Cover up of our real history

I dont believe the story of the origin of our people is right, about the start of our civilizations, and the age of our species. When you just look at how much (((they))) lie about what was 70 years ago (WW2), how much do they lie about things that are 100 years ago? 500 years? 2 millenia? 10 millenia? a million years? or 100 million?
>In June 2002, a 270 million-year-old “hidden words stone” was discovered in Guizhou, China. A crack that formed 500 years ago in a large stone revealed six clearly discernible Chinese characters; the characters represent “The Chinese Communist Party Collapses [Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Wang].”

There are fossilized footprints of humans that are 290 million years old

Pic related, Sethos Temple, allegedly they overlayered 2 different symbols with parts of the rock breaking away. However the egyptians (or who ever actually build the pyramids) were absolutely precise about everything in their monuments, yet just ignore that blunder? Im not buying it. So I wonder is it depicting the past or the future?

TL;DR: Humans have been around a lot earlier than we are told and were a lot more advanced than previously thought

Other urls found in this thread:áthory#Trial

*tips tinforil hat*
disregard entire archaeology
all evidence needed is in these nutcase websites

When I look at the culture that the fugees bring to our country, civilization in the middle east may have started 7 years ago.

Dinosaurs lived during the same time as humans did. The bible does talk about them, just calls them "behemoth".

And I think this is how it really was. here some not so old mentions of dinosaurlike creatures.
This is described to look like a longneck dinosaur, and was allegedly seen africa.

There are rocks showing humans and dinosaurs together

Marco Polos description of dragons
>"Leaving the city of Yachi, and traveling ten days in a westerly direction, you reach the province of Karazan, which is also the name of the chief city....Here are seen huge serpents, ten paces in length (about 30 feet), and ten spans (about 8 feet) girt of the body. At the fore part, near the head, they have two short legs, having three claws like those of a tiger, with eyes larger than a forepenny loaf (pane da quattro denari) and very glaring."
>The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man, nor any kind of animal can approach them without terror. Others are met with of a smaller size, being eight, six, or 5 paces long; and the following method is used for taking them. In the day-time, by reason of great heat, they lurk in caverns, from whence, at night, they issue to seek their food, and whatever beast they meet with and can lay hold of, whether tiger, wolf, or any other, they devour;

All signs humans were living during the same time as dinosaurs. What do you think they did when it was said some heroes slayed a dragon?
>The most common method of fossilization is called permineralization, or petrification. After an organism's soft tissues decay in sediment, the hard parts — particularly the bones — are left behind.
>Water seeps into the remains, and minerals dissolved in the water seep into the spaces within the remains, where they form crystals. These crystallized minerals cause the remains to harden along with the encasing sedimentary rock.
>In another fossilization process, called replacement, the minerals in groundwater replace the minerals that make up the bodily remains after the water completely dissolves the original hard parts of the organism.

So basically they get buried by some mud which is under water. Assuming a great flood hit them like the one in the bible or the countless other floodmyths across the world, wouldnt that meet the conditions?

>11In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.
>fountains of the great deep
Now what are the chances that thousands of years later there is a discovery making it possible those fountain of the great deep actually exist
65 million years my ass

That's not even close to what a pterodon's beak and crest look like.

Don't ever use that picture again.

It's debunked as NOT showing what you THINK you see.

maybe not a pterodon, but there are countless other flying dinosaurs. pterodon was simply the only name for a flying saurier i knew about in english

It's supposed to be a Pteranodon the creator got the head wrong.

All wars are Info Wars. World Wars were about securing pre-technology and languages used to enslave the population owned by the NWO that run all wars worldwide for the last thousand years.

>Seven years after the nuclear tests in Alamogordo, New Mexico, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer [...] was lecturing at a college when a student asked if it was the first atomic test conducted.
>“Yes, in modern times,” he replied.

>Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up. Neither satellite imagery nor sonar has been able to find any holes.

>Furthermore, the glass rocks found in the Libyan Desert present a grade of transparency and purity (99 percent) that is not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites, in which iron and other materials are mixed in with the cast silicon after the impact.

This gives another connection to the bible
>The Hebrew word translated as salt in this passage is melach, which does indeed mean salt. However, the root of melach is malach, which means to vanish away, or dissipate, as salt does when mixed into water. Given that Hebrew writing omits vowels, it's easy to see why malach may have been mistranslated as melach.
If this is true it means Lots wife didnt turn into salt, but simply vanished, when turning back to sodom/gomorrah, like when you get hit by a nuke.

