>waaah you voted against desert jews so we won’t gib funding anymore
Jesus Christ, really?
>waaah you voted against desert jews so we won’t gib funding anymore
Jesus Christ, really?
>he's upset about that
Any reason to stop funding is a good reason.
>he likes seeing US taxpayer money given out like candy to nations that hate us
Die OP
heh. Let’s watch the needy grovel. Let other nations make up the shortfall.
Entire world hates you.
>masking defunding the UN as a muh chosen play
Genius desu
Come at me broh
Fuck Trump and fuck Nikki Haley
>the UN always gets shit for being a bunch of anti-Semitic meanies
>defunding it is a good thing
>le 56% diplomat
>Any reason to stop funding is a good reason.
THIS! Fuck the UN. It serves zero purpose and provides zero benefit to from its cost.
Eat our circumsiced cocks eurabia
Yep, a tantrum throwing, corrupt old man making a joke of the office of US president
and even more laughable is the fact the great USA is falling apart at the seams while the senile old bastard occupies his time with making lists and issuing blackmail and threats against independent nations
Pretty soon, there will be no real difference between the US and izrail .. except for the fact izrail is far better provided for
No more US aide to the world. Bless Trump. Make America Great Again with all this money we keep. Aide cuts for the WORLD!
U mad? U need money you little welfare bitch? Shut the fuck up.
lol americans are destroying themselves for israhell. pathetic.
who cares?
>It serves zero purpose
The UN has a very clear purpose, the dissolution of sovereignty and borders. Only the most inbred sandy kikes care about where US embassy is, this is mostly theater to create a new EU + ME + China + America (sans USA) bloc that can abandon the USA. Kikes have already scheduled us for destruction and plundering, they are trying to set up a new global structure that can replace this one.
why do they want American money? don't they hate America?
>1 post by this ID
Very true, nearly the entirety of his UN speech was about national sovereignty.
And what you think Israel is anyone’s friend?
Military strength
Nu/pol/ has ruined this meme
You're not an actual country though.
We hate you too nigger.
>calling anyone a nigger
No no, onii-chan. The racemixed club does not have that privilege.
fuck off monkey
Let's not get triggered over facts, Juan.
She needs to get rings that fit her fingers. Fuck, surprised she hasn't lost that pinky from circulation being cut off.
You know you made the right decision when europoors are REEEEing about their gibs.
the UN is gay af anyways
I gave jews parts of my dick. You have a problem with that!?
what the hell is that cross?
a woman who has top secret clearance is religious?
Nearly all US gibs go to Israel, not sure where this autistic "OR ELSE WE'LL CUT OFF AID" threat comes from.
its a satan cross. you have to worship satan to be allowed into politics..
Trump administration is surrounding itself with enemies, now with Europe
>being religious isn't allowed
I know this is a shitpost, but it will get some bites.
Enjoy your lack of gibs.
That's because you're fucking stupid.
Doesn't matter.
The entire world is not one person.
>the entire world is more white than the US
2/10 good try
> 42%ing
I see what you did there
5D chess
it was never about Israel. Trump needed a reason to stop funding eurobeans gibmedats. its all about America first
looks like more than half of the braindead signal virtuing libshits in the EU fell for it
>AMERICANS decide to move AMERICAN embassy in an AMERICAN allies' country to another location
>UN throws a fit and says "nuh uh! you're not allowed to do that!!"
Better start looking for real estate in Brussels or wherever, the rent at the New York headquarters is about to skyrocket
Shame about all the niggers though, but keep being you America.
What's really hilarious about this statement is we don't care, and if we withdrew our financial and military influence throughout the world you fags would crumble.
So you have two options
>Fite us
>Suck our cock for your handout
I genuinely this board is filled up with share blue. Not real burgers who side with Israel. Who gives a fuck.
Kikes BTFO great! let them earn their fucking lands of using USA for once.
>mfw the rest of the world now has to provide their own military to guard their own borders
Looks like that's another 20% added to your taxes; what does that make the average taxes that the government rapes your wallets? 70%? 80%?
i actually dont mind jews if they stay in their part of the world
i could literally not give a single fuck about desert jews or sand niggers for that matter
Just a good excuse to cut off the gibs
If the world wants to act like a girl who works part time at a coffee shop with 80k in student loans and needs daddys help to pay bills but acts pissy when the dad does something and wants virtue signals then they can learn how to find extra money on their own. And if the world wants to suck mohammed's dick then i hope they csn taste the goat shit in the froeskin
this is now a mutt thread
Are you talking about Jews or good goyim?
Sand niggers just pray for your death. Jews use money to kill your kind as a whole.
