>behave like niggers
>no culture or history besides being conquered by aryans
>all the countries are corrupted
>invented gommunism
And most importantly
>non white
Slav hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>non white
>implying that's a bad thing
shut up mongrel
when the white man wakes up you will be put in the ovens along with the niggers
>invented communism
>who were Marx and Engels
>Lenin's revolution was extensively funded by the Germans
is only true in some regions and back in the day it was standard for people to inbreed in every single fucking part of the world.
tldr learn some history meme flaggot
trve, trve
Speaking of communism...
I always wondered how people don't know this shit, I mean I know it's kind of a smaller habbening because they got BTFO but we learned about it in school so I guesses more people would know about it.
> Germans hate Slavs so much because there is a tint of Slavic blood in them
White people aren't a thing.
You're just mad at slavs for still having an identity.
Slavs taking over Evropa when?
Why just stop there?
Clean everything out and make Earth great, period
>Yes yes goyim keep fighting amongst yourselves heheheheehheeh
it's evident by the meme flag
it's as if hiromoot added the feature to allow smoother subversion
>"Lenin's revolution was extensively funded by the Germans"
>Not knowing who Warburg was
all of you are too stupid to even make a good country
and you want to take over an entire continent
About any german speaking country indoctrinates its children with 100% anti nazi propaganda... We aren't taught this; instead we learn that nazism is pure evil and must never be looked at in-context.
Even nowadays our press isn't free and bows to NATO, which makes it even harder to get this knowledge out.
Slavs are unironically as Aryan as any other European, and more so than many.
>Slavs being conquered by aryans
You faggots couldn't take one fucking city for 900 days what are you talking about
nah they are mongolian untermensch
I know, but they were also heavily funded by the German ministry of foreign affairs.
Great post schlomo, keep the goyim fighting they'll never stop us if they're divided hehehehheheh
>I know, but they were also heavily funded by the German ministry of foreign affairs.
Yes, because a literal jewish banker was running it and working with other's like Shiff in America. ffs read a god damn book you ingrate, you weigh this entire board down.Don't even reply to this I'm out
>Yes, because a literal jewish banker was running it and working with other's like Shiff in America. ffs read a god damn book you ingrate, you weigh this entire board down.Don't even reply to this I'm out
>inb4 yes schiff*
i aint no kike im just saying the truth
All I was trying to do was counteract OP's statement that communism is a slavic invention, but good job being a literal autist and missing the point.
>don't even reply I'm out
((Hides flag))
Divide the whites Thread
90% of d&c threads are started by memefags.
i dont have to show my flag to prove my point
besides, what would it change?
>meme flag
>have opinion
I know a Ukrainian girl who is pregnant with a half Bangladeshi half Japanese guy’s child at work. Really curious to see what their child looks like.
it would prove that you're serious and not just trying to slide shit
also, a lot of what you said was straight up bullshit as demonstrated by 70% of what people wrote itt
(((Nazi flag)))
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.
Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.
Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.
All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.
Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" thread.
>historical fact
there is no historical fact on this subject because there's some evidence that supports every single one of the literal hundreds of theories on the "slavs'" origins
tint? there is no such thing as 'German'. theyre slavs m8. German is a meme like 'white hispanic'. as any archaeologist. Slav history is thousands of years old. 'Germanic'? Not so much.
Show your flag, kike
let me guess...
come on now, don't be we wuzzing
this all makes sense now
croats were so fucking close to the truth
but they got the order wrong
every croat IS a german
but every german is a serb
wew is this how it feels like when you get to the end of the rabbit hole?
really ebin
not even a little before bed anonku?
