Reminder that Israel has over 700 nukes now.
Reminder that Israel has over 700 nukes now
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Can they be remotely detonated?
That's good!
All we need to do is detonate them now.
What delivery systems?
>When the Jews' Samson Option is actually our Trojan horse
We gave them those nukes btw. They owe us. They know if we pull out our support, they would be ravaged by muslim countries and all that opposed them (China, France, Russia and the UK). They'll want to be on our good side and be good little goyims or the world will come crashing down on them. This was a good ploy for israel and the US to know who their enemies and friends really are.
That's so laughable
How insecure are they
How greatly do they realise how much they're despised
Kikes are six times more prone to mental illness, according to a panel of jewish experts several decades ago
They know they're nuts which is why they have to have tests before they breed
700 nukes
the little bully hides behind 700 nukes
Sounds as if they're setting themselves up for an explosion which would dwarf Krakatoa
I live for that day
tell me lies tell me sweet little lies
>over 700
You just make that up, sonny?
Also, saged because this is a shit thread
I love that song.
>implying nukes even exist
friendly reminder that nukes don't exist. there's only 1 real nuke in the whole world and it's kim jong who has it
I don't think it's that much, but it's certainly in the hundreds.
Years ago, a leaked email from Colin Powell stated that Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons. Many US estimates put it at 300-400.
Not only that, they have a functioning nuclear triad. Road-mobile ICBMS and SRBMs. Bombs capable of being dropped from Israeli F-15s and F-16s. Five diesel-electric submarines loaded with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles.
Should they feel the inclination, they can reduce the Middle East and much of Europe to bones and ash in the blink of an eye. In fact, they are believe to follow the "Sampson Option", meaning that if they feel Isreal is on the brink of defeat, they will destroy at the very least the nation they are fighting with and at worst the wider Middle East and even Europe - some Isreali scholars advocate destroying the west if the west "allows" the destruction of Israel. You will probably see this happen in your lifetime.
Reminder that the goys are also racist, cunts and hypocrites just like the jews if not more.
This is one of the reasons why the US will always protect Isreal - they always threaten to use nukes if anything gets bad. This is why we bailed them out in '73 - they were threatening to nuke Egypt and Syria (which not only would have killed millions of innocent Arabs, but may very well have started WW3 between the US and USSR) unless we resupplied them with weapons and munitions.
>which not only would have killed millions of innocent Arabs
I like how your mention like you didn't nuke innocent Japanese.
Israel doesn't need nukes, they've got the USA by the balls and get dumbass 'Muricans 2 fight their land theft battles.
Over 700is the new over 9000
Blessed be
Send in the nuclear SLAM rams
Make their prophecies come true
Doubt it. Doubt they could do much damage to the whole of Europe, or Russia, or China, or the USA. Maybe a single little country. They'll probably targeted Germany because of how much rage and jealousy they apparently have for the nation who stood up to them so long ago.
But good only knows what they've developed seeing as how our cucked politicians allowed them cutting edge white man war tech and paid them money to develop whatever their little hearts desired.
>when nukes dont exist but kim jong has one
we only have a fabric factory in dimona. i have no clue you talking about