.

"racism is a disease of white people" - Albert Einstein.

>"Imma finna bust a nut when I get into office" - Trump, New York Times, 1995

Say hello to Tom and Bob, they like to golf and watch NHL. Oh and they are two of the most important commanders in ISIS.

''NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER'' - Me, 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 & 2017

This is Robert, he works in IT and loves to decapitate innocent civilians.

None of these are white, they are subhuman Chechens

It somewhat makes sense, takes a White person to make the sandniggers even a little organised. They're still failing on all fronts, because hell, not even a military genius could win a war with goddamned subhuman apes as cannon fodder.

Oh and i almost forgot, NIGGER!

So you've just discovered that islam is shit? Bravo MLK!

With money anyone can become a leader. White people are the richest because they dont have any remorse to kill and take what they want. This is why ISIS is the most brutal terror group, because its leaders are white.

This is Michael, he is a Harvard student. He is also single for the ladies, he also loves to blow up innocent people and throw gays of the roof.

Niggers are also evil and violent. Fuck it, we all are. Asians are not even human. Same as slavs and arabs. Don't pretend to be morally superior, nig. You're not

You are right.

White people are evil and racist. They are also waaaaay better than other races so enjoy your shitposting while you can because white bois are gonna get ya.

As a spaniard I'll probably die taking a nap if whitey ever consider us a menace or a bother but they will probably let us live to manage their resorts.

Which jontron video is that?

How do i become a Chad Jihadi?


psssst pablo it's obviously just some white r9k LARPer.

White people are natural leaders.

For a second I thought that was fucking Jon Jafari leading ISIS.

Spaniards are the same, you are white cumskins that ravaged the americas.

Totally nohomo, but fuck that's one handsome dude.

It dude is Mongoloide ,not white!

Look like a amerimutt.

This is Jeff, he is Level 100 in World of Warcraft and loves to play all the Blizzard games. After his ISIS career of killing little kids he dreams of working in Blizzard entertainment.

>chechens murder innocent people
What exactly is so shocking?

you really think that "cumskin" is an insult? lul
>ravaged the americas
>something bad
pick one, faggot


Holy shit you're such a dumb monkey. Ever heard of Chechen?

This is George, he is an architect and loves to paint. He also loves his son Greg and teaches him to decapitate innocents like his Daddy.

islam will dominate the world

freedom can go to hell

Gingers are their own species you racist.

If all of the best people in ISIS are white, does that mean that white people are smarter than sand niggers?

Then you should fear us too.
Do someone fear you or are you just a pussy ass bitch?
No one is scared of niggers, just wait for your demise in silence. The important and strong races will kill you and ironically it will probably be the arabs who will get to you first.

You're their slaves now lol. Pussy niggers being enslaved by arabs while they laugh in your face. Don't come cry to Sup Forums, run while you can.

Less melanin= murderous retards

I know but Sup Forums is shit lately. It's like a Tv show series of filling episodes until the next happening so it's entertaining to play along with the autistic kids that come to our turf.

For all i know this could really be Jontron, we all know his hate for minorities.

White people will take over Islam and cast you aside. You are considered filth to them, throw them out of your religion before they take it over.

I dont fear you Enrique, Spain was a strong country before but now you are pathetic.

>be white
>do things better than everyone else

Is this today's Australia's perpetrator? A Chechen refugee?
I decided it's not worth to follow the story and have no idea.

ISIS was so well organized because there were many former Baathist generals in their leadership which new their shit.

No, that's Tarkhan Batirashvili on the right and he isn't white, he is west Asian genetically, pic related.

Makes sense. Shitskins can't into war and ISIS was pretty stronk for awhile.

Christmas is over yall, Santa just made an announcement. He has converted to Islam and called all the infidels to stop celebrating a heathen.

Little Johnny and Caleb are taught at a young age that all non-whites must die.

>I dont fear you Enrique, Spain was a strong country before but now you are pathetic.
If we are pathetic and dealing with our own problems what are you that have to go to an internet board to beg whypipo not to kill him? You're a crying baby and you will be exterminated because you're weak.

>Please don't kill me whypipo yous bettah mastah than arabs, please whypipo enslave us again we don't wanna work hard :ยด(

Most of these guys arent European, but arabs or chechens. Some arabs look very european.

One of the best threads i have seen here in some time

Fat white boys always make these kinds of threads about blacks and arabs. Yet this one thread about how violent and retarded white people are bothers you soo deeply?

Arabs dont look like this, everyone one i have posted are Russian. Russians are european and white.

Your right were evil and terrible so move as far away from us as you can

Oh for fucks sake, niggers kill each other and Whites for literal peanuts, at the drop of a hat. Its Whites who have enough empathy to send you idiots foreign aid, while you black lives matter shits don't even care about literal slave markets in Libya, because there is no money in protesting sandnigger practices. We have TOO MUCH empathy for our own good, that's the only reason we didn't castrate our slaves like Arabs did. That's why we have a nigger problem, while Arabs don't, even though they enslaved an order of magnitude more niggers than Whites ever did.

No, we're not inherently more cruel than you animals. We simply are better than you, in all respects. Even when we're cruel, we do it better than you.

Couple of white guys enjoying their Picnic in Syria.

They're chechens. That's why they have a "shishani" in their ISIS name. Their nationalities often tell their name.

This is an actual white ISIS fighter. "Abu Hamza Al Amriki"

Who supported the killing of Gaddafi in Lybia? Was it not USA and NATO? You couldnt bare to see a strong arabic country that was not at your feet right? so you had to kill him.

Where is Chechnya? is it not in Russia? Is not Russia in Europe? are not Europeans white?

That guy looks like an arab, all the guys i posted look whiter than him.

