>go to a bakery to buy a cake to celebrate me and my bf's relationship
>owner refuses me because he is religious
This is true oppression. Only crazy reactionaries would favor discrimination. Christcocks think they should have all kinds of special rights for some reason.
Go to a bakery to buy a cake to celebrate me and my bf's relationship
What do you do with the cakes that didn't sell that day? How long can you leave a cake out like that? Do they start lowering the price later in the day? That one with all of the strawberries looks good.
>a bakery
Find another one and go about your day? Or reprimand the bakery owner in a sanctimonious tirade fuelled by your own unquenchable thirst for power.
they give it to homeless fatsos like yourself
>Find another one and go about your day?
No, I want that specific cake for that price. I have that right.
>by your own unquenchable thirst for power.
Omg, you're a drama queen
Ummm you want to make a statement with baked goods? What draw two cocks sword fighting on the kek? Make a chocolate bunghole cake? Or is it as simple as “I love you Jeff” this is silly
Fuck off faggot. Neck yourself.
Freedom of conscience is the highest freedom. You are a prisoner otherwise.
>go to the street in Russia
>get beaten half to death for being a faggot
>US take me back plz
Own up to being a fag and bake your own. Sage.
Oh, sorry snowflake, didn't know christian bakeries were above the law now
>going to russia
I have a changing personality, and my business management is fluid, and on an everchanging spectrum. Some days I don't sell cakes to anyone with a beard, tattoos, glasses, fur coats, leather boots, kakis or people with phones... it depends.
Free market.
Shut up and make your own fucking cake
Someone starts a business. They have bank loans to pay, promotional advertising costs, problems with staff and landlord and rent to pay before they even open the doors in the morning
You think they're at your beck and call?
You think your sexual bent makes you speshul?
You think you can manipulate the law and your prized victim status to dominate some poor guy who's just trying to run a business?
LGBT have insatiable appetite for attention
You get the gay marriage you claimed you wanted, but that's not enough for you. Once you get what you want, you're supposed to shut up. But no. You crave that attention. Because you're not happy. You despise yourself. So you try to rid yourself of your self-disgust by making others unhappy and destroying as many people as you can while getting as much attention as you can
Well you're not the only one who despises you. I despise you. Get out of the man's shop and make your own damn cake. Your sense of entitlement combined with sheer ignorant arrogance is equaled only by fat black women idemanding some poor Asian scrub and paint your slab of meat feet in nail parlours
Fuck off cunt the Bible says to kill all homos.
Let me bake you one with rat poison in it.
>be a faggot
>want a cake
>don't get it
>act like a faggot about it
fuck you, retard.
The establishment has the right to refuse their service to anyone at any whim, its their loss of customers after all.
The Property you sit in is owned and he can throw you off from it even with police force if needed.
You have NO RIGHT to throw a fit about it. You can't go into a christian bakery and demand them to make you gaycakes as much as a straight man can't complain about faggots in a gay disco.
Get the fuck away from my planet you inconsiderate little cunt.
I feel like there is a business opportunity here. Maybe I should open a business called “The Big Gay Cake Factory” and sell cakes to everyone. Maybe offer franchising opportunities.
I love kekistan!
>Shut up and make your own fucking cake
lmao. Next time when a market refuses someone, will you say go hunt your own meat? Are you a child?
>Someone starts a business
You start a business, you agree to abide by the rules of the land. If you can't even do that, sorry sweetie, don't open a bakery in the first place.
>LGBT have insatiable appetite for attention
Want to be treated the same as all the others = wanting attention, okay.
>Well you're not the only one who despises you. I despise you. Get out of the man's shop and make your own damn cake
You can hate us all you want, just sell us the cake ^_^
I hate the bible to be honest.
>act like a faggot about it
Suing because you were literally discriminated against is not "acting like a faggot", we're just making sure justice is being done.
>The establishment has the right to refuse their service to anyone at any whim, its their loss of customers after all.
>be you
>live in a small city
>people hate you because your religion, gender, race, etc
>business boycott you
>you're a fucked
That's a terrible idea. We don't need your libertarian utopia.
>Suing because you were literally discriminated against is not "acting like a faggot", we're just making sure justice is being done.
yes, it is. faggot.
And you fucking wonder why Muslims toss your ass off a roof.
Just more melodramatic me-me-me attention seeking
go away
It's like youtube deleting conservative videos, and twitter banning alt-right account. Companies are entitled to their religious and political views.
Also, enjoy your STDs, filth.
stop being a faggot and bake your own.
