Do Americans feel European?
Do Americans feel European?
No Americans couldn't even find Europe on a map.
only when we're in europe and it feels bad man
Our history classes consist of Black History month and the Holocaust. We are cucked beyond belief.
>low IQ
Maybe you aspect a fpbp but not this time. How can you use the computer then?
Yes and no. I feel like I'm part of the continuation of European civilization and the European race, but I don't feel like a European citizen and I doubt I'd feel at home in Europe (never been). Amerimutt me.
Europeans are soyboy sodomites, we're white, not European
wrong faggot
Nope, I feel American as fuck and it feels good.
I'm dutch/german mix that reads a lot.
t. Argentine immigrant with citizenship in America
delet this
As a black man I'm sure you fit in well
Not really considering the fact that I'm black
>couldn't even find this
>couldn't even find that
U think it's funny?
If one does not respect the past has the shitty future
It's more than IQ. The racial mutts will always have poor performance because that is their nature. Whites in America have bought into the modern culture of retardation. I would say 80% of people who enter university are not active readers.
How does one "feel" European? Considering that it's a bunch of totally different countries with completely different cultures...
Does a European "feel" American when he shoots a gun in a wooded forest? Or does he still look over his shoulder and wonder if he was allowed to shoot that gun in the first place, and wouldn't get in trouble for doing so?
No where did I imply it was funny. It tears me apart to see these people buy into lies. The history education in the US is fucking terrible. Most Americans lack a basic understanding of geography and their own history.
Americans feel Hamburger
We feel like KANGZ!
How can white Bois even compete?
Ethnically yeah; culturally, fuck no
Cringey /leftypol/ meme. You should be frantically defending Kraut & Tea.
speak for yourself
homosexuality isnt a feeling
Since Sup Forums convinced me I am actually the world's palest nigger I don't feel even remotely European. Whyte bois literally can't compete.
Bin those video games mate!
t. underage
You don't even have a concept about left and right. Lurk more
With trillions spendened in military it's a shame the education system is in bad shape
If you're proud to be an American you're a fucking sub-90 IQ moron in terms of intelligence. There is hardly anything good about this shitty nation.
Facts about America:
- Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
- Over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
- Infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
- Health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
- Almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
- Most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
- Majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
- Most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
- America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
- Infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
- HIV more common in America than Somalia
- 35% of the population is obese
- General population is stupid as fuck
- Value of the dollar has decreased precipitously
America is a borderline 3rd world shithole. If you're seriously proud of being American then you should fucking kill yourself.
Americans are braindead retards.
Literally the lowest of the low.
Most Patriotic Americans dislike Europe for being so wimpy and progressive, but at the same have an obsession with "muh heritage" and won't shut up about "1/16 Irish, 3/8 Italian, 2/9 German"
Fuck am*rica
Burgers BTFO
Some nordic countriet are progressive. The most are not and there's opposition beetwen
You overestimate the rest of the world. What are the superior alternatives? Europe is going under fiscally and losing its culture. Central, South, and West Asia suck. Africa sucks. Central and South America sucks, maybe save Argentina. New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Switzerland, and small Euro countries like Lichtenstein may be more based, but their smaller countries so less general opportunity.
Bottom line people who hate on America usually ignore the fact that 190+ countries are shittier.
you just described the nigger problem
Europe has constantly insulted us since we were colonies. Too uncivilized. Too irrelevant. Too free. Too pro-slavery. Too rough on the natives. Too protectionist. Too strict on keeping Eutopean hands out of Central and South America. Too strict on immigration. Too self-centered to help in WW1. Too self-centered for the League of Nations. Too progressive. Too traditional. Too focused on economic and manufacturing growth. Too negligent of the poor. Too anti-communist. Too self-centered to join WW2. Too extreme nuking Japan. Too anti-communist. Too traditional. Too progressive. Too uncultured. Too powerful. Too much effort in resisting the USSR. Too religious. Too self-centered. Too anti-Islam. Too anti-globalism. Even nationalists in Europe keep doing the same thing now with their own complaints about the US. Well you can go fuck yourselves. I would never consider myself European when you've always hated us and still hate us. You can all become Islamo-communist mutts in a single generation for all I care. All of the good parts of the European gene pool already immigrated here generations ago.
