What is /pol’s opinion on cigarettes? Do you smoke? What brand? Is smoking tobacco really as bad as it’s made out to be?
Not worth it. Yeah it feels great after long day of work but go a few hours without one and you’ll have a mental breakdown
Feels good but its a shitty habit
literally the most useless drug in existence. no high, no stimulation nothing. I strongly believe that only retards with 60 IQs can be "addicted" to them
Have you ever actually smoked a cigarette? Because that’s what I thought too before I started. It gives a strong relaxation feeling, and on top of that I just enjoy smoking them. I’ll kick it eventually but for the time being they’ve been real helpful in dealing with stress
I have smoked 5 packs in total. I am almost 100% sure they're placebos. you associate free time you have to decompress with the cigarette.
I smokes bong with tabakka
Cancer sticks. Why would anyone pay to deteriorate their health?
>It gives a strong relaxation feeling
Yeah after you got sick from smoking your first ten cigarettes. It's fucking shitty poison.
Leafonly.com Dixiebro. Free yourself and roll your own.
Because his brain craves for the nicotine. He has to smoke to feel "normal".
It's addicting. It's expensive. It makes you smell horrible. Why on Earth do people do this?
Don’t be stupid user, whatever feeling you get is hardly worth it. My dad fell for the tough guy smoking meme, he’s currently slowly dying of COPD in a very miserable manner. Quit now, like today.
Because it's cheaper than weed and smoking is fun. Also makes you feel like Don Draper.
>What is /pol’s opinion on cigarettes?
>Sup Forums is one person
>Do you smoke?
>What brand?
See above
>Is smoking tobacco really as bad as it’s made out to be?
I don't know.... There are less people smoking, but lung cancer cases aren't decreasing
its amazing how far some of you retards can take your contrarianism
Seeing all these "Truth" Commercials on the TV makes me want to smoke when I'm 18. They lie and make left-wing propaganda.
I believe that this post is probably bait. Is it the aura of self-righteousness? Perhaps it’s the hyperbolic nature of a couple of the sentences. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what is said that brings up suspicions of cowardly disingenuousness. There is probably a number of things in this post one could call inaccurate. I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-aged man that could be described as feeling inadequate in comparison to his peers. The events in the global realm of politics that have recently transpired might well be causing feelings of not just hatred, but of rage. We are probably talking about a very low quality and below average psyche here. Rather than focus on self improvement, this individual feels and desires to tear down other people, belief systems, and ideologies out of a purely spiteful emotional origin. Any reconciliation or attempted venture to educate this poster will be done in vain. In the end, there are things said, I believe, that can actually help to educate and inform us about the cold and brutal tendencies of our fellow forum users. However, I am skeptical about the scope and quality of too much of what was said on a purely ethical framework.
oh shit i can shred my own chewing tobacco?!?
why not smoke weed, user? It has a more substantial effect of tobacco with none of the chemical addiction.
I do edibles every night before I settle into bed.
I'm taking a tolerance break over the holidays and I feel zero negative effects.
Could you go a week without smoking?
They stink, I won't touch them.
Why does this look like an amerimutt meme?
Yep, you can. I do as well. Check the forums there and elsewhere for recipes. Pretty good shit.
They're for shitty people with no willpower.
They don't care about smelling like shit and making everyone around them smell like shit. They chose to become a slave to tobacco and should be shot.
This is actually accurate.
It goes beyond nicotine.
Chronic increased bloodpressure means that when a smoker tries to quit they will get sick from the sudden drop in blood pressure.
Smoking increases the blood pressure in the morning and balances the body back out to what it is use to.
It's comparable to how diabetics feel when they are low blood sugar, since smoking also increases blood sugar levels.
My dad was genuinely disappointed in me.
>user of all the drugs I thought you would try, after you grandfather died I never believed smoking would be one of them
Only time in my life I ever felt upset that my dad was disappointed in me.
Now reaching thirty I have to quit smoking or I'll develop hypertension and die within the next twenty years.
Why would you do it when you're asleep?
when I heard so many stories about them being so addictive, and my mom was really addicted to them for decades, I stupidly decided 'let's see just how addictive they are'.
I smoked a couple every day for 6 months. I got bored of it and never bought any again. I just don't get the appeal.
It is the stage one of degeneracy.
That’s what I’m saying man, so much bullshit propaganda out there why is this any different. I know people that are 80 years old and smoked like a chimney all their lives and I know folks who never touched a cigarette and get lung cancer and die. Maybe because the tobacco industry is actually owned and run by whites and not (((them)))
Good info thanks, didn't know this.
>makes you feel like Don Draper
so a degenerate?
Cigs are nice but it fucks your lungs/cardio
No way to out run Zogbots(cops) when you are coughing up a lung
Well you jerk off to trannies and futa hentai, but we don't go shooting you faggot.
