whites dont treat blacks undeservedly bad, but blacks do.
it's like justifying putting a bully in charge of the class: just because the bully is gonna be terrible doesnt mean the bully was treated terribly before put in charge.
also SAGE
Whites dont treat blacks undeservedly bad, but blacks do
Of course they are. That's the functional definition of minority.
Because I'd like to continue to have a functioning nation state. Example see- Haiti, Liberia, South Africa, Detroit, Baltimore, every other place on Earth with a black majority.
Ummm... what?
I'm worried the country will be in the hands of total fucking retards. Hopefully, this is a proper response to that incoherent meme.
>using a meme incorrectly
the second sentence has to actually say "tell me more about", you uber faggot.
sage and kys
fucking tard
>minorities complain about being oppressed 25/7
>wonder why white people don't want to be a minority
Being a racial minority isn't a problem as much as being a cultural/moral minority. We have lost control of the culture and the only solution is partition.
Well first of all there's the fact that nearly every single nonwhite majority country aside from a couple east asian ones are total hellholes.
Well, it has more to do with white people being responsible for every important thing that happened for the last half-millennia. No offense, but I don't think Jayquanda and Durka Allah Kareem Al-Jihadi are up to running a modern civilization.
Name one Muslim country where minorities are treated nicely.
Go back to Facebook plz
Take a look at South Africa or Rhodesia for what it's like for whitey to be a minority. Only whites seem to care about the under-represented.
Incidentally, many minorities (who live among whites)....likeEast Asians .... manage to excel and do BETTER than whites. So, no, being a minority isn't a bad deal in itself.
>are something
Can white people be a majority IN JUST ONE FUCKING COUNTRY???
In nonwhite countries yes. In white countries no.
Okay, let's go to Africa and make black people a minority then. They'll still be treated completely equally and fairly, they'll just be a minority. What, you don't like that idea? Blacks deserve to be the majority in their own country? Well, that's the same reasoning that I use. White countries for White people, Black countries for Black people, Brown countries for Brown people.
The left can't meme. And for a group that loves to brag about their education, they can't proofread either.
"the left" accounts for 2/3 of american gdp; come back when you're not a parasitic subhuman sack of shit
Technically, "your" country belongs to the Native Americans (brown people) but you made them a minority. Now you're being made a minority. Just saying.
If whites become a minority, every ignorant nig and sjw will follow through with the intent to destroy white people since we are your scapegoat for you being fuckups. When you still can't succeed, your communist subhumans will look to take what we have since you are so convinced we "stole" it from you.
With that said, you need to go.
Yes, we've seen how shitskins run countries, and we don't want to live like animals.
Prove it.
The fuck are you even saying. This “country” wasn’t even a country under savage Native American inhabitants. How could it be theirs if they made no claim to it.
kek at file name
Fuck the only reason your meme is effective is because of the shitty third worlder grammar. Yes minorities in white countries are and should be treated like second class citizens, don't like it, don't live here.
Rekt that soy boy.
Exactly. It is not a race thing, its a citizen thing. Many Mexicans are coming into the US who dont care for the US. Many Africans are coming into Europe who dont care for Europe. When your own citizens (in this case Europeans) become a minority, you lose your country.