>UN Vote
>128 - 9
UN Vote
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>UN votes
>Mattering in any way
We now know who gets aid and who doesnt.
Tell me exactly why burgers should care if the un disagreeds where they put their own diplomatic building?
We shouldn't care and we don't care.
Can the US declare war on those 128 states?
B-but Sup Forums told me jews control everything!
Yes but it's easier to cut off aid to those countries and to reduce our funding to the UN
Can I get a quick rundown what was vote about?
They are powerless. They had a vote. IT has no effect. Misery loves company.
>the enforcer of Pax Americana getting BTFO diplomatically
>why care lol
This is what Trump wasted 400 diplomatic skills on
>The Art of the Deal
Drumpf just got Sun Tzu'd.
Oh no the least effective bureaucratic body in the world did something.
It literally doesn't matter what the UN says on the matter. Israel occupies Jerusalem and has for decades (making it de facto theirs), and the US is not in any way answerable to its inferiors in the UN, meaning their resolution on our resolution carries no weight.
Inshallah brother
>BTFO diplomatically
How? They don't change where we're putting our embassy, they publicly acknowledge that they're complaining about it. What a shocking surprise.
US gibs have been shoa'd. Fund yourselves.
Are we really counting the US and Israeli votes as port of the 9?
Great. 128 less countries that my tax money has to support. Granted we still have to support the fucking kikes, but their sun will set soon.
being anti-kike by virtue of being pro-mudslime isn't a good thing
Short answer:
>Country A says their capitol city is Jersualem
>Countries B-Z disagree.
>Years later, country B agrees
>Countries C-Z screech autistically.
Long version:
>Israel and Palestine both say their capitol is in Jerusalem as both of them hold sections of the city.
>The entire world has agreed that Jerusalem is Palestine's capitol city and not Israel's.
>In the mid 1990s US congress and senate passed an agreement to agree with Israel and move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, to show the world we agree with Israel.
>Clinton, Bush, and Obama all refused to sign that agreement made by Congress and Senate
>Trump signs it
>Almost the entire U.N. officially agrees to "undo" the US decision
>Except they can't
>We're still moving our embassy there and laugh at the UN, which we funded
>We've also said we will stop sending aid to whoever voted against us, which was most of the world.
Guess we have a lot more money to give to Israel now! :^)
wow the jews really own trump! 9 vs 128, and most of those 9 are just literally whos
>average maga man
great, more cash for the greatest ally
Oh I do hope Drumfy actually does this, just imagine the power vacuum it would create.
>We've also said we will stop sending aid to whoever voted against us, which was most of the world.
Fuck yes
Who gives a fuck what the rest of you think?
You know damn well as much as I do that whole "if you vote against us, no aid for you" was a bluff.
They're taking names, gentlemen. You don't want to be on America's bad side.
We will see. I mean most of the "Aide" is just kick backs for U.S. corporations operating overseas. You know the jews want more funding for Israel though.
Doesn't mean it will happen we just threaten it like your wife threatens to divorce you all the time
What shipping lanes do you use? Oh, any of them? Guess you still live under the Pax Americana, what we say goes, and it doesn't matter what Gabon thinks about where we put our embassy.
I've got plenty to say on the subject but I'm 1/16 Ashkenazi Jew so I don't trust myself to judge this well. Could my jewgenes be controlling my fingers as I type? Are they renting my hands from me or have I always been renting from them?
>the interest rate over 30 years
More like more cash for ourselves, you dumb faggot.
>these nigger tier butthurt threats
Are you going to threaten nukes next?
Just like declaring Jerusalem Israel's capital was a bluff, right?
>1/16 Ashkenazi Jew
You should unironically kill yourself. You are not wanted here.
where is this fucking chess i keep hearing about?
now I'm really scared
>Gives everything Israel ever wants and asks for.
H-he is j-ust playing f-four dimension-nal chest g-guys!
Pax Americana is going down bro.
You thought the last world cup was bad? Boy are you in for a surprise.
Are you kidding me? That world cup was fucking amazing, rivers upon rivers of tears.
the US is a joke now anyway, all that money for a dysfunctional (((military))) for weapons the become obsolete as soon as they are finally produced.
Add in the shitskins and sjws and we are a laughing stock.
