B-but the tax cuts are only for the rich


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Consider the following: if tomorrow you found a mysterious puzzle and it completely captured your entire consideration - it was so fascinating and perfect for you that you felt not spending the rest of your life working out the complexities of the puzzle would be tantamount to wasting your life. Furthermore, there was a small but real chance that solving the puzzle might greatly benefit humanity in some way. the final caveat is (of course) that working on the puzzle quickly renders you incoherent and mad to other people, and you can't work or go to the bank.
could you work on the puzzle in the moment it appeared, and seize the opportunity?
if not you are a slave

yea and before you know it you will get no deductions.

i made it.

Yes. I like this. Where is it from?

Huh, kind of turns a bit in the wrong direction as you head upward of several hundred thousand. Was it like that before? Or did they sneak that in as a condition of getting it passed?


>Thanks for the millions in tax cuts you little white bitches

no fucking way, last time I solved one of your fucking puzzles it left me a walking brain stem trapped in hell, that took me ages to recover from

>absolutely triggered


Hundreds of metro AT&T employees laid off just before Christmas

Doesn't it disappear abruptly when the cut expires?

OOoooo... Is it you?

Metros would be whiter and have more need for telecom services if we never integrated schools. That's not Trump's fault. Everyone knows whites don't want to live near niggers.

I think it's phased out. Plus Republicans fucked with the inflation adjustments in the tax brackets so people will be hitting higher tax brackets faster. Republicans are slimey af but they get away with it because they know their voters are retards

AFAIK they taper. Laws don't really expire. They just add another 100lbs of paper to the existing laws.

But 10 years is plenty of time to modify the tax code again as needed. God knows where the world is going to be in 10 years.

It's Trump's fault. The biggest dindus of all time are right wingers


Inflation metrics have been tampered with under pretty much every recent president. That's ultimately a byproduct of the Federal ReJew Bank.


america will have a debt crisis by then. they're gunna crumble under the weight of trump's budget deficits that's why republicans are cashing out now

Nah this is trickery on a whole other level

That was inevitable by give or take 100yrs after the Federal Reserve. It's amazing it hasn't happened yet. This is one of the longest-running fiat currencies in known history.

that doesn't take into account gdp growth and the additional tax revenue.

not everything u don't like is muh fed

yes it does

btw tax cuts reduce revenues. the fact u don't know this is why u retards can't be trusted with money

So i get an extra 1000 bucks and the billionaire next door gets 50000. Sounds fair :eyeroll:

True, but that's the final boss. Nothing is ever going to really work until that's dealt with. Everything else is how to best manage an ongoing disaster.

Trump is a Jewish puppet. Sup Forums should have rallied behind David Duke he's the only one who would kill these kikes



It's not his fault you aren't earning to your full potential. You should check out a turn key residual income establishment to get ahead.

>people who pay less tax get fewer tax saving
100% Hawking

Fast forward to 2025 when all those are gone. Ironically the year after Trumps 2nd term if he has one..

You all are falling for a balloon mortgage.

If I use a 10% off coupon at Best Buy to buy a $1000 TV and you use the same coupon to buy a $50 video game, is it immoral that I save $100 and you only save $5?

>tax cuts reduce revenues

so you be sayin...

...that the gubmint won't be doin as many diversity hires & sheit?

You live next door to a billionaire?

who pays all the debt that trump racked up?

>some tax savings versus no tax savings
Only people that don't pay taxes would oppose this.

Nobody. The national debt is mathematically impossible to ever pay back. The Federal Reserve system is one of eternal debt slavery.

I wonder.

this is the problem with republicans tho. they don't care about the deficit so they always cause the next crisis

shill, why r u so buttmad by me?


>AT&T merger with Time Warner is currently being reviewed by the FTC
>Hey lets stroke Trump's ego by giving a handout to our employees.

It's almost like its a quid pro quo.


Audit the Fed.

Why the fuck does Obamaleaf always start a thread with an American proxy and why the hell did he debunk himself with his own OP.


Liberals never appear concerned about the deficit when adding another entitlement.

lol you're stuck on old programming

Well, at this point we have two options. We can try once more to juice the economy and grow out of the remnant of the housing crisis. Or we can go with austerity and cause a deflationary collapse to wipe out a bunch of debt through default and then restart from scratch.

Geopolitically, I think another try at juicing the economy is worth it. Whether or not it works remains to be seen, but if it doesn't then we just go the deflationary collapse route anyway.

Simple mental illness.

Not sure why u think Bush crashing the economy in 2008 hurts Obama


This pic summons Obamaleaf every time.


>He look I'm getting an introductory rate for my cable bill! What a deal!

Retailers must fucking love you. I bet you buy extended warranties too.

I pay more in taxes than you probably make, but I see right though this tax plan. I'm all for cutting the corporate rate, and cutting taxes, but I plan on living well past 2025, so I'd rather the tax plan be permanent.

I don't use proxies. I start my own threads. I join threads that interest me. Not sure why this is so hard for u retards to understand

I have a whole of folder of my own threads to debunk u retards

>Thinking that Sup Forums has any fondness for George W. Bush


>we we never cared about national dd debt I swear!
>premiums will go ddddown guys

Your brain on republicuck disease

Needs love.

you're the one triggered by me. Look at you. I've destroyed your entire life. LOL

Two can play the shitty association picture..

lol worships Bush 2.0 Trump

>I pay more in taxes than you probably make

>who pays all the debt that trump racked up?

US debt is a misnomer; all it means is that we distribute new t-notes, which help the Chinese stabilize their currency.

God I love triggering right wing retards. I've fucking destroyed your life. AHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHA

I've triggered u beyond repair



You know W hates Trump, right?

Chinese are reducing their holdings. I don't see how America finances $1 trillion a year in deficits especially in a full employment economy. Wtf happens when TRupm crashes the economy, u guys are really fucked



Trump is Bush 2.0

it's the same ol GOP neocuck policies

u got played kid

Is retarded enough to bring up race in the discussion about taxes

>didn't know the tax cuts actually help the middle and lower income people proportionately more than the rich


Obama Leaf, you're looking pretty misinformed itt.

Could you link to the sheet?

Imagine being this triggered by me. I've fucking destroyed your life. AHAHAHAHAHA

That true, that's why cuts are needed. No more welfare for the unproductive. GOP is too coward when it comes to slashing the welfare state.

Obama is Bush 2.0

>Say any response to your argument means your opponent is triggered.
>Win argument.
Why do I even bother talking with fucking leaves?


Republicans don't cut spending. They always explode it. They are a tax cut, spend big and blow up the deficit party

Trump signs $700 billion military budget into law

>TRupm crashes the economy
The only economy that's crashing anytime soon is the Canadian economy. Worry about your homelenders and their toxic NINJA loans, and we can have chat about the handful of very unlikely macroeconomic events that could effect the American economy.


I've triggered you beyond repair. It's so sad. You can't be fixed. I've killed your life.


why r u so buttmad triggered by me? u never answer. you're my bitch


you're my bitch. you'll sit here in this thread for hours. i control your life

>Hey lets start with the worst economic crises since 1929...

link to the sheet is the picture
it looks like user made it in excel and did a grab


What's that?

I can't hear you over all the money I've been making from American multi-national corporations in the stock market.


I think this leaf is either a bot or retarded. All he does is vomit out graphs while declaring everyone who disagrees with him to be triggered.

Big deal! With our improving relationship with Israel we're gonna win big on trade! How can you not see it? Our greatest ally is all we need.
