Why are Indians relevant here?

Tell me reasons why Indians should post on this board? when we are bullied and laughed upon by everyone.
At first it was just name calling and friendly bantz but now I've seen enough, it's blatant poo in loo posting with poo (you), now nobody cares about our opinion.
This is why I've started memeflag posting and sometimes no posting at all.

I'm feeling sad and disgusted of you guys, because you are the only friends I have Sup Forums but you all treat us like shit. I think it's time I kill myself by becoming a Sup Forumstard or worse a /r9k/.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're such a butt hurt poojeet who can't grow a thick skin and has to use meme flags, go back to jewbook with your dank memes, retard.

>Oh Look at me, I'm the cool one!
Nobody cares about you user, you're just wasting your precious time by getting ridiculed 24*7.

>he joins social circles to be liked

I though you killed fags in India, wtf bros.

Dude, they insult you because your country is shit. Why don't you recognize that?
Don't take it personal, just acknowledge the truth.
And BTW nobody cares if you post here or not. And that is why I like this board, it drives home the reality that nobody outside of close friends and family give a shit about you, people aren't touchy feely fakes here.
Individualism is the real redpill.

>we are bullied and laughed upon by everyone.
At first it was just name calling and friendly bantz but now I've seen enough, it's blatant poo in loo posting with poo (you), now nobody cares about our opinion.
Nope. See Must be a Bengali/ Commie Keralite



>Tell me reasons why Indians should post on this board?
Here's your answer

If you won't listen and keep repeating the same shit like a retard then kill yourself mane.

>9318 (OP)
Well, what did you expect? This isn't a daycare for butthurt poos. If you can't handle some name calling, get the fuck off this board and go back to shitting in the streets.

Lol Indian ego detected. Remember your country was nothing, is nothing and still will be nothing. You see the above, you embrace it and work towards actually improving your country instead of how complain about how irrelvants call you poo in loos. This is sad. Your country is a literal shitter.

Its just bants you smelly poo

You premise is so funny. You're asking us to convince Indians to post here? Are you kidding? I certainly hope we fail and all Indians leave Sup Forums. As a matter of fact, if I never had to deal with another Indian again, whether it be call centers or convenience stores, I would die a happy man. Your country, all 2 billion of you, is the sign of the downfall of the human race - a true example of our inevitable regression to animal.

I've met plenty of alright ones in Singapore, India, and Australia. Although for some reason, some of them turn into insufferable assholes when they find a tiny bit of success overseas.


You're a subhuman race and aside from the doctor class your only success is franchise ownership which is heavily subsidized by the US govt in ways that is natives aren't entitled to. So we all pay for you to come here and give terrible customer service with your inability to speak proper English. Fuck you


>Your country, all 2 billion of you
>2 billion
Not yet, mutt. Don't meme it, please



You're a nice guy user, but even their doctor class is shit. In the medical field, sometimes you're required to make a judgement call - Indians can't sneeze without permission. I work with an Indian guy who called me in a panic (said it was an emergency) because a PowerPoint template he was using didn't specifically say what font he should use.

bitch lasagna

I'm sure there are already 2 billion, just nobody counts the disformed kids in the rural areas that your retarded countrymen think are gods because they have deformed extra limbs. I mean wow. I know America has some ridiculous things, but that is just unbelievable.

t. anglomutt


C'mon prajeet - I'm sorry Britbongs are the only country more sad you exist than we are.

we all need to get a fucking life. there is so much more we can do in our spare time instead of Sup Forums. posting here is fucking sad. nothing good ever comes out of it. sometimes even the things you learn are meaningless. this is fucking ridiculous. do anything else like read any book, take up any sport, get any hobby. literally everything is in your reach, yet you chose to post here. the fuck is up?

I fully support you OP brother

>'m sorry Britbongs are the only country more sad you exist than we are.
t. pablo
me no speakee the spanglish, amigo


>just nobody counts the disformed kids in the rural areas
>I mean, wow
>but that is just unbelievable
How old are you, user?


in mart?


why do 56%ers shart in mart?

Because my bosses are Indian and they don't give us overtime pay, breaks, or treat us with respect because we're all women and it's their culture to be cheap and sexist. I'm no feminut but your culture is garbage. I want to be treated like a housewife by my white boyfriend, not my poo in loo bosses.

Sup Forums will rip you to shreds

fetch sammitch

Go back to Pindustan if you hate whites so much.

Because you (((brahmin))) faggots come here and like you're back in india. Here you're not millionaires with a line going back 1000s of years. Here you're just another (((poo))) the rest of us have to compete with.
Also you don't know how to use a bathroom or drive and you breed like cockroaches.

Nice Nikki Minaj fanart. Really captured her benis well


I actually make sandwiches, unironically

Why do you assume I'm an Amerimutt?

bich show bobs

that's the behaviour of filthy amerimutts

finally a hate thread other than on Poland

Listen Senpai, if it's any consolation.... This is a pic (pretty fucking related) taken by a friend in the UK (Middlesborough to be exact). Looks like Pajeets are not alone in your street-shitting.

It's pretty obvious
That or you haven't read Bakunin

I love our poohs - India and America best allies!