So god possibly actually nuked fags and degenerates.

There are also Hindu scripts talking about weapons which appear to be quite similar to nukes or at least powerfull bombs
>The weapon was also believed to cause severe collateral damage. The land where the weapon was used became barren, and all life in and around that area ceased to exist. Both men and women became infertile. There was also a severe decrease in rainfall with the land developing cracks, as in a drought.

Pic related is the Oronce Fine Map from 1531, it depicts antarctica even though it officially was only discovered 1820.
>Terra Australis (Latin for South Land) is a hypothetical continent first posited in antiquity and which appeared on maps between the 15th and 18th centuries. The existence of Terra Australis was not based on any survey or direct observation, but rather on the idea that continental land in the Northern Hemisphere should be balanced by land in the south.
this is their excuse on why antarctica is seen on maps before its discovery (there are multiple around). furthermore they mostly show south america down to the southest part, but then suddenly werent able to discover antarctica which is just just next door?

also take a look at the northpole of this map, and compare it with...

...this one of hyperborrea

My father has visited both poles. There's absolutely nothing but snow there. I suggest you do something productive instead of reading too much into vague theories.


pic related is baalbek/heliopolis. how were they able to move and even stack those huge megaliths onto each other?

the debunk he means is the one i even mentioned in the OP >Pic related, Sethos Temple, allegedly they overlayered 2 different symbols with parts of the rock breaking away. However the egyptians (or who ever actually build the pyramids) were absolutely precise about everything in their monuments, yet just ignore that blunder? Im not buying it. So I wonder is it depicting the past or the future?

That's just an overgrown hawk. Get a job.

>this is the Syrian engineer and doctor Germany gained thanks to open borders
Clap* clap*

how did a bunch of cavemen stack these megalith onto each other?
will trumps wall be able to compete?

I don't see how it applies to now, is the issue here.

another block. its in the shoria mountains, russia by the way

We started from Lyra.
We spread to other star systems
One day we encountered reptilians
They attacked us and destroyed our planets
People fled to other star systems colonized before
Some refugeed to earth
Orion wars happened and more came to earth
Lyrans already seeded life there and primates were around
Some of us went to sirius and aldeberan
They eventually built Nibiru and settled there
Nibiru ppl needed gold and so came down to earth
First they created slave race of humans to replace rebellious workers
Ea jumpstarted primates by mixing anunkene dna
Thus humans started but some say slaves werent humans(homo sapiens sapiens)
Ea also created upgraded version of primate/anunkene (homo sapiens sapiens)
Lyrans and pleiadians were around too
Sirians were there too They are all lyrans in the end
Together all humans lived times of atlantis mu hybornia and sumeria and egypt
Though middle east and africa were anunkene(nibiru) sector not of lyrans or pleiadians it seems.
Enlil played god and was a psycopath
He commited many war crimes and genocides
Ea was somewhat lazy or incompetent or he too was drawn to political drama
But he did save mankind several times
Hopi natives describe anunkenes and other human aliens teaching them and guiding them as well as driving reptilian underground.
We(human aliens) were also greeks olympians and titans and hindi gods and many other legends all across the world
There were also many other non-human aliens both good and bad that influenced humanity.
In the end, all humans are from lyra and are descendents of lyra
Millions of aeons of aeons ago, our souls were of lyran bodies.
Reptilians think of humans as foods and genetic source for their ascension or spritiual evolvement.
They alter conquered race dna to fit their agenda or to create a slave race
We are foods
Thousands of kids disappear never to be found.
They are raped tortured and eaten alive
They control our world

>German hates being called a Nazi so much he decides that history itself is made up and nothing before yesterday was real
Get a load of this guy

What's under the snow, though?

when was this debunked??

i actually feel its an honour to be called nazi. im sure a fucking leaf will never understand it though. im sure you take pleassure getting your state approved dog blow jobs every day

If Helicopters and speeders from Star Wars existed in Egypt, why aren't there more depictions of them? Like, if the were flying fucking helicopters wouldn't there be pictures of them everywhere? Where would they get the fuel? If they could mine aluminum why weren't there any aluminum artifacts?

