>implying there is anything wrong with this
Implying there is anything wrong with this
Other urls found in this thread:
smoking weed is homo
What are you twelve? Just smoke it, dont flaunt it like a douche.
No it isn't, you square monodimensional nigger. Properly done, weed is a great enlightener, gradually shifts your perspective on the shitshow we call reality and makes you a better person in the process.
Just certain strains though, mostly strong Sativas. Those are almost like mushrooms, high-wise. Some others will fuck up your life by turning you into a nihilist, couch potato scumbag.
Idk man
If there was fighting in the street against the degenerates I would join in a heart beat
but it appears as if western civilization is dying
>tips fedora
People who deal drugs to the wrong people should be punished.
Is that even weed?
0/10 looks like trash. Also sage you fucking retard.
Your weed looks jaundiced brah
There isn't, same with video games. And like video games if you're too into that shit you turn into a null faggot nobody likes.
I suspect that he raided his Italian mother's spice rack for that herb.
It's been vaped already. OP and all these threads are just weak baiting trying to anger people against a plant for Big Pharma. It's the same reason nigger culture (run by Jews) revolved around weed. False flagging.
Nice mexican cartel shit brick tier weed. You are literally funding paco and raul in beheading your fellow Americans you piece of shit. Better pray that shit isn't moldy like most mexican brick is. You'll be sorry you ever smoked that shit in 5-10 years once you have a fungal infection that you can't cure and the doctors don't know why that chest infection just won't go away.
This. OP had to suck a lotta dong for that.
Pretty much. The weed culture that surrounds it is more degenerate than the drug itself
I smoke tiny personal sized bowls of sativa at the end of the day. Maybe if Im visiting a friend I'll smoke earlier. If it's a day off and I've been especially productive early in the day, I might light up at 4:20
What American has ever been beheaded by cartel members in the USA?
Who wasn't an illegal immigrant? I can wait
Pot is for losers. It turns people into apathetic low-energy low-motivated soyboys.
> almost 2018
> still saying soyboy
muh weed is magic
>Just certain strains though, mostly strong Sativas.
Such as?
Please elaborate.
I happen to live somewhere that has legal recreational weed, so I can just ask for sativa dominant strains.
White widow is a great example of one. Jack Hurrare too
>I need weed because it makes me a better person
I hate "potheads" like you. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for weed smoking and I'm high now but if you have a need justify why you smoke it you are full of shit and should stop right now. Heard all before. You are no shaman, you are not a scientist. You sound like a 19 year old punk that just had his first trip on mushrooms and think you got the world figured out. There is nothing wrong with smoking weed but people that act like tasters about it should just go fuck themselves
> jack hurrare
Weedlet detected.
Don't worry about strains, just smoke whatever has the highest THC concentration.
>herbal jew
I smoke all the time. It's getting more socially acceptable by the year. Just relax, it'll be legal in the center-left states within a decade.
Im not implying, Im straight telling you it is nigger fag shit.
>don't worry about the strains
Big difference between sativa and indica.
>weed is a great ((enlightener))
>((shifts your perspective ))
If you're a pussy with no tolerance for real intoxication, maybe. Weed is nothing, even when you dab wax straight off a blow torch.
this is why drug dealing is degenerate. Make weed a medication, give it through pharmacies. Problem greatly improved.
Man i remember when i first started smoking.
Absolutely degenerate
Yeah, it was like taking a psychedelic. For anyone who isn't a weedlet it's like having a beer, so fuck you and your strains. Marijuana is nothing.
But sativa and indica are noticably different. Are you being retarded on purpose or have you never actually smoked weed?
t. pussy with no tolerance or drug experience at all
Woah look out guys. It's someone who has the mentality of all of the losers I hung out with in high school who have illegitimate kids, and work landscaping jobs.
Not an argument, retard, go smoke some more of your sativa and have a wild trip. LMAO.
user I echo the question presented: Are you retarded? Sativa and Indica have fairly different pharmacological effects. They're two different species you asshole, like sapiens and neanderthalensis. They're further apart from eachother than niggers are from white people.
Not an argument, fag, I said they feel exactly the same. Now go fuckin' smoke half a joint and trip out for four hours, you THC-intolerant little hoe.
