>Sup Forums's face rn
Sup Forums's face rn
define racist
>it's not okay to notice reality
Leftists are secretly a rare ostrich breed that evolved to mimic human form
Then why do jews, niggers, arabs, and beaners do it?
>Rather Annoying Communist Inspired Silencing Tactic.
There you have the definition.
It's not only OK to be racist, it's a matter of life and death sometimes to be racist.
Racism has probably saved my life, on multiple occasions.
prejudice towards an individual founded upon the actions of other individuals of the same race
It's good and healthy to be racist, you inbred sandnigger.
>healthy to hate people over the color fo their skin
So it's not racist to say that different ethnicities have different average IQs due to genetic factors as long as you dont judge individuals?
Phew. I can still cal OP a faggot then.
>prejudice towards an individual founded upon the actions of other individuals of the same race
Ie: Pattern Recognition.
Ie: Why do Niggers insist upon Nigging.
I believe that this post is probably bait. Is it the aura of self-righteousness? Perhaps it’s the hyperbolic nature of a couple of the sentences. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what is said that brings up suspicions of cowardly disingenuousness. There is probably a number of things in this post one could call inaccurate. I’ll posit here that the mentality of the person behind the post is that of a childish, irresponsible middle-aged man that could be described as feeling inadequate in comparison to his peers. The events in the global realm of politics that have recently transpired might well be causing feelings of not just hatred, but of rage. We are probably talking about a very low quality and below average psyche here. Rather than focus on self improvement, this individual feels and desires to tear down other people, belief systems, and ideologies out of a purely spiteful emotional origin. Any reconciliation or attempted venture to educate this poster will be done in vain. In the end, there are things said, I believe, that can actually help to educate and inform us about the cold and brutal tendencies of our fellow forum users. However, I am skeptical about the scope and quality of too much of what was said on a purely ethical framework.
It's healthy to like ones own people more, especially of ones own people are superior germanic aryans.
>Ie: Pattern Recognition.
ie: pseudo intellectuals mistaking correlation for causation
But it literally is okay.
There is literally nothing morally wrong with racial discrimination, or any other type of discrimination for that matter. (Minor exception is if a public entity discriminates between its taxpayers on the basis of race or other a priori reasons.)
Sure, punching someone for no reason other than his race is wrong, but it's wrong because it's aggressive, not because it's racist.
Discrimination for any reason or even for no reason at all is not aggression
It absolutely is
>correlation does not imply causation
What if I don't like people with dark skin colour not for their dark skin colour but because the statistics say that they have a higher chance to commit a crime?
What if I have a company and don't hire darkskinned people because it could harm my workers (because they don't like those people for whatever reason, may also be racistic).
I don't see why am I supposed to be racist then.
>unless you're black
men are more likely to commit a crime, than women
at least be consistent with your arbitrary justifications
Also, too many Sup Forumsacks try to argue that it's right to discriminate because of statistics.
But statistics is not what makes discrimination perfectly moral.
Basic human rights and property rights are what makes discrimination perfectly moral.
The most basic human right is the right to not associate with people, and the most basic property right is the right to use your property however you want without violating others' rights. (No, you can't rationally argue I'm harming you by not interacting with you.)
I'm all about human rights, but the real human rights violation is anti-discrimination laws.
There is literally nothing wrong with being racist. Everyone is racist to some degree. Some just hide it better than others.
It's absolutely fine to hate anyone or anything for any reason at all.
then why are you?
then why do you pertanently try to invade others with your filt? ... i mean truth..
nice blog faggot
This isn't ok either.
>Germanic Aryan
Kek, a mixed race
Anyone who judges and defines someone by their race is a fucking imbecile, let's be honest.
SJWs who do it to whites are morons, so are you lot when you do it to anyone who isn't white, and in some cases, to your fellow whites as well (such as the Irish, Italians, Jews, Slavs, Spanish and Greeks)
When literally everything (((current year))) is deemed racist according to snowflakes, how about get fucked. See where this is headed?
>happy to be proud racist
It's okay to be realist.
A preference for people with similar linage to you and a fear of people of dissimilar linage is natural. Everybody is racist.
>Anyone who judges and defines someone by their race is a fucking imbecile
Even if this garbage were true, it's not immoral to be stupid.
Oh it is. Racism is hardwired into every human. Science
To deny my racism would be to deny Nature
Every race and sub group on the planet is racist
For some reason, they all believe it's ok to be racist against whites
So deal with reality
There is literally nothing important about a person's skin colour.
>You probably a white male reeeeeeeee!!!!!
pic unrelated
>correlation is never causation
>facts are racist
Murder and rape are natural too
Humans can use their reason to overcome base instincts
Well, at least some of us can
1. There are better arguments in favor of racism than anti-racism.
2. Tell the shitskins to stop being so racist then.
Have you noticed that skin color correlates with other things? Like nose shape and hair texture? Now get this- totally revolutionary idea- what if user, brace yourself, it correlated with other things as well?
