Is it real?
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Are you seriously suggesting that the reproductive systems of flies and humans are that similar? Are you retarded? Fuck off Blacked faggot.
people like you need it to be real so that you can justify your retarded biases
maybe you shouldn't base your entire life off of some pseudoscience you imagined in your mind
In flies, yes. In mammals and more complex vertebrates? No. And even then, it only occurs in flies that gave birth.
Ask yourself: "what if it wasn't real?"
It obviously scares the living shit out of those who've replied so far
this, why do you think you were to only to marry a virgin for the what, past 1800+ recorded years?
>What is: Basic knowledge of how human reproduction works.
Well we share something like 90% of our DNA with bananas so i don't think it's that much of a stretch desu
Yeah. And those guys of old weren't studying flies. Old knowledge, handed down then picked up again by modern science
I don't know why these guys here are shitting themselves so bad. Science tells us we're related to every 33rd person on the planet in any case
And let's face it, guys who're raising their wife's first boyfriend's kids can't complain. Because some other guy is raising theirs
Prince Harry obviously has no qualms about giving his name to merkel's first boyfriend's kids. If Harry were a future king though, it would be different and Merkel wouldn't get her foot through the palace doors
It's flat earth tier science
Yeah, in flies. Sage
Obviously it comforts you to think that
But even in recent centuries, men cast their wife and her kid out into the snow, literally, to perish, if they noted another man's gene imprint on the kid
I wouldn't at all be surprised if it had some effect, but the large majority of the genes are obviously from the actual parents, so does it really matter very much?
why does it matter to you, Lambright? you only fuck men and underage boys
false, this started in western europe only around the 19th century.
And a little before that, they were burning witches. Now what? Just because something was a common belief in the past, does not mean it's correct. E.g., if you're Christian, you should know that it hasn't even been 2000 years that people accepted this religion. And before that, they were praying to various meme-gods. I'm sure during the adoption of Christianity, there were lots of people advocating that Poseidon is the true God.
Roasties get toastie
It's fake science day/night on Sup Forums
You're in the position that requires proof. So just stop breathing.
>I cheated on John with Jamal and made a black baby
>Was totally telegony
Are you retarded or what? It used to even be illegal to fornicate, and any woman who did got disowned and/or stoned fpr thousands of years.
No, but there is the Baldwin Effect. This is the only method by which offspring can inherit "acquired characteristics", aka non-genetic evolutionary strategies. Humans are, by far, the best at it, because of language.
Can confirm. My mom loved bananas. She went through about 6 a night, even taking them into the bath with her.
>relying on simple historical myths instead of complex historical facts
If you can be bothered to find the stats you will find out that marriage often occurred after the conception of a child in Western Europe with a large number of women getting pregnant before getting married but ending up married at childbirth.
The general population/peasants were much less strict in their adherence to religious/social customs and rules.
>Is it real?
Zero evidence for it in human beings.
We are not fruit flies.
Far greater concern is that any woman dumb enough to fuck a nigger is too stupid to be having children.
The fact that there have been no legitimate or longitudinal studies of telegony in humans should give us all reason to believe it could be possible. It was believed for tens of thousands of years in every human culture.
Roasties btfo
My wife has fucked a couple of negroes in her youth, and our child looks just like me.
Sup Forums BTFO
I do know that I look more like my mother's first husband than my half brother did, and I was born some 20 years after her relationship with that guy ended and she never saw him again.
no, read the actual paper.
Also, whether or not telegony is scientifically true, we should still believe it is true. It’s a “noble myth” that encourages chastity and moral continence.
So he looks like a nigger?