Yall ready for this 1?

Yall ready for this 1?

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>it will be like nothing broadcast before
How so? Everything on the BBC these days is packed full of niggers no matter what the setting.


It's not even 2018 yet


Is there any episode of white history that Netflix won't overwrite with niggers and other barbarians?

>The new spellbinding Netflix premier of: The Romanovs
>Starring Shantel Branita Shaquanda-Mercedez Benz Louis, Mohammed Islamdunk, and Rosemary Finklewitz as Anastasia

Beware of Niggers bearing gifts.

>Shaquanda-Mercedez Benz Louis
Have a (You)

Greece isn't white though so it's okay

Greekanons, how do you feel about this?
>Captcha - STOP TROYON

Women are white in that show.

What a coincidence.

They have even made Julius Cesar black in another series. They stop at nothing to brainwash our young


Alfred Enoch as Aeneas
David Gyasi as Achilles
Hakeem Kae-Kazim as Zeus
David Avery as Xanthius

Remember 10 years ago when liberals were kvetching wildly about how 300 wasn't a historically accurate representation of the ancient Mediterranean because the Greeks were too white and the colored Persians were too much of a caricature?

Now they're cool with putting completely anachronistic black (or if not black as in this case, Arab or Hispanic) actors in all manner of white roles.

Really activates the almonds.

Guess the last thread two hours ago didn’t satiate your lust for easy (You)’s? Did it OP?




He's as close to being the right color as fucking Brad Pitt was

The ones where whitey is evil. I fucking dare them to make black nazi's or a female black Hitler (yeah you know the pic).

haha, this cracked me up more than it should have.

>Coming to theaters near you, Summer 2018-Drea:
>Dream: The Life of Martin Luther King Jr
>Starring Daniel Day Lewis

Who did they cast as Helen though?

Achilles was actually blond

Liberal Propaganda
>Greek male protagonists
>Greek female protagonists
>white women

why is this fucking happening? do they really think people will watch this piece of steaming dog shit?


You do realize Trojans were Greeks right? They weren't white.

Sassy nigger Hitler would be pretty funny, just because of how insane it would be.

Trojans were Hittites actually

Honestly, at this point, this stuff amuses me more than it annoys me.

Like, I realized after they cast Idris Elba as a Norse god.

Like, rage aside, you have to admit this is ridiculous. Like, it's so bad that it's actually good.

Maybe it's just me, but I get a kick out of SJWs doing this to culture and history.

I think a certain ((someone)) has been overplaying their hand a bit lately

Still Caucasian you asshat not fucking African

They will watch it, and they'll praise its diversity. How fucking stupid are you? Can you really still not see? Everything you value is dead



Achilles turned black when his mom dipped him the river Styx in Hades. He's not even a real person you fucking morons.

ok, but they weren't niggers either.


Is that disgusting....thing...travelling with the doctor now?


So why do you care? Both nonwhite.

no everyone will trash it as a politically correct piece of steaming garbage and it will be cancelled after one season. a few depressed british bugmen will watch it maybe.

It's just you.

>Starring Shantel Branita Shaquanda-Mercedez Benz Louis, Mohammed Islamdunk, and Rosemary Finklewitz as Anastasia
All three?
Are they playing her at different periods of her life?

What is the problem exactly?


How fucking stupid are you tho? Literally the whole middle east was Caucasian until a few thousand years ago

jesus christ why

The UK had even less blacks than the US does right? Why is it always blacks?

I think you're confusing who will be the majority and the minority in this situation


Fuck off retard.

did the UK make every fucking nigger there an actor or something?



>Achilles father was king of greek island
>Achilles mother was Greek demigod
>mother of Achilles' father was Greek queen
yeah, of course, he can be black


Reminder that the Troy movie made in Murrica in 2004 had all white actors (maybe some were Jews).

The UK is nowhere near as niggerized as the US, so why do they insist on putting multiple niggers in all of their media?


Soon mangas with niggers ! comics is for cucks now !

Because globalist kikes want to destroy everything that is good and pure.

>Honestly, at this point, this stuff amuses me more than it annoys me.
>Like, I realized after they cast Idris Elba as a Norse god.
>Like, rage aside, you have to admit this is ridiculous. Like, it's so bad that it's actually good.
>Maybe it's just me, but I get a kick out of SJWs doing this to culture and history.

I agree with the leaf. at this point these movies are so ludicrous and hamfisted that they have become entertaining to watch as a laughable assaults against the prevailing dominant global culture(white people's)

I have not paid to see a super hero movie in over a decade, I catch a few here and there when they are on for free, but I will be first in line to see penultimate accumulation of this bullshit, BLACK PANTHER.

I can honestly not wait. its going to be amazing for all the wrong reasons.

>literally described with blonde hair
>lets make him a nigger and all females white


user they've fucked you so much you've started to like it. You been Stockholmed my dude.
>What's that?
>You want to stick BOTH of your dicks up my ass? At the same time!
>lol you guys are so wacky, what will you think of next?

Disgusting, nation wrecking brainwashing.

the BBC has a hardon for niggerizing history lately.

everything they do has nigs in history, because kids will grow up thinking that is normal

>metal armor
pick one


Anglos really love that nigger dick

Fucking hell i was actually laughing on this, but now i'm angry as hell

why can't they just make a nigger-washing bullshit, than miscegenation propaganda, i'm so mad. stop this fucking bullshit god damn.

Your ass isnt white cuckhead.

>Leftypol leaf gaslighting
>I love being a cuck. It's so bad it's good. Anyone else?
Kill yourself.

You are 20+ what will a kid think? This is disgusting. It is one thing in case of fiction but this is rewriting history.


When we look at this constant complaining, bitching, and meddling into white's historical stories by blacks, do you ever think Asians and Latinos want to say, "Hey fuckers we're here too."




The ride never ends does it?


I just fucking love how subhuman niggers unironicly think Egyptians are/were black niggers.ciro is the only nice “African” city? Okay.let me guess. El Paso is the only nice city in America right?sure gets the black 10 iq going.

This is the reason why the city fell. Look at Detroit.

The way to react to this is to retweet at laugh at it instead of looking pissed off. That way we can just turn the left into a joke in the eyes of the public

Gotta make sure that every show has a white Aryan girl getting bred by big black bucks. No other racemixing is ever depicted especially not Jewish-black because that would be anti-Semitic goyim

Underrated and I would actually watch.

Literally what the fuck am I supposed to watch?

If I get cable I support Jews. If I get Netflix I support Jews. If I get Sling I support Jews.
Is anime the ONLY unsullied visual media left?

Fuck off with the D&C tactics Moshe.


All males I see. Any black females? Thought not.

>peaky blinders
nigger free (or in insignificant roles) and most popular at the same time

This has Jew written all over it.

Why hasn't anybody lobbied to shut-down the BBC or at least force it to be bought by a private owner so taxpayers don't have to pay for an anti-white propaganda machine?

Pattern recognition is RACIST! Why would you notice such a thing? Why even care? ;^)


damn she must have been such a QT

its actually fucking true, achilles is a goddamn nigger, holy fucking shit, someone nuke the UK already please

So fucking sick of it

That pisses me off so fucking much dud, how the fuck did people allow that shit too air, ubercucked nation.


Pretty much. The Jews fear the Samurai.