God HATES Faggots
Then go to another bakery, dramaqueen.
All yourself why you wish you were discriminated against
Cook here
They probably sit on the shelf for 5 to 6 days then go in the trash or workers take them home. Cake has a pretty long shelf life, up to 14 days.
Why do you hate Christians? Are they not allowed to practice their religious beliefs without homofagians trying to put them out of business?
If you walked into a store and saw a sign saying "No shoes no shirt, No service!" you'd strip to your underwear to cause a scene wouldn't you?
I don't dislike gays. I hate faggots. Know the difference.
You're trolling, but -- for the benefit of the others in the thread:
Sell you a cake -- they have to do it
Decorate the cake in the way you want if it violates their sincere religious beliefs -- Nope. You don't get to force people to make art simply because you take it up the butt.
>I have that right
Just drop a turd on a plate. That's what you'll be eating afterwards anyway.
>whoring for yous
This is why people don’t like gays
It’s not the drug use, disease, or pedo shit
You people are annoying
I know you're trolling but why a Christian bakery? Why must gays feed into the obnoxious stereotype of being.... Obnoxious? Just buy the fucking cake online from one of a hundred different bakeries that'll put your gay shit on the cake.
How does the baker even know you're gay though? Because depending on what you want like a big veiney cock or something most bakeries wouldn't do that anyway,regardless of whether or not you're gay.
This whole concept is fucking retarded.
Why don't you try the Muslim-owned shop down the street, faggot?
>There is only one bakery
Can AIDS make people retarded?
> complaining about a pro-fag cake
> calling other people drama queens
Just kill yourself you fuckin' homo.
My wife and I own a bakery and we are fairly religious, personally I'll take most anyone's business and I'll definitely bake a cake for a gay couple on the premise that it isn't overtly sexual. More or less I've found gay couples just want a normal basic cake, but I have had to refuse a couple on the fact that they wanted penises on their cake. We don't do that.
>No, I want that specific cake for that price. I have that right.
No you don't you entitled faggot.
>Next time when a market refuses someone, will you say go hunt your own meat?
Yes, or I'll tell them to go to a different butcher or grocery store.
>>be you
>>live in a small city
>>people hate you because your religion, gender, race, etc
>>business boycott you
>>you're a fucked
Move to another town/city
If I had a bakery I would bake you chocolate cake for free but the chocolate would really be replaced by my poop
Christians would do the same if they weren't cucked by the almighty Secular State.
>can't answer
>throws a tauntrum
~le false equivalence
I don't have sex with favela monkeys to get aids.
I don't care about your religion.
We have anti-discrimination legislation for a reason. One bakery might not be that big of a deal, but it's important to enforce the law.
>Why do you hate Christians?
Christians propagated anti-gay propaganda for 2,000 years, and they are the reason homosexuality isn't as well accept as it should be.
>Are they not allowed to practice their religious beliefs without homofagians trying to put them out of business?
You should blame the people who refuse to obey the law, not the people who were discriminated. It doesn't matter one bit if they "went out of their way".
>Sell you a cake -- they have to do it
Yes, and deliver the cake if they offer the service. Absolutely. Decoration is more ambiguous.
Nice made up statistics btw, loser.
You Sup Forums/tards infect all boards, you're literally the most annoying people alive, sometimes you should heard some truths.
Already explained it. The law exists for a reason.
A muslim-owned bakery has to obey the law too.
That's not the problem, mongoloid.
That's reasonable.
You say that because you are privileged.
That's exactly why we have the laws, so people don't have to leave their homes behind because of some jerks.
>I have that right
You have confused rights and privileges. You demand people respect your 'belief'.
You don't respect their 'belief'.
KYS, please, soon!
>special rights
fucking loser. I hope you never get a cake again.
>and step on a lego
Fags are the ultimate worst customers
>all these replies
OP don't LARP too hard you might get overwhelmed
Those cakes look like synthetic shit.
Any (((cake))) that doesn't contain gluten belongs in the fucking trash!
> autistically replying to every post in the thread
Attention seeking faggots need to be beaten until they're incapacitated and then left to die with their heads underwater. Fuck off my website, hoe.
Go to another bakery that doesn't mind your degeneracy and then neck yourself after you finish your cake.
78% figure is from a 1978 survey of gay men.
I wouldn't mind ramming my thumbs into your asshole and scrape my nails up against the flesh of your rectum until you bleed.
Why don't you just go to the bakery alone or bring a girl friend along with you? Nobody is going to assume you're gay unless you tell them.
discord gg/j46ep6a
add a .
wtf you on about? Half of bakeries are probably run by gays. Put your money somewhere else instead of those religious bigots.
