benis he he
>being european
>proud to side with the muslims that are raping your women over a couple kikes in the desert
>UN votes 128-9 to declare US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital 'null and void' - as Britain jeopardises its special relationship with America by voting AGAINST Trump
>UN votes 128-9 in favour of a motion declaring Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Isreal 'void'
>Guatemala, Honduras, Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and the Marshall Islands joined the US and Israel in opposing the motion, with 21 countries including Australia absent for the vote
>UK was among those supporting the motion, putting further strain on the 'special relationship' with America
Donald Trump said he would be 'watching' who voted against him and threatened to withdraw aid payments
Does anyone have any numbers for how much the capital the UN has without USA funding? I wanna know how borrowed their time is
We pay a fifth of their budget. So yeah, they would get fucked in the ass no vaseline if we pulled our funding.
> UN stopping the US
> Ever
Let me know how that turns out
a bunch of nigger countries at UN can order USA where they can put their embassy and where they can not? what the fuck is this shit lol
>siding with the kikes who brought them there in the first place
t. mutt
So, you are admitting that you are a rogue nation?
I don’t understand. The UN voted on whether we (USA) recognize the capitol of Israel as Jerusalem?
Seems a lot like the EU saying we broke global rules with our tax reform. In short, they can’t tell us what to do. I hate Jews, but if you try to tell me what to do I will suggest bombing your whole shit skin country
I don't really understand it, it's just Jews Jewing everyone for shekels and dead white people.
Because they like that you see.
I wonder how many of your here, especially gimmick flagposters, are just sand niggers attracted to this board's antisemitic memes
we don't want you here. I'll side with the jews over you 100% of the time. I even support them straight up genocide you and expanding their borders if they feel it's necessary for their security.
muslims, kill yourselves
He'll cut the funding to the sandniggers and it'll be a glorious fucking day. I don't support the jews but whatever fucks with muzzies is good in my book.
What's the point? Why does UN holds authority over the relationship of 2 secular countries?
What countries voted for trump? And against the majority UN?
You can't just say its "null and void"
A country can recognise any state or capital it wants
So? Jerusalem is the capital of the holy land.
Stop caring about what cucks think.
>People thinking the UN can actually do anything about this
Literally a virtue signal vote
Anglo in US here...I'm a proud and open Nazi. Get "diverse", phag.
Jerusalem is the capital of the British Mandate of Palestine yes.
Almost all the politicians that vote for it aren't Jewish, user.
Same with the people that vote for those politicians.
We can do what we want fuck off
i hope the us terrorizes everyone who tries to enter the country from that list, i hope swedes get holed up for 2 hours per person filling forms
>Guatemala, Honduras, Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and the Marshall Islands
We own this motherfucker, and it seems the world is about to be reminded of that.
Literally you cannot stop us idiots let’s stop gibbing these ungrearfull cucks money
Fun you, fuck your you in America is going home
I agree, we should do fuckall and let the jews and sandniggers continue with their shitty stalemate for 70 more years.
not sure what side to be on :s
>leaves the EU
>shits on his best friend 10.000km away
are they literally the most retarded thing ever existed?
Their headquarters is in our country we pay the largest funding and our support allows them to field “peacekeeers”
Fuck em tell them to go to Belgium and play their larp global community game.
They need us, we don’t need them
>so the UN votes for an anti-Israel resolution for the 3097th time and some fat and utterly dumb autists hear about it on CNN for the first time so they immidiately open /mlp/ and Sup Forums tabs simultaneously and fap to the voice of the simultaneous translator and to horses, but mostly to horses
this board is 10 IQ points lower than 4 years ago
>the UN
The USA is the UN.
I'm disappointed in you voting with us Britain.
Blame theresa the appeaser
She's a fucking traitor through and through.
Does anyone have a list of who voted what? I can't seem to find it.
>muh israel
As much as you dirty haji’s are the mortal enemy of the West many of you have some good bantZ
Now go to hell and give back Constantinople heathen
We are the UN.