Compared to American conservatives they're progressive, and it's the popular image of Europeans
American vacationing in Europe right now. You wouldn’t believe the state of cuckoldry here. It’s unreal.
Americans are the literal embodiment of the Jewish elite controlling a dumb, miscegenated populace.
Europeans are dumb trash, so no.
SAGE. Most replies are bots talking to other bots. If you are not a bot, then stop being dumb and responding. If you're a bot, unplug yourself, it's going to happen soon anyway.
>Sup Forums still shilling this meme
This mutt is allowed to vote...
This Eurocuck thinks spamming a forced meme from Sup Forums makes him funny. Enjoying getting ass raped by Jamal?
No. Europe is just our satellite states.
lol no. Here in eu for example a trans in the military probably will never pass but in us at the end was accepted. And also each country has it's oun laws and rules
>one proxy shills makes meme thread
>other proxy shills respond and keep it bumped
>literally the same garbage, same posts, every time these threads are made
put sage in the options field if you have to post in these threads
I feel more affinity for the Anglosphere than Europe
>turk spamming Sup Forums
Anything that doesn't speak anglo in west europe is no-gender's land. Why give respect to Germany whose elective republic doesn't even have free speech and no term limits? Or France whose president is practically a king with absolute power?
>Justin T.
Yes Europe has problems too.
i cant unplug my self now
Hahaha! FUCK NO! Please, never compare us to Europe. That's really insulting.
Your elite ARE miscegentated. Just like our last president. Are we still playing the "whiter than you" game at this point?
Here's a little history lesson. Who pushed for the emancipation of the slaves? Who supported pro-black stuff in the North while giving arms and money to the South in the civil war? Who pushed us into growing close to (((European Bankers)))? Who pushed us to end our eugenics programs? Who pushed us to oppose Hitler? Who pushed us to end Jim Crow? Who pushed us to accept Communism in our institutions? Who pushed us to pass the Hart-Cellar Act? Who pushed us to say we have no culture? Who pushed Islam on us? Who pushed globalization on us? Who pushed us to stop discriminating against fags? Who is currently pushing us to open our borders to the brown hordes? Here's a hint. It isn't mainly the Jews, although they are an important factor. It has always been Europe.
Do you believe that you have no French blood from centuries ago? Or Scandinavian blood from earlier? Or Roman blood from even earlier?
Being a first generation immigrant here I don't really feel american. American culture is mostly degenerate compared to our traditions and culture being a creolized Anglo offshoot. Europe is really degenerate as well culturally it has been whitewashed and is no different from american whites here in commiefornia.
Pretty much this, unfortunate as it is. Probably due to the fact all the groups that move here eventually have their culture and roots thrown into the "Melting Pot" and washed away. Only people that still are really the same are the Amish. And I guess Irish people too to some extent typically just because I can tell when a person has large Irish descent from their looks and they're typically clannish, annoying, and have anger issues. Most midwestern American if they're not in Pennsylvania or Ohio are Euro-mutts.
Why would we want to feel irrelevant?
nice proxy you got
No. Europeans have made it abundantly clear they don't consider us like them, even barring shills spreading le 56% face meme. Europe will likely not exist in 100 years, anyway. Most European countries will have a third-world living standard and a dead economy by 2050, with perpetual terrorism and Islam galore. Germany, Sweden, France, and the UK will be non-white in your generation.
I'm a native Virginian living in Ohio, so no...
>peter sweden
get out faggot
Yes, because it's all they have left. Britbongs are more mixed than Americans, by the way. Americans are still 98.6% European by DNA according to various genetic testing companies, but Britain is approaching the low 80s with high concentrations of "Asian" and Caribbean black blood.