White people are the only race capable of evil because we have free will and rationality. No dog is evil.

Chechens aren't Slavs, we conquered them in the XIX century. They were not introduced to modern Western civilization back then, I doubt they even had a writing system.

Spain is European soil mein freund. Just make sure to take a nap when Europeans kick out the muzzies ye?

It's not because he's white. He's a neckbeard.

Shitskins are so inbred and retarded that they need white men to lead them into war. Hahahahaha.

The USJews and the goddamned frogs killed him, yes. I think the real reason was the same that got Hitler ganged up on by everybody, he almost succeeded in getting his nation out of the world banking system. He would've created a powerhouse economy based on the golden Dinar, free of debt to Jewish banks.

I mourn the death of Gaddafi, he was a great man and Europe would be much, much better off had he lived to create a strong Libya. His death is most of the reason we have a flood of niggers coming to Europe today.

Why would it bother me? I'm not white I'm just playing along.

Black people don't know how to use the internet, you're a white redditor and that's quite apparent.

Just don't break the inmersion and keep on with the LARPing. No more meta, ok?

Where were we? Ah, yes. You're the arabs little bitch, nigger. That's why you don't talk shit about them, because you're scare. You instead cry to whypipo because they mind their own business, for now, but if you don't keep your whore mouth shut you're going to get some lashes.

>Are Buryats not native to Russia? Are Russians not white? Face it whitey, pic related is WHITE.
lol ok nigger

Who gives a shit? they have white skin, situated in Europe=White

Only whites can have disgusting neckbeards and look like pigs.


No problem, I'll be in the sofa if you need me.

Makes sense, the Orcs need a human for the planning and organising

>only whites
Asians look pretty gross with neckbeard if they're on the androgynous or feminine looking side.


A white guy blaming the jews for his mistakes..why am i suprised.

Yes, pretend im a white guy. That would make it easier right? because you would be so afraid to interact with a black or an Arab.

You are a retard if you cant tell the difference between a white guy and an Asian.

As long as you fuckers don't try to exclude Slavs from your club. I'm Polish, see, and I'm still not sure what the GI stance on Slavs is. I don't think there's a chapter back in my home country?

Cant argue with that.

Now THIS is diversity

Again, white people do not make up the majority of ISIS soldiers. The leadership of ISIS is mostly ex-baathists (now dead) and post USSR muslim countries. With some arabs here and there.

Every person has the capacity to be pretty evil, regardless of race. Intelligence =/ good morals. The average ISIS recruit is more educated than his average countryman.

Im not sure what you're trying to though, are you trying to try to turn autistic Sup Forums nerds into muslims? It's not gonna work. Outside of ISIS you wont find many white muslims. In America for example, islam is heavily linked to being black/non white. Same with Europe. As much as Islam loves to claim it's for all races, they cannot overcome human tribalism (except fanatical groups like ISIS)..

Nigger, have you been here for more than an hour? US is absolutely controlled by Jews.

Of fuck off, you nigger larper.

You damn well know that Chechens are no more white than pic related is black.

This is Beau, he was always ridiculed in school because of his gay name and huge nose. He never had any luck in school because he looked like an underground troll. All that changed when he joined ISIS and became a loved member. The guys in his battalion are planning a surprise for him in his next mission. He knows that the target is a church and the only equipment he received was a weird belt.

>With money anyone can become a leader. White people are the richest because they dont have any remorse to kill and take what they want. This is why ISIS is the most brutal terror group, because its leaders are white.
rly make me thing why would any race especialy niggers fuck with us then

He looks like Tim Tebow lmao

Unfortunately i have.

The guy on the right is of african descent, he is considered black.

Honestly i dont give a fuck about what you are chenchen, mechen, bechmen. All white people look the same and its funny that you dont see it.

>Yes, pretend im a white guy. That would make it easier right? because you would be so afraid to interact with a black or an Arab.
Nah, it's much easier with arabs and blacks because when you insult them it's just HULLAH HABBALLAH MALLAH or OOGA BOOGAH PECHUGAH and that's it, you won.

With whites you have to take some time but it's funnier.

And I told you not to meta anymore, btw kid. Don't make me ground you. I'd say that I'd fuck your mom but I'm pretty sure you'd love the diversity in your family so I guess I'll trigger you by saying if you keep breaking character I'll pay your mom 0,75 cents for sucking my cock.

Shaun White doesn't have a drop of African blood in his veins.

The main driver behind this Whitey is Evil BS is the Jew, who is stirring up shit on a cosmic level, trying 2 deflect from the fact that ISIS is controlled by the USA/Israel/SA to do the Zionists dirty work in the ME; busting up nations for the glory of Apartheid Israel.

>talcum x is of african descent
hahaha now I know for sure you're a white dude trolling

Shaun Kings biological father is black and its clearly visible. Nobody would call him white, he looks either Latino(South Americas) or black.



>talcum x

Ive also noticed the same amongst Iranians. All their politicians and leaders look white.

J*ws are terrified that blacks will find out that "white privilege" is actually j*wish privilege.

>Arabs dont look like this
Many Levantine Arabs look indistinguishable from Europeans

dude just give it up. Go buy some grape drank or something

His father is paler than I am, you incredibly bad, inept, incompetent larper.


pic related is the guy you're replying to

>this is pol people will believe that's a real quote
Not a disease but stupid and gullible. Yes.

Whites are deficient human beings who derive from albinism, a deficieny disease. This is why so many of them are inhumanely evil.

kys we are not wh*te

>Most of ISIS highest ranking commanders are white

it just proves that white people are better

we can even out-do you at your own terrorist game

Your upper classes are paler than the rest tho, he does have a point.

Tbh, that guy looks pretty badass.

they just a bit pale because they stay indoors

not white, not now, not never