Sauropods never dragged their tails like that.

the snow never ends

The earth has a core of snow??

Obviously a shill everyone knows it is made up of juice. That is where the juice draw their power from. Ever heard of geothermal energy? Juice!

Those aren't carved blocks. They're natural fractures
Look at the Giant's Causeway. Right angles and straight lines can form in nature.

Baalbek was constructed and it was quit a feat, but pulleys and ropes have existed for a long time. Impressive, but not "Omg only aliens could have done this!!" impressive

I know right obviously the juice used their laser vision to cut those rocks.

>the Juice

pic related. my theory it depicts knowledge, as those people are the keeper of knowledge, or bringer of that.
the mayan/aztec one seems to depicts quatzacoatl i assume which is said to have brought that for the aztecs.

göbekli tepe apparently talks about a comet bringing civilization.

in case of the sumerian i suppose it is enki
>Enki (/ˈɛŋki/; Sumerian: dEN.KI(G)𒂗𒆠) is the ancient Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú, literally "ear"), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (Nudimmud: nu, likeness, dim mud, make beer)

Same role Quetzacoatl took, bringing knowledge, or Satan with the apple. Prometheus who brought the fire very well could be the same enthity, Lucifer. The Kabba in Mecca supposedly contains a meteorite, which might be the one Göbekli Tepe speaks of or Satan that was thrown to earth
but i assume there is more to it

That gilligan’s island boat really looks out of place


>OP's first post is somewhat believable

>then posts a fucking old west photo with obviously shopped dinosaur




Actually the dinosaur was cropped from a real pic but everything else is shopped to it

>as those people are the keeper of knowledge
I see this accepted without proof everytime this Ancient Aliens shit is brought up.

cultures all around the world talk about a huge flood, the hopi indians have one, according to the aztec the world gets destroyed repeatedly with the last time it being destroyed being by a huge flood, the bible of course has the flood in it too. just look at this list

when everybody independently says the same I tend to believe them.

according to graham hancock the pyramids align with the orions belt in their positions 12500 years ago which is the same point of time the constillation of draco alignes with angkor wat perfectly (also according to graham hancock) making me think the last great cataclysm which probably was the flood shortly after those 2 were built (or in case of angkor wat they were build not that long ago but on older remains which are probably from that time).

Some other interesting stuff showing ancients knowing a lot they shouldnt according to Mainstream History. (From the fallen angels?)
This one is partly about modern monuments and their meanings too, but at around 1:10:00 he starts talking about the pyramids, and how they encode the size of the earth in relation to the moon, as well as the speed of light with over 99% accuaricy.
this video talks about how different monuments, from the pyramids, to stonehenge, to stuff in south america encode mathematical knowledge as well as functioning as a GPS telling people where they are currently if they know how to read the monuments, again showing that those "cavemen" were far more sophisticated than we care to admit as well as showing that there was some kind of global communication going on (not like the internet, but information where exchanged through traveling, trade or whatever despite southamerica not being discovered officially until thousands years later) since they all use the same system

s a g e

Did Nintendo send him there?

It's always the juice and even when it isn't we have to mention the juice or Ahmed will blow up in a truck somewhere just shut up and whatever you do don't draw a picture of Mohammed ffs

>It's always the juice
But... The glove didn't fit so how could it have the Juice?

Since sven keeps bringing up jews
The (((jews))) we know are not the ones mentioned in the bible. Those we know are merely imposters
Lets start with the bible text
>And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
The serpent, Satan, here is said to have produced offspring, namely with eve. Now Eve got Kain and Abel (and Seth, which we dont go into here). Kain, who is the offspring of Eve and the serpent then kills his brother Abel because he envied that his sacrifieces were greater than his own. For this Cain got cursed.
>12"When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a vagrant and a wanderer on the earth."
> 15So the LORD said to him, "Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold." And the LORD appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.
This Curse made the land not bare fruit to him, and "marked" him.

Now we skip a bit of time until after the flood. people mixed with each other, everyone has some Seed of the Serpent in him, but not all express that seed but because its mixed into everyone, everyone is a sinner in the christian ideology. We go to Noah when he was blackout drunk and his son Ham "seeing Noahs nakedness" (probably raped him). When Noah woke up:
>And he said: Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Note that Canaan is also considdered to be of the Seed of the Serpent, which at this point got its second curse.
They are unable to agriculture, "servants of servants" aka slaves, and are "marked". Does sound a lot like niggas which in all these years still cant farm, are historically usually used as slaves and are marked by their skincolour.

