Hey there Sup Forums. I want to flee my war torn country to Europe or America. Surely a bunch of strong western men like you would want to open your borders for me?
Hey there Sup Forums. I want to flee my war torn country to Europe or America...
show real flag coward
My real flag is in pic.
show real pic
Be prepared to completely forget your old cultural ways as we call you a burger muttslut.
Kill yourself you fucking kike
Go to Sweden. That's where the other betas who refuse to rebuild their country flee.
No. And before people talk about bleaching let them tell you something. We are white. Syrians are not white. To try and make syrians white is an abomination against God.
She looks very attractive but I'm curious as to what lies underneath all of those layers of makeup
you should stay in your own country desu
no it isn't you're probably Canadian
Yup. And deport a million men in returnq
Sure but you're going to have to bunk with me
This. They'll even let you rape underage Swedish girls without any consequences, while providing better housing and healthcare then most of us burger mutts will ever experience.
>had beautiful Syrian GF with the most beautiful face and voluptuous sexy body ever
>she was a devout Christian and med student
>she's a kissless virgin
tfw she broke off all contact with me when she went to school
why live?
>dating a sand nigger just because she worships the same kike on a stick as you
christianity is a jewish trick
>imyimg middle eastern woman would racemix
Who do you think they are? White woman?
I'd rather move over there for half a year and help rebuild. I'm just a neet, but is there anyway I could help Syria in its recovery process? Would both mine and the syrian government be okay with that?
Hot women like her. No problem. Actually women at all are not an issue. Young males fleeing conscription or without any skills can fuck off.
You only represent your Bedouin filthy ancestry maggot Sunni cocksucker scum.
Arabians are the most anti-racemixing people on the planet, this is why you don't find any legitimate porn of them or any interracial arab couples.
Yes, syrians are the only redeemable Arabs.
Feminism affects all female minds it is able to corrupt. Some (not a lot) of arab female diaspora race mix but keep it a secret. Im of Palestinian descent and just today dropped a chick I was talking to for a long time because she let slip she crushes over foreign men. She was bipolar and schizo so meh. I just want to smash but chances are she'll kill herself before she ever leaves Jordan.
Like you?
Pull another one Antoine, she's a known LARPer, literally 5-6 people on /sg/ keep telling the same story about the same girl pretending to be a Christian Med student.
Arabised people are not arabs you filthy crypto-kike.
Day of the camel-kebab approaches.
do you like slavs too?
Can you give me information on this?
why don't you want to go where you are welcome?
hahahahahah what a story mark
Based Berbers.
Too lazy to search the archive, but just a few month ago there was a Brit who told almost the exact same story, with the ending being that she abruptly stopped contacting him.
Why are you turning against your own brethren you retard, this is exactly what they want.
You're not berber to begin with.
Is this thing considered attractive in Syria? No wonder the men are leaving
No please you have no idea how badly I need to know about this
Please tell me more I'm begging you
wut's wrong with her face?
>This summons the camel-jockey
>You're not berber to begin with.
Yes, that's why I was talking to him, not myself, hard to expect an understanding of basic speech from an Ahmed but still.
But how would that even be possible? We skyped and talked every day with videochat
She gave me tonnes of proof of her identity
She showed me videos of herself in Lattakia in Syria
No, I'm panicking over nothing. She was real.
>an arab calling another arab a camel jockey
Wow, what a great time to be alive. FYI, white people still hate you.
Syrians aren't real Arabs though
>She gave me tonnes of proof of her identity
>She showed me videos of herself in Lattakia in Syria
Yeah, same LARPer for sure mate, I wasn't really interested in the story, you can ask around /sg/ if you don't believe me though, they probably know more about the subject.
>speak arabic
>have arab culture
>have arab history
>have allegiance with many arab countries
Yes, syrians aren't real arabs. Totally.
TRUE Syrians are not arabs you goat fucking wanker.
TRUE Syrians are about the only ones I respect from that part of the world, they dont shit on our culture and flag.
In fact, alot of them converts to christianity, starts eating pork and they also have an amazing work ethic - they are the poles of the Middle east.
This doesn't apply to Arabs, Kurds, etc who happens to have Syrian citizenship.
>TRUE syrians are the one who follow the same religion as me
So are Egyptian coptic the only TRUE egyptians? Are christian lebanese the TRUE lebanese? Retard.
We're fine
Yes, coptic are the only true Egyptians idiot.
No christian lebanese are not the only TRUE lebanese moron because religion is not important to your genetical heritage.
You arabs truly have the IQ of a camel, you'd think your mother bred with one.
Tell me, does anyone from the goat-fucking cesspool you crawled out of look like pic related Ahemd?
