Power of Nakama

Why do nips love this meme so much? Is it because of pic related? Or are they really that corny about friendships and such?

Because it's alien to them, about friendship

They're tsun about intimacy and displays of affection, so this is them making baby steps.

Its part of shounen jump's motto.

Obligations to friends and society at large is a means of control designed to keep Japanese people as docile as possible so their capitalist overlords can continue extracting surplus value from them without issue.

How is it any different from the cheesy family shit in Fast & Furious or GotG?

It's also why some of the most popular characters in those manga are ones's that go against the corrupt establishment or go their own way.


Early American superhero books were full of this stuff as well

>implying only nip love this shit

Both Amerilards and Ching Chong love the same shit.

Only children value muh friendship. Adults know family is your bedrock in life.