Now lets skip back a bit. Back to Cain, and the Seed of the Serpent. This is what I believe are the (((Jews))) we see today. Furthermore they are likely what we call Neanderthal
>Today, smaller ethnic groups, like Ashkenazi Jews and the Amish, can have unusually high rates of certain genetic disorders.
>can have unusually high rates of certain genetic disorder
Obviously Satans creation is nowhere near as good as Gods is, has different failures in form of (genetic) deseases. So what are they doing to get rid of those? They mix themselves with gods creation as much as possible, spreading the seed to corrupt his creation while simultaniously negating the effects of those errors of Satans creation.

Check out this bitch
>Occupation: CEO of YouTube
>She has 2 sisters: Janet Wojcicki, (PhD, anthropologist and epidemiologist)[6] and Anne Wojcicki, founder of 23andMe
So the founder of 23andMe has a sister at a high level job at fucking google and another one who studies epidemics and deseases.
Pretty much the perfect thing if you want to find out how you can get rid of the errors Satan embodied into your genes.

>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you
Note here that those that claim to be jews are not really jews, but the Synagogue of Satan, the 13th bloodline and the Seed of the Serpent.

So the Homo Sapiens is the creation of God, while the Neanderthal/canaanite is of the Serpent which mixed into todays Cro Magnon.
Pic related Amalek = Neanderthal = (((jews)))

(Part 3 to follow)

Now going back to the genetic deseases.
>If the skin is affected, blisters or itching may occur with sunlight exposure.[2]

These blisters look like pic related (there are worse pictures, but i cant tell if they are really from Porphyria or not, so I keep it real). Now how is it treated? Among other stuff
>blood transfusions

Remember those bloodlible accusations against jews all the time where they supposedly snatched children to drink their blood? The vampire stories about people drinking blood and not being able to step into the sun? But there is more:áthory#Trial
This chick apparently tortured some virgin and when the blood of one reached her skin by accident she realized that it appeared to be rejuvenating so the only logical step was to kill even more virgins to bath in their blood to stay young. This too isnt too farfetched
or this here, episode 33 of the series, 33, the masons favorite number
injecting instead of drinking or bathing in it, but still the same theme.

So through that bloodlible back then, and probably even today, they tried to negate the genetic errors they recieved through the bloodline of the serpent even though through all that mixing they arent as likely as they were back then among (((them))).

You know those people arguing we dont come from this planet because of our backproblems, or that we were created artificially because we apparently arent really evolved properly for the upright walk? All caused from the errors of the seed of the serpent which corrupted Gods creation physically and spiritually.

But only African blacks don't have any Neanderthal DNA
Are you saying that... They wuz Adam?

>juice bad because Juice bible if you read like this juice

Ahmed couldn't understand the old testament what did he mean by this?

>Giant's Causeway
not natural

There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki. The Aztecs as well, and describe them from coming over the sea with a ship that moved on its own. The chinese talk about blue eyed and blonde haired people who created the first civilization and ruled in the early time. A lot of egyptians mummies are shown to have had blonde hair etc.
The nordic gods, thor, odin, all blond and blue eyed, and (((coincidently))) asgard is on a map that supposedly shows the inner part of the earth
Hitlers Ahnenerbe tried to find out about the origins of the white people, and maybe he did find out something (((they))) absolutely fear which is the reason (((they))) try to destroy whites so furiously, more than any other ethnicities.
Later on Hitler went to antarctica, created New Swabia and again a lot of cultures speak about a realm beneath the earth, like shangri la for example, and civilization is said to exist there as well.
Did Hitler find out that the whites, or at least those people who spreaded knowledge (which may have nothing to do with whites today) came from the inner earth, the biblical paradise, and from there spread their knowledge with others. Is this why (((they))) want to get rid completely of the white people?
Now these whites maybe have nothing to do with the whites of today, they could be the fallen angels of the bible, the annunaki of the Sumerians or the gods of the atztecs, but finding out where those came from would be devastating for (((their))) narrative

