Jidf and Mossad are actively working against us. They are heavily promoting controlled oppositions. They call rightwing Atheists fedora and Pagans degenerate while promoting controlled oppositions like (((christianity))).
Do not take the bait and SAGE pro christian threads. Jerusalem is not your holy land, jews are not the chosen people and christianity is not European.
>controlled oppositions like (((christianity))). Kikes didn't really have power til post WW2. All we need is a red pilled pope, no more of this spic commie faggot.
Jayden Gomez
Wondering - are you retarded? Christianity is literally the only documented religion that is a REFUTATION of the idea that jews are the chosen. It is literally the tale of how they once believed they were chosen, and then were proven so corrupt and evil that God had to send them a shining light (Jesus) which they also rejected, further confirming that they are evil.
The orthodox church explicitly states that the 'anti-christ' will be a jew, and more specifically likely a homosexual jew - which is as spot on as things can visibly be.
Every single technological advancement that has been made in the past 500 years was made almost entirely by white european christians; Christianity says that the whole world is the new jerusalem and city of god, and that the jews lost their chosen status to the righteous gentiles. u mad? To me, YOU are the shill
Aiden Long
Fuck this Jewreligion from the desert
William Collins
Ryan Campbell
Does anyone have the quote by the Roman Christian that says Rome now lives in harmony with other races due to Christianity And with the below subtext: "Seven years later, barbarians sacked Rome"
Jose Fisher
You mad you pagan are all NEET faggots who live in their moms basement and LARP as vikings. Christianity is the only way out man its the only white pill because it provides you with truth and hope of eternal life and for a final eternal torment for all satanist Jews and evil doers. >convert or burn pagan scum
Parker Murphy
At least you finally tried a new post but you still kept the meme flag and reddit spacing. Fuck off.
Liam Moore
Evan Bell
Colton Reed
Nicholas Jones
Nathaniel Peterson
Reminder tonight is solstice night. Have a bonfire, light a candle, drink mead and make a sacrifice for Odin.
James Murphy
Shalom, fellow user! Very nice thead that you've made here, Christians are stupid go- I-I mean dummies, haha.
Andrew Peterson
>rightwing Atheists No such thing
Easton Hughes
Nathaniel Evans
Brandon Evans
Christianity and /SIG/ threads are the only things that can save Sup Forums.
Thomas Flores
Sup Forums is a pagan board faggot
Isaac Long
Show your flag, coward. You ancaps have no morals, you have no right to be smug whatsoever.
Luke Bell
>154071868 (you) Sup Forums is a Christian board and will always be such. get fucked by karma, you piece of shit. sage
Oliver Scott
nice post
Brandon Cooper
Wrong. Sup Forums=Heathen
Zachary Sanchez
John Watson
retarded leaf
Luis Gonzalez
Reminder Greece is a huge human trafficking hub. priests like pic related surely wouldn't be involved right? After all pedos have only been a thing in the Vatican in the last 20 years, they were all cool before that.
Aaron Watson
The Holy Bible doesn't say the Jews are the chosen people. Not until the (((Schofield))) Bible.
And Jesus fought the Jewish power. That's sort of WHY THEY KILLED THEM.
If you're not ShariaBlue, you're at best, completely ignorant of Christianity
Isaac Kelly
Nice try, Schmuely.
Aaron Nguyen
>he's never heard about kirchenkampf
Connor Gutierrez
YHWH was a middle eastern jewish man.
End of the story.
Thomas White
good to know theres oldfags left still OP is the Jew the only thing that will defeat them is Christianity, kikes loath Cristianity for a good reason, if you ever ask yourslef why there is such a blatant propaganda against Christianity, look to the mountain that is the media
Matthew Gomez
you forgot to mention the "Chad pagan" worships a dude who drank semen to gain strength
Try reading the bible. Barely a passage goes by where the (((secret societies))) and their methods of control weren't being exposed and called out. There's a reason kikes hate Jesus so much.
Nicholas Hill
This. Anti-jew, hollocaust truth and christian threads are the good ones. OY VEY
Ian Ramirez
Kike on a stick has been incredibly harmful to us as a race. Just because the Jews hate aspects of it is irrelevant, paganism is our natural way of being.
Nicholas Mitchell
>covered hair Tell me again how you are not a Jew
Michael Richardson
>if you worship your enemy, you are defeated >worships the opinions of a Spartan, effectively a foreigner to 99% of pol really makes me think
Unless, OP is a Spartan, of course.
Ryan Rivera
>Sparta is our enemy Well, you're not wrong since you are probably not white. Sparta is YOUR enemy
Brayden Gray
Josiah Sullivan
Daily reminder Christianity made Europe what it is today