>Christians propagated anti-gay propaganda for 2,000 years, and they are the reason homosexuality isn't as well accept as it should be.
So your way of getting back at them is to give them money for a cake?
That's an odd form of protest.
Why not take on people who are actually propagating anti homosexual propaganda, like the Muslims? Oh that's right you're a faggot.
The couple in Colorado had no idea the baker was a hateful bigot when they went to order a cake.
Christians spend far more money in the United States trying to fuck over gay people than Muslims.
You are the only person who actually understood the gay cake issue and why this op is dumb.
Next time don't walk in with a dildo attached to your head no one likes flaming faggots not even gays.
Be a fucking normal person then draw a cock on your cake after. Sorry that Christianity is so horrible to you, I hope you'll find solace when Christ is replaced with Muhammad.
Glad to know you faggots won't differentiate between refusing you service and enslaving you in a labor camp. Since you can't tell the difference we may as well put you to work.
Why didn't you go to a Muslim bakery? coward.
>Only crazy reactionaries would favor discrimination.
No, only crazy, Liberal faggots would demand something of someone else in a free society.
These arguments were tried and failed against Black people. What makes you think they will work in the long run against gays?
Why are you against free association? People should be able to serve whoever they want to serve, and they should be able to refuse service to anyone they want to as well.
Accept it, no one likes fags. Protip, this kind of BS doesn't help.
if you're referring to the recent supreme court case the baker actually offered to sell the couple any one of the pre-made cakes in his shop. he just refused to make a special personalized cake for their wedding. totally reasonable if you ask me.
Faggian slip if I ever saw one. I bet you're already salivating.
What exactly is gay about this cake? Why can any bakery not make this?
Evangelical Christians are a far larger source of hatred, acrimony, and negative legal consequences for gay men and women than Muslims are right now or anytime soon.
I'm not saying those stats are bullshit. All I'm saying is they smell like bullshit.
Here's an article from a far left rag which claims Muslims in Europe have a zero tolerance of homosexuals.
I've also lived in the middle east and can personally attest that every single Muslim I've ever met hates homosexuals.
But sure, you've got all the good Muslims who love gays and don't jihad.
Stop replying to blantant troll. Jesus, are you all really so easy to manipulate that you'll let a thread made by a larping faggot get to the first page? At least sage it you retards.
Your a faggot. Bake your own cake. We all know you watch those shows all day long while you collect your benefits and take your aids medicine
Yes, I've seen hundreds of videos of evangelicals here in America lynching fags and chunking them off buildings. You have to pretend you live in the America of a hundred years ago to try to make your asinine points anywhere even near valid today.
Why would you niggers reply to this thread? It's been done a billion times now. Fuck.
4g0t to post my souce
The point is that Christians in the United States spend far more money and exert far more political influence trying to fuck over the lives of gay people than Muslims do.
Dude why the fuck does it matter there is a million bakeries. You could tell him your picking up the cake for someone else, and the boyfriend is not a reference to you. Nobody tells you that you have to be gay, so why does your right to be gay trump his right to respect what the Bible has taught him.
Why can't you just buy a nice cake and write a message on it yourself you fucking faggot
I can not, and will not be forced to serve someone, and I will gladly use my 2nd amendment rights to defend my 1st amendment rights.
They still want to make gay people suffer and cause them harm. That harm only doesn't include murder because they were stopped from doing that a while ago. They definitely used to kill gay people and they still try to cause us harm, far more than American Muslims do. There are lots of proposed anti-gay laws written by Christian organizations, none by Muslim organizations.
burn in hell, faggot
Drama whore
I'm pretty sure it's not the only bakery in the US.
There's probably even much better and cheaper alternatives yet you bitch about some people who would choose to lose money over religion.
They're not selling, you're not buying it.
>muslims are more accepting
>judged by percent change
Your chart even says Catholics in 2006 were more accepting of gays than Muslims in 2017.
In fact, it appears Muslims are finally on the same page as the general public...in 2006
Also how fucking deceptive is it to have one part of the chart go from 07-17 and the other part go from 06-16?
Muslims have been around even longer than Christians, and they've made it next to impossible to be both gay and alive at the same time in most Islamic countries.
Christians just want the right to be able to deny service. This should be a basic right of anyone selling a product. People are so afraid of businesses being allowed to discriminate who they sell their product to, but there is no reason why that should actually be a problem. For example, if enough fags can't find a Christian bakery that will make them a wedding cake, eventually someone will open up a competing store that will. This has usually already happened in most of the court cases that are out there right now.