I was thinking the same
Smoking increases T levels and makes you appear masculine and alpha, but only Philip Morris brand cigarettes contain the quantities of T boosting nicotine and other propritiary chemicals to make your bemis a throbbing destroyer, so stay away from inferior brands like Winston brand.
*brought to you by the ad council for flagrant faggotry.
COPD is no joke famalam
Smoking looks cool and is cool. Look how based Don Draper looks here
Quit smoking after 25 years. Switched to vaping just so I could quit. A few months after I lit up a cigarette again and couldn't get past 2 hits. When you're smoking, it tastes good but once you quit and your taste buds recover, it tastes like complete shit.
>causes cancer
>causes other respiratory issues and diseases
>turns your teeth yellow
>distorts your ability to taste
It's as bad as it is made out to be. Don't do it. Vaping to quit works. Just don't turn into those cloud-chasing douchebags and be sure to get a regulated device.
Look at a smoker on his 40's and tell me he look happy.
underage b&?
that's what I did because my dad used to smoke 2 packs a day until he couldn't afford them anymore. No satisfaction let alone addiction lel.
I do smoke weed and do edibles too, but I can’t really be high all the time, and cigarettes are socially acceptable in public, at least where I live
Quit 6 months ago after smoking for around 10 years. Noticeable improvement in my health, especially my cardio endurance. I do not recommend starting because it isn't easy to kick once you're addicted.
Eventually the "high" wears off and you need to smoke just to avoid the withdrawal symptoms, which are not pleasant.
you're a dumb fuck if you smoke cigarettes
so disgusting
shittiest money investment ever existed
An Alpha
So, the only reason to smoke is "feels"? You really said that it is to do "like in the movies"?
It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it 5 times
I do smoke weed and do edibles too, but I can’t really be high all the time, and cigarettes are socially acceptable in public, at least where I live
is this a joke?
indica helps me to clear my mind and get to sleep
I have a high-pressure job. It's nice to be able to forget about all that and melt into my pillow.
I vape do we count?
Used to. Quit though, absolutely a massive waste of money.
Sorry I’m on mobile and my phone is fucking up
>just to avoid the withdrawal symptoms,
I just get irritable if I don't smoke. Same as if I skip morning coffee (a significantly more serious addiction to me)
degenerate scum used to smoke outside my apartment when I moved in. now they're getting an eviction notice
Looks pretty gay, baka.Do you shove that up your ass for a gene confirmation before you can start vaping?
>not smoking only the finest hand rolled cigars
>Not smoking cigars only because you enjoy seeing some poor south american woman's handiwork literally going up in smoke.
You count as gay
Not only because it looks cool. It's fun and you see the smoke clouds go up in the air. I like making the smoke clouds and blowing the smoke around.
Whoa, I don't jerk off to futa
Nu-male epidemic can be directly correlated not only to soy, but also to the decrease in tobacco consumption. Cigarettes raise your testosterone levels and it's a well known fact that 90% of dangerous and tough men like soldiers and hardened criminals are smokers. Let's not forget the sweet taste and scent of tobacco leaf, a sacred plant that has been used for thousands of years to enter in comunion with the ancient Gods!
Sure, you might catch "cancer", but this entire world is a toxic dump, and that's not tobacco's fault. A lean bulk while lifting and a lion's life or the rest of your days as a soyboy sheep, your choice.
Draper is cool and is the ultimate Alpha. Far better than Feminem.
Nope. All you need is will power. I went cold turkey Everytime
This is what they really believe
Like to have something discreet while smoking
Oh yeah vaping, also know as smoking for faggots
Smoking is degenerate
If you have to smoke, roll your own cigarettes instead of buying from (((Marlboro))) or (((Camel)))
Withdrawal symptoms are connected to additives in cigarettes, not the tobacco itself.
I've smoked for 15 years, but only additive free tobacco. I can go whole days without smoking and it doesn't bother me. Out drinking I can smoke ten in a row. It affects my health I know, but it is a small vice luxury I quit enjoy.
People who need to smoke every 30 minutes are addicted to the additives.
If you're going to smoke, smoke American Spirits anons.
Lol youre not inhaling right you fuckwit
>I have smoked 5 packs in total.
It takes about 3 months of regularly smoking to actually get hooked.
You can get a high. It's sort of like being dizzy but in control. Nicotine highs are real. I'm an occasional smoker and sometimes I don't get the high, but if I smoke quickly or smoke after I haven't in a while, it can be quite potent. But it is short-lasting.
Smoking is undoubtedly nice to relax. It's why universities where the workload is typically higher have higher amount of smokers. Oxford is pretty big on cigarettes.
