Look at stupid ass Trump

How about you take the hint and get the fuck out, loser!

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2020 landslide coming thanks to tax cuts suck a dick ShareBlue

CNN is saying that Trump might hit single digits this spring if he keeps acting like a dictator

>All mainstream media against him.
>All hollywood against him.
>All illegal immigrants against him.
Against all odds, this man... nay-this God has perservered to become the leader of the free world. Look at Reagan. Twice he won a landslide and his approval rating is less than 49%. With tax cuts and economic growth, there will be a rebound of opinion. The awakening of people to the Muslim threat will put Trump in the vanguard of wiping out their existence in the white nationstates.

Oh how far from grace bush jr did fall

>bush the highest
>reagan the lowest besides trump
makes me tank real

At least try to shill correctly also sage goes in all fields

December 10, USA Today: 32% approve, 48% disapprove
December 7, CBS News: 35% approve, 53% disapprove
December 5, Gallup: 29% of Americans approve, 56% disapprove
December 5, Quinnipiac: 29% approve, 53% disapproved

>Bush Jr. at 86%
Yeah, I remember people also called him literally hitler back then
Guess approval rating means nothing when you just call anyone that you don't like hitler

Polls also gave Hillary 90+% chance if winning.


Hundreds of metro AT&T employees laid off just before Christmas


His approval rating was that high because it was right after his amazing Republican national security defense of America on 9/11

Finna spray you with this AK, hoe.

People liked Bush 2001?!

Weak bait

Isn't there a saying about when the world goes crazy it will hate those who aren't?
Also, there's a similar thing related to telling the truth yes?


Jesus christ the state of Sup Forums

>Best is lowest
>second best is second lowest
Certainly not fake news and/or brainwashed retards nope nope

Sup Forums got played yet again

solid thread op it's very clear you spent every ounce of that mental energy possible to make such a high quality thread.

Right after 9/11 there was a huge wave of patriotism and desire for revenge. It was pretty wild desu

He was great until he declared war on Iraq.

>that 86% only because 9/11 happened a couple months before

Lol Americans are so impressionable

>demolish your own towers
>get record support
lel burgers

Republicans ran for 8 years on how they kept America safe. That's literally how retarded their voters are

don't give trump any ideas

WTF I love George Bush now
t. Vox

Where do they get these numbers? Neither I nor anyone I have ever talked about this has ever been interviewed, and you can bet your ass we are all Trump supporters.

>constant coordinated media bashing day out and day in with lefty-biased coverage, inflated "scandals" and ignored positives on a scale not seen before
Really fires up the neutrons doesn't it

Half our country is niggers and other non whites. What the fuck did you expect? Lol

Is that poll from the same ppl that guaranteed America that Hillary would win the WH?

Because deregulating stuff is textbook dictator behavior.

the quality of shills is going down fast

>you can bet your ass we are all cucks

fixed that for you. do you and your dad both press your ear against the wall to hear your mom get banged by niggers?

>He doesn't know how stats work
Just shut the fuck up at this point

they don't ask you neets in your moms basement

>Reagan is the lowest besides Trump
>Reagan went on to win reelection with 49/50 states in 1984

carter is unarguably a worse president than Reagan but had higher numbers. Its almost like polls and public opinion are irrelevant

>We’re adding people in many areas where we’re seeing increased customer demand for products and services. At the same time, technology improvements are driving higher efficiencies and there are some areas where demand for our legacy services continues to decline, and we’re adjusting our workforce in some of those areas as we continue to align our workforce with the changing needs of the business. Many of the affected employees have a job offer guarantee that ensures they’ll be offered another job with the company, and we’ll work to find other jobs for as many of them as possible.
It has to do with demand, literally has nothing to do with the GOP tax plan. You are both dumb niggers that don't understand economics, and apparently can't even read an article that YOU sourced. Kys right now, absolutely pathetic.

>>All mainstream media against him.
>>All hollywood against him.
And all establishment politicians against him.

He did this because it's heartbreaking to see america dissolved.
Everyone hates you, but you still do it.

Stupid sheeple.

>GWB 86%
*breathes in

Guess who still gets trump for another 7 years

Why is Ford missing?

Isn't that what they always say when they lay people off and ship jobs overseas?

