Memes aside, white privelage is real and we need to work in stopping it
Memes aside, white privelage is real and we need to work in stopping it
Yes we do, comrade
Zimmerman is a mexican man.
No we don't I don't even have all my teeth because I got punched by a brave young white ally
>Zimmerman white
He is a spic who got his head smashed in by a thug
Zimmerman was a beaner. He was assaulted by a large man old enough to enlist in the military
That dumb cunt fired aimlessly at a noise in her house
20 years is harsh, but you would be singing the same tune if that round came through your wall and blew off a family members head
>Jumped by a 17 year old athlete
>on his back getting the old ground and pound when he shoots and kills Trayvon
>Left her house
>Went into her car
>Instead of driving away she took a gun and fired in a random direction
Fun fact, warning shots are illegal in America, as is just winging someone. If you are firing a gun you better be killing someone. If its proven you shot without an intent to kill it comes back on you.
>Be a nig
>jump a mexican
>get shot
>the country thinks you're innocent
I'd like to see them revive him just to shoot him again.
Zimmerman was a hispanc who was being actively assaulted by an athlete...getting his skull slammed against the concrete.When no one came to rescue him, he simply shot the assailant. An easy case and justice was served (although the media lynched Zimmerman as expected)
>samefagging fail
How embarrassing, literal keks where had.
How about we talk about Jewish Privilege instead?
20 years for a warning shot?? you cant defend your home??? just run???
But he dindu nuffin! He was only trying to murder racist whitey!
The laws on these things get murky as you go out from the norm. She didnt get 20 years just for a warning shot. She got 20 years because that warning shot also endangered others. That warning shot also got compounded by her leaving her house, reaching a functioning car, then making the decision to go back into danger that isnt dangerous enough that you would shoot and kill the target but still taking a shot. Stand your ground and castle doctrine dont apply when you leave, come back, and take an action clearly demonstrating you didnt believe you were in danger.
Nice b8, m8.
20 years, mate. 20 years. she was the victim of a crime.
i dont care what THE LAWWW says about castle doctrine/stand your ground.
it is a human right to defend yourself and defend your property. if she can fire a warning shot and it scares away actual criminals then dammit she should. dont need to wait for police.
and even if we wanna punish her for being reckless, 20 years is ridiculous. a quarter of your life for being a victim and making a less than good decision.
"Alexander was released on January 27, 2015, under a plea deal that capped her sentence to the three years she had already served." . No 20 years in prison .
youre doing it again, shill
youre using your emotions rather than evidence of a premeditated felony which is discharging a firearm and endangering the lives of others as a result of that.
Stop using your feelings
Oh this is so embarrassing.
Depends on the law but generally once you’re free of danger you shouldn’t go back towards it.
Zimmerman unironically did nothing wrong
>it is a human right to defend yourself and defend your property
That it is. Know how we know she didnt feel her property or life was threatened? She said so when she put a bullet in the wall instead of in her attacker. After going back into the house.
>i dont care what THE LAWWW
Of course you dont.
Why the left pretends zimmerman is a white man?
he looks like my uncle ffs
Because Hispanics are a victim class.
The media can't spin him into a racist villain if he is hispanic, so he has to be white. Do you think reality counts in the narrative?
George ain't white. I would say it's unfair based on the info in the meme, my question is: What priors or circumstances were present for her trial to result in such a way? More info needed.
>lefties inadvertently shilling against backward gun laws
she got out after 3 years and inspired new self-defense legislation. but you can blame retarded florida jury for the guilty verdict on the 20 year minimum assault w/ deadly weapon charge
Justice only applies to human beings
>muh feelings
Not saying I do that agree with you but America is a republic. Rule of law. Don't like it? Talk to your local politician.
She eventually did just three years. Three years.
You win the contest for most retarded
he be beatin that cray cray craka yall
>George Zimmerman
>White Privilege
Even you anecdotal evidence doesn't hold up. Which did you lose during the famine: Eyesight or mental faculty?
How about you stop making excuses for dindus who can't support themselves or stop shooting each other and need to blame white people for their misfortunes to hold onto their delusional feelings of self-worth.
Because cause he killed a nigger, obviously. A Mexican killing a nigger can never be racist and is therefore not an interesting news story, just another day in 'the hood'.
2/10 made me chuckle because of the samefag reply
Now delet
pretty sure thats not white privilege - considering his hispanic appearance/blood
more likely black realism, and the realization that any excuse to take one of the street is a good opportunity
might have something to do with the evidence
To be more specific she shot at her child
Nobody forces blacks to live among whites. There are already black majority cities, why don't they move there? White cop can't shoot you, if all cops are black.
Yes they do POLAND
What the fuck would you know?
Oh my goodness, thank you for this
Fake news FAGGOT
Marissa Alexander, the Florida mother whose case became a rallying cry for anti-racism activists and survivors of domestic violence, was released today after three years of incarceration.
Alexander had faced up to 60 years behind bars for firing a single shot near her abusive husband, unable to convince a jury she had feared for her life. A hearing Tuesday confirmed the terms: Having pleaded guilty to assault in exchange for credit for time served, she will be subject to two years of electronic monitoring and house arrest, except for approved appointments and employment.
>Tray von Martin
>von Martin
Is she a convicted felon?
Hes not white tho, that kills your whole argument right there, but I could go on about self defense or how an illegal MEXICAN immigrant was acquitted after killing Kate Steinle in broad daily light from far away while Zimers was in an altercation. In conclusion, your argument has no basis, kill yourself commie faggot.
They were probably prosecuted in different states under different laws. That said, whatshisname is not white.
Jokes aside, in self-defense, warning shots are illegal
You shouldn't be using a gun as a show of force, using a gun is very serious
>All these underage newfags falling for a bait thread
Congrats guys, lurk more. He literally was pretending to be retarded.
I'm actually gonna bump this because it's hilarious
Trayvon was attacking Zimmerman.
Trayvon was worthy of his death.
Zimmerman prevented a nigger from murdering a half-breed Hispanic. Nothing illegal about that.
1. Zimmerman isn't white.
2. Warning shots are illegal and fucking stupid.
zimmerman is half jew half spic so 0% white
he also did nothing wrong at all
White Privilege is a tool smart people use to take advantage of the stupid