So,.... Please discuss what the ramifications are? To whom do we owe it to ? How could it ever be repaid? What does this actually mean about the value of our money? Or the actual value of everything?
21 Trillion dollerydoos!
>that bunny
I want to Cadbury creme In that bunnies asshole
why the fuck do i have an erection
Made me look up bunny ear porn thanks op I was on no fap
>whom do we owe it to
China, largely
Canadian porn is NSFW
inb4 some fag tells us debt is good blah blah blah
Yeah, just break things and burn cities, it's good for the economy.
it only causes a problem when the country can't pay the interest
that's when everyone stops wanting to lend you any more money
the usa has about four years before that happens
Good job derailing other people trying to stop faggot
As this is like my first real somewhat successful post, after recommend lurking time....... shameless bump!
Dang wabbit got a sweeeet ass
I want to ____ the bunny
We can't live in palaces because we can build what we cannot afford...
It's all funny money lad, tomorrow the treasury could just print a 21 bIllion doller bill and go lol look debnts are paid. Of course that would destroy our credit rating but if the world goes to shit that becomes irrelevant.
If he's successful in reviving 'A' economy. Can we ever expect to be like generally content again?
Is that Marlon Bundo? What a handsome rabbit.