Say goodbye to the UN, Sup Forums

Say goodbye to the UN, Sup Forums.

The US is not going to pay for a muslim fanclub.


Schlomo, will you quit the fucking whine
Go to your uncle and get some psychiatric treatment for the narcissism
You're unbelievable. You actually believe the entire world should give in to you on every fucking thing. You're a head case

fuck the UN and the Mies building they fester in


>literally gave Palestine to them


This episode again?

This guy your Senator from the diverse state of FL is a total whore btw he's for sale.

USA: "Hey"
UN:"Hey dude what's-"
USA:"Im not accepting refugees"
UN: "Well that's-"
USA: "Jerusalem is the capital of Israel"
UN:"Erm- Well we need to vote on-"
USA:"Also Im doing major tax cuts"
UN:"But that's against-"
USA: "If you try to stop me I'm pulling my funding of your sorry ass."


Anti-Zionism = Anti-Semitism

>lets go to war with the whole world just to defend the jews

drumpf really is the antichrist and this are the final hours

Yeah but the UN is literally under Jewish control?

Why does Marco put antisemite (by which he means anti-Israel of course, as any criticism of the nation is antisemitism) before anti-American??
Did he do it on purpose? What could he have meant by that?

I don't care if we do it for kike reasons, I would be happy to end our relation with the un


Globalism isn't a monolith, there are Anti-Zionist Internationalists

>tfw anti-Semitism named even before anti-americanism
I wish it wasn't the entire western world that is cucked beyond repair, but it is. You have
>52% and the jews
and we have
well, everything.

Little robot Rubio aids


RIP (((UN)))

>mfw trump makes a new UN and only invites bibi

yea who the fuck were they to determine anything about population. league of nation's (their 1st try) was never wanted by the sovereign American people

>tax cuts are against-
What? The UN can't tell the US what to do about taxes.
>accepting rapefugees
This isn't the EU, the UN can't tell us what to do with domestic immigration.
>capital of kikeland
The fact that that was supposed to be part of "negotiations" and nobody thought to play hardball like Trump is blows my mind. I don't always think Trump is doing the right thing but he is here.

yes user. I'm American with a new found pride.

The only positive thing about jews is that mudslime haters can play the anti-semitism card while they hate jews just as much. Like me on reddit.

>Stop insulting muh greatest ally yuropoors!!

I used to be a net nazi but this really opened my eyes. From now on I will shill for shekels.

Can't wait for the (((UN))) to die.

ah it's glorious when even cucks like Rubio start calling out the U.N.

Of all the ways to lower UN funding this isn’t how I want it to happen. Not for kikes






So being neutral and fair means anti-american now?

Wait, isn't the UN the whole reason a bunch of countries are forced to pay Israel to begin with?


But Israel did 9/11 not Muslims. Unless Israel is getting nuked for the Jerusalem trade, I don't see giving the kikes what they salivate for is a good idea.

Let us dispel of the myth that globalism is Jewish once and for all.

The nation of Israel has always been out greatest ally.

>Israel is based!!!
>whiter than you muhhamd

>accuse the U.N. of being anti-Semitic and cut their funds
Is this 4D chess?

>anti-Semitism & anti-Americanism
that's just being redundant

>Putting anti-semitism before anti-Americanism

truly the golden goyim

I really wish we would pull every single troop, tank, aircraft, and advisor out of every country we protect. Along with stopping all donations and humanitarian aid. The rest of the world would be knocking down our door trying to get protection and money again. Fuck Europe. We should have let the Soviets steamroll it after WWII.

its like telling black live matter that theres only on race so we all equally matter

This would be amazing

Yeah, you shouldn't have intervened at all.


UN= the worlds nations
How thick can Amerimutts be to accuse the whole world as anti-semitic?
>The absolute state of /redditpol/

Mind blown.jpeg

Yeah Jewish conspiracies how quaint

I agree.

>un doesnt want usa to hsve tax cuts
Pull the fuck out now president trump


you thought kekistanis are the nu/pol/, but nu/pol/ is actually retarded stormfags flowing here from shutdown knuckledragging nazi sites

>was supposed to be part of "negotiations"
what ?

You heard the man 56% join the military and fight for Israel.

I knew little Marco had to have a set of nuts somewhere.....he finally shows that he has them. Long over due....we have footed the bill for this stupid experiment for far, far, FAR, too long!

yeah, he has a point, you know. ,we have to shut down the uN to protect jews. you're not some kinda antisemite are you?

Australia calls dibs on former member Burgerstahn's permanent Security Council Seat.


I'm in favor of leaving the UN, but not for this reason. Well, I guess as long as it ends with the US gone then I'm fine.

>vocally supporting the fucking UN
>on Sup Forums
>calling others reddit
you have to go back

This thread is full of JIDF fags.
Would love to see their faces if the US left and the artificial state of Israel had to fend for itself in the assembly with its top tier bros, Togo, Micronesia and Palau - fucking kek

Welcome to the club

back to 9Gag

>Micronesia and Palau
Those are American puppets, if we left they and the Marshallese would too

Good. Fuck the UN


Removing the UN and also the EU would be a great win.

The UN is merely an organization that represents the members that comprise it.

Suck my dick gook

There are many kinds of Jews all with same fucking attribute of being rats

Ayy france. How are you liking macron? I heard he wasnt that bad

Maybe you should finance UN then?

Then tell them to stop taking our fucking money.

No matter the reason, the death of UN will be a very good thing.


fuck the UN

god bless america and trump for everything they're doing for the great israeli people

The UN is literally a larp

Better slaving exclusively to kikes than kikes and everyone else I guess.

World War III when

B-but without extra US-bucks how will they transport their refugees?

>the UN
Literally who?

Or they could you know, encourage healthy straight adults to have lots of babies

but noooooooo that's too fucking normal

30 minutes


>The US is not going to pay for a muslim fanclub.
lol we pay 10 times more to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

I don't think leaving it is necessarily the best thing to do, but an increase of skepticism of large and multinational organizations is always a good thing. $8 billion per year in cash and military aid for governments that stir up trouble. The biggest beneficiaries love pushing far-left poison on their populace and abroad, leading to increased tensions here.

fuck isreal and the UN

>Yeah but the UN is literally under Jewish control?
time to question some of your logics
If UN was under Jewish control, Greater Israel would already exist.

Haha, oh man. That's a funny joke.

Humanity shined bright. But all things end

This is true.

>Literally who?

We should have steamrolled the soviets after WWII.

And stop begging us to save their asses when another country is raping their ass.

Given that Israel has attacked the USA several times, from the USS Liberty 2 their 9/11 False Flag, its time to stop those monthly welfare checks 2 Apartheid Israel.

Fucking finally, fuck the UN

Why do Americans talk like they have nothing to do with the UN? You're one of the main founders of it. You're the ones keeping it alive. You're the ones with the most power in it. Why on earth do you think that the rest of the world wouldn't WANT for UN to collapse?

>tfw Trump destroys the EU but you dont care because they posted amerimutt memes

>nazus love the un and muzzies now
Such a low teir ideology

and the left what the fuck is doing this would be the perfect time to manifest for the palestine people ,is to much ask?

I don't want the un or israel but ill take israel over the un if forced but you guys are giving me the choice between getting hit in the balls or the face.
Hard pressed.