>Liking a jew puppet
The entire world treats the US like it's their Dad. Pay me, die for me, feed me, give me shelter, protect me, stop interfering, just send money. Give us more, more, more. While shitting all over them at every turn.
Why aren't they holding their own corrupt leaders responsible for what goes on in their countries?
Dads patience has worn thin and his wallet is closing on the step kids while he tends to the years of neglect in his own home. Time to get out of the basement and stand on your own two feet.
Way to prove his point
Thank you for your service.
Why the hell should we continue to play nice with and pour money into nations that fucking hate us? Seriously, I keep seeing things talking about how trump makes us a laughingstock, that our various policies or whatever make us a laughingstock...when the hell have we not been? America has been the butt of every joke for fucking ages, and we've basically just been taking it the whole time. Obama was especially bad, one of the most fawning and limp-wristed on the national stage.
We're the fucking lunatics who have head-knocked with every major nation on the planet. When we didn't have anybody to fight for a while, we fought eachother. We're loud, annoying, aggressive, isolated and have a history as deep as a kiddy pool. However, we've also set the pace for the modern world, for better or worse. We're the meanest, biggest dog in the ring, and for some reason we're supposed to sit and smile while people treat us like shit? Suddenly, now that someone has balls enough to tell people that if they want to shit on us, we'll fucking leave, it's a lot of pissing and moaning about how...what, we have an obligation? We're expected to be good little national stooges? Fuck you all. Beat eachother off over how much better and classier you all are while the star and crescent rises over you.
>Why the hell should we continue to play nice with and pour money into nations that fucking hate us?
Israel is no one's friend
Traider!! You want our guns too?. Molon Labe
why the hell do we even give any other country money when they don't give us anything in return?
Then you won't miss our money, cunt
Tax cuts for Americans or fund UN? Ummm tough choice. MAGA
Just like we have regular Americans and the deepstate. Israel is the same. Mossad deepstate and regular Jews
An excellent way to put it. They can go live with their Mothers in China if they want.
>We're the fucking lunatics who have head-knocked with every major nation on the planet. When we didn't have anybody to fight for a while, we fought eachother. We're loud, annoying, aggressive, isolated and have a history as deep as a kiddy pool
No you used to be the good guys, the heroes, the country that everyone looked up to and aspired to, and the place where everyone wanted to live. Think about how sad it is that there's no longer a place like that in this world. All you had to do was be above it and you failed.
Thats fine. $700 billion dollars says we dont need you to like us.
Serbs always so salty
Boo hoo lmao
Ohh no, not the WHOLE WORLD!
If I could muster a single fuck I might care.
so you're saying everyone that looked up and aspired to be us, everyone who wanted to be a good guy, everyone who wanted to be a hero...
came to live here
and now the rest of the world (everyone who didn't want to be a hero, didn't want to be a good guy, and didn't want to work hard for your own money) is angry and bitches about the people who left and made a better life like some kinda abusive wife, who finds out that when there's some virgin soil that lets men start anew she can't compete but she can still bitch and moan and throw a fit?
wow, usually anons who hide flags and shit are dumpster trash, but you actually had a good point, damn
No, circumcision decreases chances of STD's
Shut up, Albania.
they do give us stuff. For Instance in egypt we fund the secular army the keeps the muslims out of power.
>Allies "Win" WW2
>USA becomes le 56% face/Israelis bitch, UK a Muslim caliphate, France Niggerland and Russia a shithole
I hope Hitler is laughing at all this somewhere
>place where everyone wanted to live
FUCK YOU YOU WORTHLESS NIGGER! We don't want you, the Jews lied to us to get you in here and it's fucking killing us.
The international response to this has been nothing short of delusional. I thought Sup Forums would have understood the US better, but you keep disappointing.
I wish the US didn't believe the 6 gorillion lie
Why is her forehead so small? I apologize if it is some kind of birth defect but it really does look strange.
Trump is the goodest goy
Trump literally downsized US operations helping rapefugees over this and you call this bad?
I can smell you from here kike.
>won’t gib funding anymore
a literal cuck trying to give money to other countries
Afghanistan gets the most foreign aid, Israel is #2.
Then comes Egypt and Jordan isn't far behind.
Even Palestine receives more the a billion US dollars every year.
The biggest terrorism exporters get gibs from US taxpayer money and it doesn't buy you anything with them.
If that's not top cuckoldry I don't know what is.
That's a lot of replies from the supposed nonchalant Amerimutts
The UN is majority niggers and muslims thats what thier votes count for. Mean while in the real world wars, terrorism, starvation , Too many refugee camps. The UN needs to be shut down and colonial practices re established in shit holes like somalia etc.
>Not real burgers who side with Israel.
Remember there's lots of (((republican))) boomers on here now, lad.