>British Mandate of Palestine
No, Jerusalem is where Lord Jesus will return to. It's the capital of the land given to the children of Israel. Mudslimes can whine all they want to.
So it's treason, then?
i never understood why the fuck americans love the kikes so fucking much. can someone explain?
>Now go to hell and give back Constantinople heathen
your not even european,mutt
> muh give Constantinople back
You nothing, you're just another peasant burger like 99% of your country, owning 1% of its wealth. You have no political power, no military power, just peasants, we my ass.
So do us a fucking favour and stop getting a boner for other people's achievements.
maybe 2018 really will be the year of happening...
Never change, Americans.
>marxist jews cucking zionist jews in a stupid vote
Don't side with Jews AND don't side with muslims, kill them all.
>sandniggers attracted by antisemitic memes
implying sandniggers are not semitic
sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh don't destroy the narrative
>shills unironically think we care what the UN thinks
>implying anyone actually does what the UN tells them to do
Along with the other 4 permenant members yes.
Those being russia, china, france and the uk
I wonder how long before the EU closes its borders for US citizens.
guys remember when trump was supposed to be the one to stop jews and the zog
funny how hes supporting israel
Why has this caused such an uproar? Isn't Jerusalem Israel's capital? Isn't that where the Knesset is located? Where does the UN propose Israel should have their capital city?
The US is ruled by kikes.
citation needed
>amerimutts will trade jews for rest of the world
>Sup Forums will defend this
B-b-based Trump?!?
Friend, muslims are the original mutts
muh based muzzies
please take my wife and daughter mohammad
>the jew army will remember this day
If Trump sucks enough jew balls, will other leaders screw ZOG out of resentment? I don't know man, seems too good and simple to be true
is not that we love the kikes. we just hate the muslims that much more.
Ok, fuck Israel, but do they really think they can vote to make us NOT recognize a capital? Who the fuck does the UN think its bossing around?
>rest of the world would actually shun the us
They voted for it in the un because they know it’s symbolic and meaningless, it makes their point without actually risking anything
What the fuck are you on about?
Islam is a religion, anyone can be muslim, are burgers literally retarded?
Am I missing something?
Guys? Please?
Ahahahaha, oh the assmad
We prefer "maverick" or "trail blazers".
You never cross the Don.
That’s my point are you literally fucking retarded
the memes were real.
The people who pay them are jews
No, I don't even give a shit about who owns that desert shithole; just giving a little reminder that you don't mean shit. :^)
Why does moving an American embassy require a UN vote?
Stay mad.
I can't tell if those badger faces are holding in laughter or getting pissed because they're dumb nation is so irrelevant to 99% of americans
Simply living in the US means I'm far more important than you.
Lol at r/The_Donald trying to convince themselves that threatening international relations with the rest of the world for not supporting Israels illegitimate claims to Jerusalem is somehow a good thing.
4D chess!
>has never read a /ptg/
Hope so, it seems the US plane is crashing down to me, 2 decades back, most of these countries would support the US.
>Guatemala, Honduras, Togo, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and the Marshall Islands joined the US and Israel
fucking kek, top quality nation states there, bravo trump
how can you declare a sentiment null or void?
Erdoghan assassination when?
I can literally move to the US anytime I want, literally half of my family live in Houston lol
So does this mean no peacekeepers for chicago?
KEK, I wonder if this is the final signal to slaughter all muslims
As much as I know everyone hates kiks this is a great situation, because my enemy enemy's is my friend we may hate kike's but sand people are worse. I rather work with a piggy bank then a cave man
"that's right goyim, its either us or them, no other alternatives whatsoever"
how about neither, you dumb fucking nose
There's a shit ton of Muslims here. Why do you think this board is so anti-Jewish user. You think it's Nazis?
Double-down USA. Double-down.
I would have a raging boner if Trump pulled UN funding.
good to see only the muslim nations of europe voted yes, bravo
They literally sided with the US for gibsmedats