Why do you defend POOs?

come here & give me a hug bro

>being this retarded
>obviously under 18

You Indians are pretty close to being jews and equal them on the narcissism chart
They launch dozens of threads daily and can't get enough of hearing and talking about themselves
Indians are the same
Sane people can't stand either of you

Fuck off then to Sup Forums pajeet and take your curry stink with you

Waaah! My fee fees were hurt!

I like Indians. And Sup Forums is a good way to learn how to take it up the ass on the internet. I'm Canadian. We get made fun of all day every day here because our Prime Minister is a colossal homo. You just have to learn to roll with the punches.



Haha you're one of the ugliest races and you shit in the street

Ugly yes, but not alone in the street shitting sadly.


Sad story, user. But it's just pathetic if that's the reason for your hate on Indian posters and not shitposting/bantz

Go back to Pindustan, POO.

the bants!
wow you sure got me, faggot!

Indian bro, just admit that your country was better when your curry was being colonized by the brits.
Maybe you guys need whites tell you how to run a society to make India great again.

Take your gipsies back!!!

American bro, just admit that your country was better when your mutt was being colonized by the brits.


India is based and Aryan, fren. Don't mind the poo in loo memes, they're mostly divide and conquer shills.


Don't feel insulted becauses shitposts sting of truth. I don't feel butthurt in the slightest about the 56% meme.
No go forth and bring the porcelain witchcraft to your people.

No, seriously. Why don't you go back to Pindustan if you hate us whites so much?
Pindus are not Aryan, you fucking street shitter. Iranians are Aryan.

Haha, Mr. POO if your ass was here you'd be contributing to the white decline.

What is your caste? tell us.

Honestly. The poo threads are some of the only comedy left here. You guys usually seem pretty good natured about it and crack good jokes right back. Every country gets dumped on here for stupid stuff that doesn't apply to us personally. Mutts, roo fuckers, dog blowers, Ivan, Ahmed, Pajeet, Sven, Barbosa, Pack, Jose, Pierre etc..
Please don't take your poo and leave.

You mad Paki?

Show bob and vagene

Iran = Always known as the land of Aryans.

Pindustan = Doesn't' believe in the Aryan invasion

Iranians = Persians = 100% Proud Aryans.

Pindus = Dirty black street shitting subhumans

>When there's roads
there are* Don't 56% the English language too. Reeee

>What is your caste?
Kshatriya. But I reject the caste system. The original varna system is the truth

>meme flag

Opinion discarded. I'm just a person with in interest in ancient mythology, pleb.

I agree about rejecting the caste system. Its actually horseshit to keep the Indians enslaved to each other.

Looks more pathetic than the Canadian army. Pindus are slaves.

Poo in loo

There are not any people who seriously believe that Pindus are Aryan right? Pindus are black subhumans.

Iranians = Aryans

Nobody cares about you, cause:
>Not white
>Invaders of white countries
>Dumb / knows nothing about the world outside of India
>Not funny (except unintentionally with the cringe shit regarding harassing females online)

>Kshatriya no remov kebab

feels kaliyuga man

>t. Black Pindu

i am indifferent towards you guys, most i've met were OK

i don't understand why you would keep posting here though , just to get bullied nonstop

>interest in ancient mythology, pleb.
Read about Brahma's perception of time if you haven't already, user

I'll share my curry with you leaves [may be my street too, if you hate mudslimes]

>not remove kebab
We do it all the time, burger. In fact the highest mudslime deaths in a single riot by non muslims of this century has happened in India [ was conducted by our current prime minister]
Estimated (unofficial) muzzi deaths upto 2000 plus 2,500 injured


One of your gayest men runs out cuntreee for fuck sake. Get over yourself and have a good long turd outside the nearest mosque

Pajeets like you are one of the reasons behind Sup Forums's consistent hatred for poos. You're weak, stupid, annoying and pathetic and thus you preach for "equality" as a means to dumb down the honesty of the board and "friendly" acceptable behaviors for your feeble autistic mind but you easily forget that this is Sup Forums not Tumblr. You'll have no "safe-space" here. If you don't like it then don't come here, you Dalit untouchable faggot! The strong and the powerful doesn't moan and screech "white people doesn't acknowledge me." They conquer and dominate people with their intellectual opinions and views, not attention whoring with victim mentality. Also, you disgust me with your dalit existence. I'd suggest you kill yourself by cutting your wrist vertically. Or better yet, pour petrol on your dick and burn it off. Or just drink poison and hang yourself. Just leave no possible chance of survival!

>low confidence region
No shit. I’d not want to be a sailor on their aircraft carrier either,

sorry senpai
just use a meme flag for now
perhaps some day india will genocide their muslims and you will be respected.........

top kek

why can't you punk amerifags do it yourselves? oh right because now you've got a new wtc building.

Oh what poo, your on team muslim now?

What did this POO mean by this?

> This is why I've started memeflag posting and sometimes no posting at all.
You think anyone cares if you stop posting? Are you that naive and stupid?

You can't even speak English you stupid 56% cunt. This Amerimutt does not reflect the white race.

Amerimutts and Indians can both fuck off of Sup Forums. This is a European (exc. Sweden) board now!