Is that because of their jewish producers?
Why are absolute majority of celebrities left-wing?
because they're mentally retarded morons who are told the opposite of reality by everybody around them, and they're too stupid to practice constructive skepticism.
because outside of their talent there is nothing going for them
most of them are IQ double digit retards with normie """intellectual""" insights.
i mean that's how they get money, by appealing to normies, that's their market so that's what they'd go for
lived in LA for awhile, knew a lot of guys who became famous; most of them should not be allowed to speak unless someone has written a prepared statement (script)
add to that a need for positive attention, and you get dimwitted attention whores saying whatever they think will garner applause
Gatekeeping, filtering process it's the same with journalism and other things
>Is that because of their jewish producers?
Celebrities come from hollywood, and (((They))) don't like anyone with actual views of their own having lots of money, so they only spend their money hiring impressionable, or left leaning "Artists".
IT's tied into the CIA's mockingbird, and how the CIA was infiltrated decades ago by mossad/rothschild.
Trump's election popped their Obama bubble and altered their reality.
Scott Adams actually talked about this before the election was decided, that someone like Trump could be competitive after Obama throws people for loops because they really think the world is a reflective of themselves and their views.
Celebrities take part in the biggest popularity contest.
Media/Hollywood creates popularity.
Media/Hollywood is jewish.
Jews want to ruin the USA, thus are leftists.
Celebrities have to please their masters, thus are leftists and help in the destruction of the USA and the spreading of degeneracy.
Artistic people are Bohemian and free.
Any person emotionally free enough to perform well is also open minded enough not to judge or hate as much as imperialist dogmatic xenophobes.
>Celebrities come from hollywood, and (((They))) don't like anyone with actual views of their own having lots of money, so they only spend their money hiring impressionable, or left leaning "Artists".
>IT's tied into the CIA's mockingbird, and how the CIA was infiltrated decades ago by mossad/rothschild.
bullshit nigger.
community college theater groups are also Lefty, you ignorant faggot.
"muh loominutty!"
"muh rawthchyldz!"
you dumb, dumb nigger.
you'll believe anything, won't you?
Send this man some rope!
Okay then actors are just disgusting bottom feeders that don't actually contribute anything to society besides being entertainment monkeys.
We have known this since ancient Greece.
Because they are forced to kiss Jew ass and suck Jew dick to get a gig and everyone knows most Jews in those positions are liberals. "Go along to get along."
Jews control the money supply. They print money and use it to buy all the machines of power. Therefore, they control finance, the media, and the government/military.
Because of their control of these entities they are able to exert selective pressure over all forms of entertainment content. In other words, being a celebrity doesn't make you liberal, and liberals aren't any more likely to have 'celebrated' qualities than non-liberals. What's actually happening is that Jews simply select people that will conform to participate in their media programs. Conservatives are weeded out before the public ever seems them.
Artists tend to have liberal, unrestrained minds.
Conservatives otoh are restrictive more, either via human law(authoritards) or via natural law(libertarians).
because 50% of the population are sheeples.
The media controls their thoughts.
There has been for the last 2 years and on going. A campaign by EVERYONE who has everything to lose. A smear campaign against trump.
Trump could end world hunger and i swear the fucking god. They would paint it in a bad light, calling trump narcissistic for doing it.
Draining the swamp...what did everyone expect? these people to go quietly? Oh, sure D. I will just kick on down the road and everyone that is doing what i was doing, will just happily pack office and haul ass outta here.
Everyone and Anyone, who has participated in corrupt politics, back door deals, selling out or selling to. Is going to go kicking and screaming for as long as they can until donald is either out, or he doens't get elected a second term.
it's really that simple.
How many times has CNN been proven to lie to the public. Fuck...the hillary vs trump year. And those poles. YET.....majority of the assholes still listen to the media! if that doesn't prove how fucking stupid the majority of the population is.
I don't know what can.
The right wingers keep their mouths shut to keep their jobs. It also probably just attracts more leftists.
>you'll believe anything, won't you?
Wow, calling me dumb... what an expert rebuttal.
You must be paid top dollar, I'll bet justin truedough even let you fuck his wife.
Because we live in the Kali Yuga, and America and EU are Sodom and Gomorra
>can't spell full words
This is correct.
The jews at the top only let in the ones who are impressionable, controllable, and will tow the line.
The absolute majority of celebrities live in California.
christianity is mythology you sad sad person
Stay mad
Some people in this thread is dumb. It’s not because of ‘da joooz’, it’s because actors and musicians are emotional people. That’s what makes them good at their jobs - being emotional.
Jews are also emotional people with a high verbal IQ and a culture of storytelling.
So every decision made by both groups is based on
> emotion
> getting attention
> short term self interest
They say and do everything based on those three things in that order. It is also how women make decisions.
There is nothing more complicated about it than that. Emotional people being emotional and seeking validation for their emotions.
literally who?
Most people hold political beliefs as part of their social circle. Liberalism is simply the consensus among the musicians and their fans ATM. They'll change when that does.
>im so smard so much smard than ppl in this drred XD
The arts weren't always leftist you dumb fuck. Hollywood culture dominates American culture as a whole. Hollywood was originally controlled by Catholics who had a strict moral code on what could be shown on screen - an actual legal code called the 'Motion Picture Production Code'. This ended in the late 60's when the Jews effectively wrestled Hollywood away from the Catholics. By '72, Deepthroat is being shown in theaters.. Fast forward to today and what you see in the average 14A movie would have been considered softcore porn 50 years ago, and obviously hardcore porn is as mainstream as pop music (which is also degenerate as fuck). This is one example of Jewish influence on the arts in modern America, your bullshit theory of art being inherently leftist because of emotions makes no sense as western art up until recently had strong right wing themes
Because they are rich and live in a fantasy world.
They only hangout with rich people