Another interesting thing is that "Paradise" in the bible originally came from the word meaning "walled enclosure" which would be pretty much fitting to the inner earth.
the hopi indians, also have the swastika. and their legends involve humanity coming from out of a hole on earth, and during the end of the 4th world/cycle (i think it was the 4th) when the flood hit (whch probably was the same the bible mentioned as well as many others cultures) other people came out of the earth, the ant-friends or ant people, brought them underground and ensured their survival until the earth above is habitable again. further more. further more the word "anu" means for the hopi indians "ant" and naki "friend" while the sumerian gods were called anunaki, so probably those were the same.
however from what i found the description of the ant people doesnt really fit, they seem humanoid but not human. but maybe there are multiple races living in hollow earth living peacefully there together. sumerians and hopi also used the swastika

Furthermore Nazis went to the North and Southpole, both said to have openings, as well as tibet which has legends of an underground kingdom, shangri-la/shamballah.
the hopi indians and tibetians use the swastika and have legend about a world beneath the ground.
China, the celtics, greeks, aztecs, all have legends of the white blue eyed people coming and bringing technology.
And they all use the swastika.

So i believe what people call the nordics or pleiadians are actually the inner earthers which may or may not came from space but if so settled there millenias ago

user, I don't care how advanced you say the past was, it's still in Ireland. The Irish accomplishing something like that? No that's some fantasy

I work in GIS and took a few cartography classes in college. While it’s definitely possible that some civilizations knew of a southern continent, mapmakers of the ancient world were notoriously susceptible to incorporating myth, legend, and outright hearsay on their maps. Strabo was one of the first philosophers to put together a map of the whole world (minus the Americas) and wrote about it in a “tour” form, taking you from continent to continent and country to country, explaining their cultural heritage. He included relatively rudimentary maps to support his claims, both of which were largely what he had personally heard from other philosophers. It’s unlikely he traveled far beyond Greece/Italian Peninsula, and possibly France/Iberian Peninsula. All this to say that mapmakers were hardly infallible and sometimes liked to include landmasses and societies on their maps based entirely on anecdotal evidence.

The smart Irish left the galaxy several millenia ago.

>There are cultures from all around the world talking of blonde/red haired, blue eyed people with white skin that came over the sea and brought civilization, including the sumerians. Where did those come from when the sumerians where the first, and why are the people discribed always the same if they were just made up?
> The sumerians believed the blue eyed white people where gods, the annunaki.
None of this is true
The Annunaki were the judges of the dead (among a few other things)

so are you just going to not talk about the part where the reason God marked Cain was because he said (paraphrasing) "if you cast me out people will be dicks to me, they will hurt me and my offspring, murder them, etc" and God was like "nah dog, i gotchu, ima mark you so they know not to be a dick to you"?

Just gonna ignore the whole purpose of the mark being a protection from god because it suits your narrative. Funny how we get to pick and choose what parts of the Bible we want to pay attention to.

>There are fossilized footprints of humans that are 290 million years old

I thought you cannot accurately carbon date things that span that far back.

As a matter of fact I hear carbon dating technique is just a wild guess and is absolutely unreliable.

Seen this copypasta here before. Bluebeam disinfo Germany proxy at it again.

>carbon dating technique is just a wild guess
You mastered nuclear physics, go pick up your PhD.

think of it as a race war. blacks/arabs/jews in one camp and asian/caucasian in the other. (chinese are pseudo-jewish, like americans, in dominant culture). Jews, the smartest of their race group, don't want competition. Think of it like parasitism (which is eventually self-defeating)

race war, like all war, is ugly and gets tarted up to manufacture consent through propaganda. hope that helps.







blonde blue eyed mummy in china

blonde mummy in egypt

about the aztec ones
if you look you can find more about the blonde blue eyed people

true. but i guess its not his fault i guess that people are too stupid to realize what the mark is for






People believe it has been debunked. The idea is that it is two or more overlapping hieroglyphics, carved at different times, that form these shapes by chance when combined. Also it is a tiny and insignificant little image and there are no others like it.

The trouble is that the flying machines we are perceiving look exactly like modern designs (which are cultural not just functional) so it does seem likely it is an illusion. Whether it is or not, it is one of the easiest mysterious artifacts to discredit and leads to the archeologist defense force latching on to it for the whole thread.



look up electric cosmology










I forgot who debunked this one so wonderfully. Might've been Trey.