But it is expensive. It does smell (some like the smell, but in general it's frowned upon). It is unhealthy. It can be very addictive.
In my opinion though, smoking cigarettes (or a nice cigar) is much better than smoking weed. The effects smoking even a big of weed had on my brain was very noticeable and, of course, its dangerous just like smoking anything else is.
Smoking gives people permission to do deep breathing. The cigarette isn't the thing relaxing them, it's the breathing. Just meditate and practice mindful breathing instead, it works better, is free, and won't give you cancer.
I was hooked after my first pack desu, I guess it’s different for everyone
I smoked belmont milds for 15 years. Quit about 8 years ago and never looked back. Cigarettes are a slavery trap
fuck off, hippy
out of skins lads wut do ?
that's called forming a habit not that the substance is addictive in and of itself
as someone whose mom was dianogsed with tongue cancer recently don't fucking do it
dealing with cancer is unimaginably awful
and at least tongue cancer gives u sort of a fighting chance, late stage lung cancer is a death sentence
I’m def not getting buzzed off of deep breathing dude
t. Chest breather
As a person who was intubated for an entire month I can tell you that other than high end chemicals NOTHING hurts my lungs more than being around second hand cigarette smoke. I smoke marinuana daily and it doesn’t hurt me at all. Not here to defend pot(a shill thread, like the sexbot threads) but to raise awareness that unless you’re smoking pure tobacco, you have inhaling poison. It’s that simple
>>Is smoking tobacco really as bad as it’s made out to be?
enjoy your lungs filled with garbage and future lung cancer
This isn't even up for debate anymore. FFS.
Nicotine is similar to B vitamins I was thinking of taking b12 supplements.
What we should really be talking about is Nootropics because that's what nicotine is.
Yeah bro oxygen doesn't het you buzzed or anything
The combination of the persistent taste and nicotine makes me feel sick if I smoke more than half of one.
Chewing tobacco is pretty good though. I bum a chew off friends occasionally when I need some short term motivation for schoolwork.
Only for religious value.
And then in cigar or pipe form. Never a detached penis.
Amerilards ni56ers have no idea how shit their cigarettes are. All their tobacco is toasted giving it a harsh flavour. In canada the tobbacco t in cigarettes was more golden and has a sweet taste and aroma that yanks could just never understand
>traps aren't gay
Sure big man.
Seriously though, don't shit talk smokers too much.
Some of us just started when we were dumb kids, years of the abuse has reprogrammed us so much that quitting is comparable to quitting heroin. Smoking has a relapse rate that is roughly the same.
When I started the internet wasn't really a thing. I didn't have anyone to tell me it was bad.
I ran, ate well, and was in really good shape.
It wasn't until I was in my twenties that I wanted to stop, but it didn't seem important at the time because my health was still well.
Around 26 is when I noticed my lung capacity wasn't quite the same. 27 I noticed I fatigued a lot more.
So on and so on.
I want to quit, but one of the bigger problems right now is that I can't afford to. Literally I am so sick when I try quitting that for about two weeks straight i am near throwing up when I move at all. I have a job I have to go to, I can't afford to take the time off.
Despite what people tell you the only way to quit is cold turkey. Statistically anyone who switches to an alternative just gets addicted to the alternative.
I ended up smoking about half way through the second week, just a few days before the addiction can start being broken and the height of your stress is the most.
Some people have it easier than others, but i've been smoking nearly my entire life now in comparison.
I need to literally be chained down or put on house arrest for my own benefit. Which I gladly would take if someone would pay my bills for the time I was out of work. The money saved on not smoking I could easily pay the debt back...
that isn't how the world works though.
what a compelling argument
I smoke in moderation during the most stressful time of the year for me at work, ie. November and December.
I only smoke one pack through the entirety of those two months. I like it, but it is more of an excuse to leave the interior of work and sit in nature for a bit just relaxing.
Oh and I smoke reds because I want to feel like a mother fucking cowboy.
What would you recommend in terms of nootropics? I was trying to get ahold of some modafinil because I spend a lot of time in an intense working environment and I tend to get distracted a lot, but it's really expensive and involved jumping through legal hoops to get. I'd like something easier.
Too bad nobody cares because you’re a leaf
it is extremely addictive, so addictive that I see fucking lung cancer patients in front of the oncology clinic still taking smoking breaks despite seeing clearly how it's killing them
he's right though. The nicotine has an effect - it's not just "deep breathing" (though I do think that aids the relaxing nature of smoking a cigarette).
Can we please just ducking block these leaf and Aussie ips from even posting on this board, they never add anything to the conversation
I smoke Mary reds you smoke cock
I smoked Dark greens as a main for 4 years. I just switched to Blacks because menthol is bad for you and I am just starting to get sick of it anyway.