>go to bakery
>buy cake
>no one knows why
>leave with cake
Mmmm, lemon.
Actually the businesses that refused service to gays all made money, some in the hundreds of thousands of dollars from private Christian donations. The idea that businesses are harmed by refusing to serve gays is nonsense.
An Oregon bakery that was fined for refusing to prepare a cake for a same-sex wedding has raised $352,500 in around two months, setting a record for the website that hosted its fundraising campaign.
Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a bakery owned by Aaron and Melissa Klein, originally began a crowdfunding campaign on the website GoFundMe after the businesses was shuttered in 2013, but was kicked off the site in April due to complaints from same-sex marriage supporters. In the Kleins’ time on GoFundMe they raised $109,000, which they were permitted to keep after the site changed its policy to ban their campaign.
Wedding cakes are special case IIRC so they're not just gonna alow you to place an order so you can withdraw it in the last minute on purpose.
The point is that evangelical Christians are spending the most money and time trying to fuck over gays with discriminatory laws and court rulings.
These arguments failed when tried regarding sales to Black customers, why would they succeed against gays?
rope yourself faggot, I cant go to a cake store and make the owner write "I hope all faggots fucking kill themselves" on a cake... im not getting up in arms about it either
Fair enough, Muds are like what? 1% of the population and Xtians are I dunno 40? 45?
And anyway, as that pew poll you posted earlier shows, attitudes towards gays is overall getting better.
The thing is, you've got a chip on your shoulder, you're basically bullying a small business owner.
If the only way to defeat your enemy is to become your enemy, then it just becomes a vicious circle doesn't it?
Go to another bakery. Anti discrimination laws are to protect against polarized communities. If there is another bakery in town that will serve you then it is not a polarized community.
Christians are somehow magically incapable of bullying gays?
He is simply being forced to do his job equally for all customers. He wouldn't refuse to make a cake for an interracial wedding because the bible frowns on such marriages, would he? Colorado law bans discrimination by virtue of sexuality and this is clearly it. If he wants to discriminate against gays he must restructure his business to not be open to the public.
Imagine being in a small town with only one store of a certain type and they say they refuse to serve gays. We had it out with ALL these issues in the 1950s and 1960s regarding race and bigots lost every time. Why do you expect this will be different? If there are laws prohibiting discrimination, you must follow them. Religion is not an excuse for specific harm.
Actual oppression is the state forcing a privatly funded and owned enterprise to serve someone against their will. The customer has freedom of choice, this sort of bullshit takes that away from the proprietor while leaving the customers intact. It's unconstitutional and against ideals of common sense.
a gay person should be allowed to recieve any cake they'd give to a straight person.
You'll shoot people so you can shit talk?
What's that got to do with homocakeshuals?
>Actually the businesses that refused service to gays all made money, some in the hundreds of thousands of dollars from private Christian donations.
No doubt because they're seeing that LGBT peeps are putting the pressure on them so naturally they pitch in plus it gains popularity around right wingers.
So you've got nobody to blame but your own kind for bitching and making it hard on yourselves for nothing.
>The idea that businesses are harmed by refusing to serve gays is nonsense.
Now that I think about it, you're right.
Businesses like that can now just lay a trap for gayfags and whenever there's some drama they cash in on it because some people think too highly of themselves and don't see where their own actions actually lead.
>An Oregon bakery that was fined for refusing to prepare a cake for a same-sex wedding has raised $352,500 in around two months, setting a record for the website that hosted its fundraising campaign.
Good job. Your kind really helped them.
Keep up the good work.
>Sweet Cakes by Melissa, a bakery owned by Aaron and Melissa Klein, originally began a crowdfunding campaign on the website GoFundMe after the businesses was shuttered in 2013, but was kicked off the site in April due to complaints from same-sex marriage supporters. In the Kleins’ time on GoFundMe they raised $109,000, which they were permitted to keep after the site changed its policy to ban their campaign.
>IM GAY!!!!!!
>oh you’re Christian lulz sorry not sorry
>bake me a cake shaped like penis that’s being sucked on by me
>what you can’t bake me a cake because then your god will see it as support of sin
You've never heard of Shariah law have you?
He should've shot both of you.
I wouldnt let you into my bakery in the first place.
Not because you are gay but because you have Aids. I want my bakery be an Aids free place.
Go spread some AIDS around. Nobody cares except you and your fellow faggot rump rangers.