I agree. It's not okay.
It's awesome.
>Asuming that's the only difference race makes
>Muh X race is inherently Y
The only thing true about this is that Canadians are inherent bullshit spouters.
Yeah but I also consider other factors like will to work, "bad" days, reliability.
If you are a company, statistically safer would be to hire a white male since you can't know anything about that person personally.
>the current year
>inb4 b-but das juden
>what is correlation
>how do averages work
Come on now man. I know it's an uncomfortable thought but just be reasonable.
Thank you kindly kraut.
Correlation != Causation
the fact that some niggers are civilised disproves your null hypothesis
There must be some other factor that contributes to the outcome. Race cannot be the only one.
That abstract doesn't remotely contradict the folk idea of race which is basically just 'x race tends to be dumber or more violent'.
Ben Carson for example
It certainly doesn't. It does imply something is going on though. Being such a scientifcally minded person you should agree that there is at least some evidence supporting racial differences, but that the jury is still out. Is this your position?
Define race.
Yotsubans are more closely related to Europeans than other 'blacks.' Eritreans are closer to Arabs than other 'blacks.' Greeks are more closely related to T*rks than Italians.
That's pretty much what the article is getting at.
This poster is toxic, it implies all white people are racist and therefore it's not ok to be white.
>leftist attempts to co-opt the slogan come out as negative rather than positive
It's ok to be white
Races are groupings of people that are more related to each other than to other groups. It is an arbitrary term that can expland from a single family up into entire continental groupings.
Racism is just taking two or more of these groups and noticing that on average they have differences.
It is, actually.
It's not okay to be a nigger.
there are plenty more, user
>we should kill babies because all babies are racist
i would actually support this
Yeah you fucking Jewish and Negro bigots. It's OK to be white.
"Racist"/"Racism" is a term and concept conceived by Communist Mass Murderer Leon Trotsky.
The only person who used it previously was a scientist who coined it in a manner that was ultimately not flattering to non-whites.
You're talking about "Prejudice". Which is something the current Identity Politics-obsessed left has a fucking preponderance of.
I fucking love it when someone uses every single big word in their vocabulary but makes a mess of structure. Its like watching a child paint. They use all the colors they possibly can and end up with a mess of shit.
10/10 if this is bait tho.
Yeah it is. Fuck niggers and fuck you
"When used by the goyim, the word "jew" is always derogatory"
-every jew ever
If you're not a jew, posting that image is antisemitic. For your sake I hope you live in a country which doesn't jail people for hatespeech.
it doesn't use the word Jew
are you confused?
It actually is. Liking or disliking nigs or w/e has no bearing on the other's life.
Grow up and stop being a pussy
Good shit kraut.
You can't write jewish without writing jew.
>"When used by the goyim, the word "jew" is always derogatory"
So they,re admitting that literally everybody who has ever been aware of them dislikes them
>the fact that some niggers are civilised disproves your null hypothesis
it really doesn't
>X is caused by Y
but what about this instance where Y is present and X is not?
really compelling argument there
now tell me about "the exception that proves the rule"
ugh you leftard copycats need to get a life.
irrelevant to the argument of correlation vs causation?
You really are a brainlet
Oh boy.
let,s say there are a few genes that cause you to be smarter. let,s say these genes are on average more present in one population than another.
Do you get it?
You have a 5 year old's grasp of genetics
It's ok to admit you're wrong.
Click on the second link there
It is precisely what i just said
Ok then how is this contributor: evolution. The continent of Africa, aside from the North African area we deem as part of the Mid East, are still living in mud huts, killing each other over nothing, cutting the tits off women after raping them then letting them slowly die.
If they own weapons more advanced than a spear or a machete they were brought over by a different race of people. Evolution has stalled in the central and south African countries.
Niggers have clearly evolved in other parts of the world. Ergo, there must be a contributor other than race
What part of this is confusing to you?
If race is a social construct so is racism, meaning it no longer exists!
Well at least they aren't emus
Reddit's main page has not been updated in over 24 hours so all the retards are coming here.
submitted 1 day ago
Zero part of this confuses me. As was outlined in my post, I purposely included the passage that said:
-If they own weapons more advanced than a spear or a machete they were brought over by a different race of people.
This had certain implications that I'm guessing you didn't pick up on so I'll spell it out for you: Without the direct intervention & influence of another race, Africans, historically, do not evolve.
As for the picture of Justice Clarence Thomas you posted, that is not a nigger. That is a black American. There is a massive difference between niggers and Black people.
How retarded are you if you don't know what a normal distribution is?
found the nigger
>only whites can be reprimanded for being racist
A lot don't.
The correlation can mean a lot of things. Pale skin is found in many Europeans, but it's also found in many Sami and East Asians. Tall stature is associated with many Northern Europeans, but it's also associated with some North American Indians and East African peoples.