>speak arabic
>have arab culture
>have arab history
>Be Roman empire
>Get invaded by filthy mudslime rat taking the opportunity while you're battling with the Persians.
>You Arab now
Go jump off of sand dune, nig.
most of Syria is saa occupied war almost over. Nice try schlomo.
It's pretty clear you know nothing. Maybe stop trying to act like you know shit about region that you know nothing about.
>Yes, yes goy, it was the arabs who invaded you and killed you. Fight with them.
Fucking THIS.
Mudslimes INVADED the Levant, its roots were never M*slim.
Based Dane.
women and children only
>Gets completely and utterly BTFO
>Y-you clearly don't know anything, s-stop acting l-like you know a-anything!
Germany Is Preparing to Send Refugees Back to Syria
>Muh kike conspiracy
>We actually all Arabs
>Mudslime invasion is all a lie
>We must unite in our conquest of fucking every breed of goats on earth! And drink the finest camel piss there is!
Just go spread some goat cheeks Omar, your shit might pass on leddit, not here.
What are you then? European? no persian ? no
Also DNA evidence shows you to be the same
Maybe it's the same girl going around europe crushing innocent anons' dreams
It's always like that with Arabs.
All Arabs should be fucking exterminated, they claim jews are lying agressive slithery snakes yet it's so GLARINGLY obvious it's the Arabs.
The biggest fucking scumbags I've met have ALL been either Kurdish or Arabs.
Based Syriabro, heres to stability returning to Syria and the extermination of all imperialistic Arab fanatics.
pro-assadists don't flee out of syria
>coptic meme
Coptic are not an ethno group. they are an ethno-religious group.
>Iranian diaspora
Why don't you go back to your country ?
I hear Saudi Arabia is nice this time of year.
Syrians are my favorite Middle Easterners if you lads were christian i wouldn't mind you as immigrants
>Being coptic is not an ethnicity!
>It's both an ethnicity and a religious group!
I'm almost sure she is, legit 5-6 people. Same story every time.
>All Arabs should be fucking exterminated
>heres to stability returning to Syria and the extermination of all imperialistic Arab fanatics.
Thanks so much man, here's to that.
If you are the QT of the picture, sure i do! You are welcome to live in my house and I will find a comfy job for you, and we can make a lot of babies. The only condition is that at least half of them must be catholics
Many Christians here man, getting stuck inside mudslime internal wars they have nothing to do with is not fun for them, hope they all get out safely.
Alot of Syrians are christians, don't be fooled if they don't eat pork.
Christian or Muslim, they just don't eat pork in those parts of the country for whatever reason, I can never get a straight answer why though.
Sometimes it's religion, other times it's just how they are raised. Shit is confusing.
I'd plant it deep and hard.
>Syrians are my favorite Middle Easterners
At least you like your own people
That's positive
ah my bad, Christian Syrians are perfectly fine with me
>open boarder for her
>get an army of shitskin retarded men
>implying i like Middle Easterners
Syrians actually have a History to be proud of just because they're not European doesn't mean they're absolute trash think about it this way at least they're not African savages just that makes them better immigrants compared to the niggers that were forced to take in
I'm guessing that or ausfag
I know many Muslims sucks, but as a guy in San Diego, I've met 3 girls that were half European, half Arab.... They were the most beautiful girls IRL that I've seen..
And I used to live in Orange County....
Many pretty chicks there.
Syrian people are semites and proud arabs
Good for them if they're happy about that
>half European, half Arab
half European but maybe half Nafri who knows
>how did he not notice the layers if caked foundation
why do aussies hate lebanese so much?
Stay and fight coward.
that's not a good way to move to Europe, assholes here are the one who won't welcome you in any of there countries , contact me i can help you
[email protected]
Here is why I do not want to help any of you
It is my job to focus on these regions. No one there is innocent, and everyone knows someone and yet the people do absolutely nothing. There are terrorist networks/smuggling traffickers all over the middle east and Africa, and again...everyone knows someone yet nothing gets done. You expect the West to solve all of these issues and you want to come here to act as economic parasites to our system; but bitch and moan when we are in your country killing the fuckers that you supposedly say "do not represent your religion or country" fuck off
only if you convert to christianity, eat pork and draw me a ridiculous image of muhammed and dont even dare to wear that head scarf.
other than that you are welcome ;)
AN ACTUAL VERIFIABLY FEMALE SYRIAN? Yeah if she's single she can live on my dick.
Lol...Jesus is supposed to come out of Syria when he returns.
tits and timestamp or GTFO
Fuck off, we're full
>that filename
Wow this sure is real all right