Who was the best Inuyasha girl?
Who was the best Inuyasha girl?
Kikyou. Hands down.
>inb4 Kagura
Why do guys like her so much?
Sango, but they're all solid 10/10 design wise.
Regardless of which animu she's from, if you're waifu does not have dark hair, she cannot be a 10/10. If she has retarded neon hair colors like orange or blue, she is instant shit tier.
Did Kagome ever stop being "Kikyou but worse"?
Most guys who watch Inuyasha usually will say they liked Kikyo the best and I don't really understand why? She's not really that fun but she does seem caring but Sango is like that and she actually has a personality. I would have loved her to end up with Inuyasha.
But Miroku was better than Inuyasha