Éire/pol/ - 4 days to go! edition

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>Couple charged with mutilating daughter

>Varadkar to visit Irish UNIFIL troops in Lebanon

>Clare council approves Trump's 'wall' at Doonbeg

>Pro-choice group signs up to political watchdog

>'Big split' in Fine Gael on abortion as Varadkar to study report over break

>Sinn Féin politicians in legal row over remarks at Tidy Towns meeting

>Irish Travellers in the UK may face greater levels of discrimination post-Brexit

>Car of peace hits Irish person

>Man accused of harassing Sharon Ní Bheoláin to face court in February

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posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

First for hating Americans.

Checked boyo

Why does everyone seem to hate heineken

>those fucking digits

it's fucking disgusting even the Dutch probably hate it

you got a problem, limey?

Oh shit, an Irishman was among the casualties in Melbourne?

>Irish Travellers in the UK may face greater levels of discrimination post-Brexit
You would think this sort of thing would have hit it's peak already

yet another reason leave was a great idea

>Pro-choice group signs up to political watchdog
what was the purpose of this? I didn't get much out of the article
Also, based county Clare?

it is without a doubt the worst tasting beer there is

What do we do about the EU menace lads?

god knows, too many faggots in this country just support the eu because they are contrarian about what britian does,
and those that are not like that think we would collapse without it/dont care about browning
on top of all that there is no currently viable party that wants to leave.
best choice is to pray the NP get popular fairly fast

happy christmas me arse i'd rather be dead

Could listen to it forever

give them a punishment so severe that it will echo through the annals of history and serve as a warning to future generations to NEVER let this happen again

Farmers are generally supportive of the EU because they get financial support through the EU, yes?

that's not a bad version at all

yeah, but we are a net contributer as of roughly 2013, and they overregulate things to the point where the farm has to look aesthetically pleasing

>not using the superior Guinness ad
And yeah Christy is a fucking legend, Shane is too for being able to come up with something like that while being so fucked on drugs and drink 24/7

>to the point where the farm has to look aesthetically pleasing
what cunts they are

that could be good for us then I suppose, and I'm still confident Brexit will be detrimental to the Euro as a currency going forward

to tell you the truth lad the EU is collapsing itself, we don't really have to do much

The Euro would have a hard time getting worse for what it is, it should be some sort of supermoney with all the weight behind it I wish it would hurry up and fucking die it's well deserved death already.

Brexit, the Eastern European countries and Austria have given me some hope with their new govt

haha fuckin hell nice one

don't forget Trump

we all do

More where that came from






And finally to depress you all with how things change

Why you do this?

Hiya tatas how do you paddies compete to the niggers/pakis an polskis .? Iriosh cock is 4" erect , when rest are proper cocks . ?


>anglo spelling

I will repay you both with a better form of black for your troubles

I like the 14 year old girl on his desk

I got banned and now I can only post on this piece of shit 4G iPod. The battery is already half empty and it was not 10 minutes. I got permaband I think because someone turned off the hub thing and it thinks I was trying to evade the ban. fucking sucks a bag of dicks.

I hate to say it but that's low, funny but low

But we still WHITE ANGLO SAXONS , Not interbred shitskins
Does that hurt achmed ?
btw I ex squaddie an shot 23 pira tatos saving u from UDA kek

Being this new a perma can be sorted in 6 mins kek

I found out last night that a lad from my town who was abroad for two years has returned a "woman". Gonna be an interesting Christmas in his household.

You can barely communicate let alone fire a gun you goofy fucker

I feel you, they hit me with this a few day ago
>tfw I Unironically dindu nuffin
Eh, I’m a sick bastard I’ll admit

>Eh, I’m a sick bastard I’ll admit
Combined with the pic you posted that looks hilariously bad lad

I tried to change the ip but nothing. Got banned on a tablet so I have no clue how to reset it properly on it.

Listen, they got the wrong guy. You’ve got to believe me.
Otherwise I wouldn’t be here

>going outside of ireland

>4 days to go.
C-can't wait desu. . .

Sure thing Satan be gone you foul beast!

I-i don't know what to believe

"Champ, I know you're busy diddling your Nakamoto or hugging your fister and whatnot, but we need to talk. Your mother and I have been getting worried about you. No, we've already been over the contraption that we found in that package last week. We're disappointed, but we're not mad, either. But you've been sitting here in your room doing nothing since you graduated three years ago, and it's time you stopped wasting time."

"Why, just the other day, I bumped into your old schoolyard friend Chud, Thad, or Chazz or whatever his name was -- you know, the one who called you all sorts of funny names when you saw each other in the hallway? Anyway, he's now the Emergency Services Manager for the county, and he's makin' bank. He's driving a brand new Acura MDX, and he just moved into the three-story house down the street. He even got hitched to that one dame you were always harpin' on about -- that smoking hot blonde with the funny name: 'way-foo' or 'Juannatitis' or something. And they've even got a little girl on the way. How about that, Champ?"