Why do corporate shills always fall for it

I know how stats work, I also know that if I separate out the bulls my herd is 100% cows. I want to know how much separation took place before they did the tallying.

There was a period of time where questioning the leadership of old W was treason. 9/11 gave him some dictator level power over the American people up until 2007

>wiping out their existence in the white nationstates.
But he's president of the US mate

Bush had an enormous approval yet he was one of the worst presidents

Reagan at 49% and Bush at 83% shows you how little this means

Look at how high that neocon Bush is. It's probably a good thing Trump is so low.

I know it was right after 9/11 but holy shit.







They hated Jesus too

>Bush had an enormous approval yet he was one of the worst presidents
no polls are just usless. Its the opinion (((they))) want you to have not actually what people think

Wait, that can't be right for Kennedy and his approval ratings, Kennedys first year was known as one of thee WORST first presidential years due to flops like bay of pigs.

> muh vox
Sage and kys

>OP believes this

Thats the 9/11 bump, his final approval was mis 20’s

Thats the 9/11 bump, his final approval was mid 20’s


trump territory

>George Bush has 86%
this chart is fake news

to liberals and progressives, it is


>I wasn't alive during 9/11!

Exactly what I was thinking. Word for word

>i was 2 years old when 9/11 happened

Jesus how many more kids are on here?

Lol... your shitskin tears are delicious Jose. What day was your abuela deported faggot?

They're trying to pretend that George "Hitler" W Bush, the idiot, was more liked than Trump as some sort of gotcha thing.

Never been prouder to be a non-normie in my life. Thanks OP

>Bernie Sanders

Liberals hate Trump for giving a 70% tax cut to single working mothers. They rather those women be on welfare for life and on the hook as a Dem voter.


>every major news network runs anti-trump every single day
>surprised when polls show him having low approval


>reduced to pedantic name calling
the absolute state of you faggots

To be fair he lost DC too, but DC was a mistake.

Taking this ad populum graph at face value, W Bush is greatest of all time and that nigger can't even compete.

>Nixon has a higher approval rating than Reagan
>approval rating matters
choose one

If you read Vox, you’re a fuckin keke loser like them.

pretty much this, but he didn't have much choice because people were calling for blood. The real problem was not bringing them back.

the polls are 99% wrong nearly all of the time you ignorant faggot



isn't that the guy that did 9/11?

>Popularity means you're correct
/pol is for 18 and older

What really happened: Hitler deregulated gas chambers and Jews voluntarily just piled in becuz freedom.

>Look at Reagan. Twice he won a landslide and his approval rating is less than 49%.

Reagan had a nice demeanor publicly that made people feel good. Trump starts twitter fights on a daily basis.

reagan had alzheimer's and trump has dementia so to be fair there are similarities

It's very telling that you left Obama out of that graph.
Show it faggot.
Go on.
I fucking dare you.
I fucking double dog dare you pussy.

Here, I'll do it for you faggot.

Keep believing the stupid, lying polls. In 2020, you will go into the election, believing the polls which will say Trump has a 98% chance of losing...then, reality will strike, and the embarrassed, disappointed, low IQ Dems will once again throw a childish tantrum, demanding that they be given what they want. We need to give each leftist a bullet between the eyes.

Obama got more votes than anyone else including George Washington, so he's the greatest president of all time. That's your argument.

If you didn't drop out of elementary school, you would know what % is.

$1 in 1980 /= $1 in 2017

u are literally retarded

Wow. The establishment hates Trump. Shocker. It's like he's a wild card that derailed their entire fucking agenda.


>people are constantly told that the tax cuts will actually increase their taxes
>these polls are taken before people get their tax refunds

> 86%
I don’t think so. Everyone hates that guy, no way he had higher approval than Obama.

Gotta read the fine-print user
>December of the first year of presidency
AKA 9/11 and all the patriotism that came with it.

any day now
just hold your breath!

>Reagan went on to pass a small amnesty bill for a few hundred thousand illegals
>12M later California went from Texas red to Jew York blue


Who fuckin cares about "approval ratings"?

I love your tears leftards! YOU LOST THE ELECTION!!! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!!!

Bush was always considered as a national hero after the stunts he pulled