>but hrr drr trump
Yea going to be hard to get a 2nd piece of legislation passed once democrats win the mid terms
Don't you guys find it troubling that UN is even willing to defy their main broker for the sake of mudslimes' feefees?
we are funding israel with or without votes wether you like it or not
No. This whole muslim invasion thing is going to birth another purge.
Of course but the half of pol that doesn't are Muslims.
Pax Americana (like Pax Romana before it) refers to the state of peace existing due to the power of one nation. If Pax Americana goes down, it means the world is going down with us in a blaze like the Roman Empire before it.
First tell me how they get a fucking say in the matter.
Then tell me how they get a fucking say in the matter of where a sovereign state puts its capital.
>Killing yourself
Mortal sin senpai, I may not get into Heaven for the Jew thing and all the porn but I'm not breaking the major rules of Christ.
Jew Heaven is literally the realm of Satan and Allah is just plagiarism anyways so muzzies go to Hell too.
And that's precisely what the world needs.
The President of the United States said he'd be "taking names" of anyone who voted against Israel. Who do you think might be behind that?
Why does the world need to become a favela?
>Guatemala voting alongside US
how cucked can a single nation get
>US forces coup in 1954
>rapes their country for resources
>sends criminals back to their country, keeps the good ones
>still gives them a pity vote ;3
america wont do shit, it gives aid for influence and it needs that. yawn.. trump fags on their high horses again.
>USA: I'm going to suck Israel's cock, you too out I cut your aid
>Rest of the world: Blow it out your ass
>USA: I-I didn't c-cared a-anyway
Ask your AIPAC masters that.
>UK not cucking to Israel for once
I'd almost be pleased, were it not for the fact Saudi Arabia are our true masters
It'll be great. Finally this 70 year long tyranny will be over and (((America))) will pay for all it's crimes.
>USA: I'm going to suck Israel's cock, you too out I cut your aid
>Rest of the world: oh yeah?
>USA: w-we will be taking NAMES!
>Rest of the world: blow it out your ass
To be clear, this a vote vote to decide if the UN will collectively cross its arms and disapprovingly shake its head at the US?
>consequences will never be the same.
While Israel needs to burn
>mattering if you aren't a 3rd world country with no power
US will do whatever the fuck it wants and the UN will just bumble around stating disagreement
This was a public roll call on Israeli support.
The entire world just told Israel they support Palestine over Israel. Israel just got a list of countries they will now want to destroy instead of the US.
10^5D chess boys
Also, don't compare yourself to the roman empire. It's a giant insult to the romans. They were a beacon of culture and civilization, while (((America))) has been systematically destroying those things. You have much more in common with the mongol empire than with the roman one.
>ancap talking about welfaring another country with glee
Sup, schlomo
Poor Venezuela. Just letting them starve but giving all that aid to actual niggers.
It's not like they're not going to continue destroying the US though. They're already deeply embedded in your media and politics
yeah pretty much raise your hand if you don't agree with this decision. I don't suspect there will be consequences except from one of the middle eastern countries.
Source ? I wanna know who voted kike and should be shoahd
Also, loving these mutt/kike tears
>Literally a dot on the map
pick one
>"Mark our words - we will be taking names, to see who our real allies are!"
>128 votes against
yeah, keep telling yourself that
>expecting a businessman to act with the same cucked diplomatic tact as a politician
>this is what americans tell themselves
Meanwhile the rest of the world...
Great. prove more and more that Trump is really a Russian puppet. China, Russia and EU will take the handle and fill the power vacuum lol
7 to 1
literally who?
show milkies
>prove more and more that Trump is really an Israeli puppet
Kushner was just the tip of the noseberg
only vote i am sad about is japan. best ally has let us down.
What is this map even supposed to mean?
>Great hue m8
>People caring what UN does lol
Pic related
Oh no no no! Not the UN vote! How will we EVER recover?!?!
>China, Russia and EU will take the handle and fill the power vacuum lol
This. But you forgot Iran and Turkey.
Wait, why not both? It's not a secret that Russian Jews are a thing.
Kill two birds with one stone, fampai.
>being this much of a newfag
Fucking KYS.
>tax bill passed
>dems winning mid terms
Nigger, are you high?
Kek, Nice allies the muttkikes have