>Not an argument, fag, I said they feel exactly the same
Actually yes, pointing out how they are two separate species with differing psychoactive effects is an argument. Your argument "I said they feel exactly the same" is an anecdote with absolutely no evidence, thus fallacious. At least try to hold a conversation.
That wasn't an argument, try it again. Or have the two hits of sativa you've taken put you into a psychedelic trance?
how pathetic is your life that you have to larp as a weed smoker on pol
I'm just going to go ahead and file you under "retarded" now. Thanks for clarifying.
You did make an argument, but whats more funny is you making fun of other people that aren't on your dabtard power level. Now go fuckin' dab a gram of wax in one hit and tell yourself how much of a badass you are. I bet you smell like swisher roaches and cheese.
Neither of these embarrassments are arguments, lmao. How sad. Guess those two puffs of that sativa joint must have you completely tripping out.
No point in dabbing that much, it just makes you fall asleep. We all use real drugs, bro. The cocaine, the skwog, the LSD, the crystal x, the DMT.
Taking marijuana is simply something to pass the time.
What's wrong with it is that it's old weed.
>Taking marijuana
Woah you're sick bro, spoken like every addict I've sold to who flaunts their neurological damage like badge of honor.
Thanks for reminding me why I never used the coke, xans, molly, or acid that I sold - Just got my Rochester acceptance letter and you're making fun of people because you can't feel anything, thanks for the cheer up bud
> bragging about selling drugs on Sup Forums
lmao, really sad.
It's not even untrue
It looks more like Spice which comes from Greatest Ally
I work a high pressure job. I use edibles every night before I go to sleep. Helps me to take my mind off the job.
I'm taking a tolerance break over the holidays. No withdrawals whatsoever.
mate, just got an oz of the finest shit Ive seen for a while.
Merry christmas OP
Isn't a lower tolerance preferable? Spending less money right?
Weed is fun, it can be enlightening and medicinal. But mostly its fun. There is nothing wrong with weed or "potheads" its simply a plant that people like to smoke.
The people who have a problem with this are supreme spergs.
This has been my point for a while. These kids remind me of friends from high school that would tell you the exact number of drinks they had over the weekend. No one fucking cares.
>not throwing it away after the first vape
>being this poor
Came here to say this
Idk man, not being able to write one sentence without an unnecessary swearword isn't really the way to show everyone how enlightening weed is.
dude, why are you smoking pregano's?
Bragging about tolerance is for degenerates
Learn how to roll a joint fag. That little amount of weed wouldn’t do shit !
You are retarded though. Root cause of a lot of the world's problems, is ignorant people acting like they know anything.
Not an argument, bitch, try it again pussy. That is, if the two hits of sativa you took haven't completely fried your brain.
In theory, yes. In practice, lots of people get panic attacks because they get higher than they can handle. If you're not a two toke joke, this isn't going to be an issue.
Yes Indica is a fucked up depressing body stone that just makes shit weird and stupid
Sativa is the real deal, the one that changes your thinking in a very positive way.
It looks like that synthetic shit that makes your run down the street naked gouging the eyes out of old ladies.
there is.....that Brown ass weed looks lime shit
I think weed changed in the last few years, in two ways at least:
1) It became a major allergen, as though some bad genes were spliced into the pot genome worldwide.
A little bit of coughing and wheezing has always been part of the game, but it's just madness now (for me).
We're talking endless snot, runny nose, incessant coughing to clear phlegm that will NOT go away. Terrible wheezing. Choking on phlegm, barfing as a result.
Maybe this is just me? It was enough to get me to quit (mostly).
2) The quality of the high.
Less fun and laughy, far more anxiety-inducing. It's just not chill anymore. Maybe the CBD ratios or something.
Pipe resin unironically gives me a much more enjoyable 'stone'.
>tfw you will never march alongside a gold cross adorning whatever armor your skill in Mohammedan slaying earned
>not sipping significant sums of silly syrup
i've never seen weed that shitty in my entire life
Get out of our state . Moving here to smoke your degenerate substance, and driving up cost of living for the locals, and voting against our gun laws.