Why does Sup Forums like her so much ?
Why does Sup Forums like her so much ?
Fucking who?
literally who?
Because she's fun sized.
She's a good voice actor and cute.
legal loli
Because Sup Forums can't handle big girls
>from cutesy to insane batshit to total slut
She's good.
So what do you guys think of MUM?
Also, what are the best MUMs?
She's back to being batshit insane.
Y. Aoi a loev.
Aoi Yuuki, VA of Tanya from Youjo Senki.
Have you heard her voice? She has the cutest murderer voice ever.
She's just a meme seiyuu.
I hate that she's taller than me.
Did you lose your legs in Vietnam?
She's good at her job.
She's cute, small and has a nice voice. Also asian so probably submissive. Wife material.
Aki and Aoi are my two favourite seiyu.
Why does Sup Forums love him so much?
i dont give a fuck about 3dpd
She's small, but an enormous fujoshi.
You better lube your yaoi hole up.
Am I the only one that thinks Marina Inoue and Nanjo are sisters?
She has good range, and she also gets varied roles when she can show that off.
She also had this weird sound in her voice which is fun to recognize.
Shes really cute
Because she is good at voice acting and a loli
1. She's cute
2. She's Madoka
3. She's adorable
4. She's fun
She's a little girl.
Watch all the Aoishits sodoku when it's revealed that she's dating.
That's my fantasy
She's already dating me!
As I see it, it's more about how there aren't many reasons to dislike Aoi.
She always goes the extra mile for her roles, has a fun personality in radio/events and is cute as hell.
Pic sorta related, it's a Tanya she drew.
fuck off
I wonder which seiyuus would actually cause a shitstorm on Sup Forums if she's found dating someone.
I thought HanaKana taking the Kensho Ono dick would have been a bigger deal, honestly.
No one.
Widely loved seiyuu are too old and anons don't want them to die alone
New seiyuu doesn't have enough fans in here to cause a shitstorm
Otaku knew that Hanakana had a relationship with a "childhood friend" back in her high-school years which she didn't deny. This was years ago, so the purityfags already moved on to greener pastures.
Just go to MAL if you want that kind of shit.
She's old and bustled but known enough to make it to mainstream news. Good for her and her literally who boyfriend.
A miracle in the world.
Seiyuu are 2D.5
Aoi is 2.1D
>Seiyuu are 2D.5
Her range is extraordinary
I'm going to ask Aoi-chan out on a date.
also hes a 30 yr old chuuni
Why is Japanese fashion so superior to western and even eastern cancer "fashion"?
Impossible, they were born 7 months apart. Marina is BOSSU and Nanjo is not.
Remember that time she voiced a literal horny version of herself?
She's pretty cute as Okita
She's too old now everyone moved on to the fresh seiyuu straight out of high school
I want to pay Aoi Yuuki for sex
>paying someone for sex
>no just raping them
I like her goatspeak.
I want her to sit on my face and fart on my tongue
Enjoyed her psycho roles.
what the fuck do you care you stupid piece of shit?
In what way does the answer benefit anyone
hotblooded screams
This guy understands.
You don't have to pay, just play Sonic Adventure 2 with her and dress up as Shadow during the act. If you don't believe me just ask Sugita.