Its a Turkroach posting all this trash. Just FYI, fags.
ok dude just this once
Okay Sholomo, drop the MemeFlag
go away shillblue
you got it all figured out
I know right? OPs pic has a black and an asian right up front. apparently OP defines slav as 'not me', but will unironically claim Germans are somehow superior, not adressing the fact that as many times as the lines have changed on some map, we are talking about the same people
But he a nazi
i feel better
i feel kinda pure
could just kiss the bavarian russian poster that shits on balkans all day
oh fuck you reminded me of him
The turkroach obviously pushes threads that toe the line on Muslim ideology and against anything that isn't Islamic. The dumbshit forgot to change his flag twice now, and is responsible for 8 threads.
never understood why this picture is a bad thing. I thought decentralizing your air assets was a good thing when you dont have air superiority? both sides did it in 2nd WW tbqh
he's interesting honestly
a bit autistic i guess but not really retarded
whites are gullible goyim. they do this to themselves
it isn't bad, our MiGs are powered by tractors
delete this thread
A case for study
hows the coup going
at least MiGs work. we have F*lcons. wonderful...in 1988
He's not bavarian russian, through. He's an albanian.
what really?
but he shits on albania too
not sure when but i remember him saying here or on Sup Forums that he was a bavarian in russia
he identifies bavarian russhqip you bigot
He's not Albanian,he can't speak a word of Albanian.He does write some awesome High Fantasy stuff about Albania though.
i grew to like him tbqh
No no, I have screencaps on my laptop (posting from mobile now) of him admitting to be albanian. Not to mention that I have also seen him saying that germans respected albanians so they are better than slavs or something like that.
1/64th slav here we are very white pic of my hand holding a moive
the ogre did say he lived in the basement of a polish couple
>implying that slavs invented communism
Marx was a fucking Kraut-Kike mix you dump idiot
The dude who got the shit kicked out of him by James Thompson-a tomato can-is the toughest Slav? Bahahahahahaha....sad!
>1/64th slav, 63/64th amerimutt
Yes,he also said that Albania is ruled by an Heavenly Mandate,which be brought down to earth when they reclaim their 4 ancient cities.
Are you aware of the term "shitposting"?
Got plenty of culture, conquered plenty of strong people, probably whiter than you are. You're uneducated.
kikes get out
Marx was a hybrid of german and jew (arab-sand-nigger)
they are everywhere
>when the white man wakes up
Well, him shitposting does not refute albanian origin theory. Granted, I have a few ideas of whom he might be. I've met a couple of like-minded individuals in VK (russian facebook). He might actually be a muslim, btw
Slavs, like the Nords and Germanics are a sub group of the Indo-Aryans you fucking moron
Go back to fucking your mother you shits for brains
>Slavs conquered by "aryan"
>III Reich destroyed by slavs
nice try Kraut faggot
>being this butthurt
I doubt he is Albanian,because that would make him the 3rd human one on this site(the others being some shitposter who learned Serbian so he can shitpsot about Serbian history books and a fucking weeb.)Also his own kin rejected him,saying his does not know the language.And if you talk to him,you can see that he is doing it for shits and giggles.
whatever you say brother =)
>every German is a Serb
>Germany allied with Japan
>Also his own kin rejected him,saying his does not know the language
Or he might have albanian parents/ relatives but live in Russia his whole life. And yes, I could see him doing that for fun, but it's still an extremely wierd amd specific stance to take.
still on trial lol
>amerimutt calls someone non white
>slavic shits in this thread saying they are germanic
lmao the butthurt is immense
go back to the cuckshed hans,the age of the kraut is finally coming to an end.
Could be,but i do remember a Swiss telling him he knows a lot while talking about some of their elections or whatever it was.Besides,Albanians moving to Russia is pretty weird.If anything he could an Albo from Switzerland that moved to Russia.
I think he's on proxy or something
some of his posts are funny desu
that one Pole was obviously joking as yo ucan observe in his later posts
>slavs invented communism
> (((Karl Marx)))
I am not going to even adress these other statements since they are even more retarded.
I can bet that you're an amerimutt for sure.
There's a 97% chance that OP is a massive self-hating polish faggot