"They asked me how you were doing, but I told 'em you just got home from the Peace Corps and that you were in-between. Well, today is the day you look them in the eye and tell them you're working for a living, Champ. I'm gonna drive you over there so you can talk to Chet or Charlie or whatever his name is, give him a firm handshake, and ask if you could work there. I'm sure he could get you a job down at the recreation center or the mailroom or janitorial services or something. Whaddya mean it'd be embarrassing? Champ, your mother and I aren't gonna be around forever, so it's time you got out into the wider world and took steps towards becoming an adult -- like your friends did. Get dressed and meet me in the car so we can get there ten minutes prior. 'REEEE?' Hell yeah. That's what I like to hear: A heartening battle cry. Let's go get 'em, Champ.”

ask granda about 3 Para ! an shooting tatos in Bandit county

Fine, I’ll leave!
Going to get tree anyway

are you Irish ?

>*blocks your pat*.png

Could you manage to have a clear, sunny dawn at Newgrange like ever?


>Bandit county
The place where brits were scared shitless to get out of an armoured car and transported supplies to bases by helicopter with accompanied ground support to stop them getting shot down and even then sniper attacks discouraged that? You picked the one place where the Brits were consistently humiliated to LARP about shooting paddies in


The Dutch view it as an old man's drink, like we view Tetley's I guess. It's Pißwasser m8.

lads if you're in the mood for a dash of autistic shitposting, just sign onto iarnrod eireann wifi, and you'll get brit flag

>iarnrod eireann wifi, and you'll get brit flag
Should have known those fuckers were west brits with how shit the trains can be it's all on purpose

Don’t forget this one
Or this one
I wouldn’t drink Jewness if you paid me to.

Didn't know blacks dissolved in water

It’s what (((they))) make Guinness out of.

>tfw I don't need to because I am a northerner

The worst “Brits” are usually Paddies anyhow

kill a traitor before a foe

Paras an SBS / SAS , two men teams slotted thick as pig shit milk bombers , an Your dumb cunt snipers , were given take aways from taxis .KEK .. < THIS IS REAL So if You JOKE .. You were Never there ....BRITS MAKING TERRORISTs SURRENDER !

HA Good , hope you never come here again cunt

if I turn the hub off all night then the IP address should be reset? or how do I reset it on a tablet? Can't use desktop because it's ancient and takes half an hour to do anything.


That day on the sunday ,we shot you Terrorist scum .. I killed sniper an filth that day .. this keeps me sincerely asleep at night, after you filth ...SURRENDERED !

Any of ye lads blackpilled about the abortion referendum? I'm totally blackpilled on it

I have one word for you and the Paras, if you can read it of course: Warrenpoint

Ring up iSP an ask for new IP an if the say ARE you looking at porn .. an they have too change ok

>That day on the sunday ,we shot you Terrorist scum .. I killed sniper an filth that day
>on what I assume to be bloody sunday
You are beyond retarded there was one fella from the stickies with a fucking revolver there that day you gobshite nothing near a weapon that could be used for sniping.

>tfw the National Party are everything I've ever wanted in a political party but they'll never win

It isn't fair, lads

Yeah I give you that but then Internment an H/BLOCK .. who suffered more ?
an have worked since in private contract work , an I wont turn my back on paddy /workmate .. they know me an RESPECT /Wanna drink .. :( Nah mate ..like a nigger you can Never Trust them !

Cop on ya bollocks

it may take time, but we will get there eventually.
hell, they already have more registerd than renua.
if you want to try and change things get out and spread the word

So if I say yes then they change it? Or if I say no?

Internment was the biggest present you could have given the IRA they actually had to start turning recruits down after that they were getting so many

How do i change my IP address without a desktop? besides calling the ISP

two armalites fired in the flats an tommy gun from not flats but could be up barricade crowd .. shells found , an 45 an I cannot say .. but lalala they had a fertie bomb in childs pram , an denator , an parent got shot before they KA-BOOM should I name that bitch .. ?? I shouldnt cos 63 kids an they dont desreve here Mam was EVIL C8nt ..

good evening

Restart your router works for me

idk, when Sup Forums accused me of being a pedophile, I was going to appeal it, but then it sorted itself out

I You are a lil kid here ok lil spud ..
I loved it .. I grew up Sweeney as my daze .. KEK
Folk lie .. beat the shit the shit out them .. you results .. , then I told them .. Yes my realse 80% NI.. MOST ARE GEN Senpai Guys .. I was the guy who had founding to release the H blocks too .. treat folk Respect .. stop history an Move on ..

You mean press the restart button? Kek
Could not be that simple but I will give it a go

will you limey niggers just fuck off already? this thread is derailed to shit, lets talk about some shit going on in Ireland atm, or how NP is doing.

fucksake I hate Shitain
I want a school shooting, only instead of a school its the entirety of the UK

ALL republican gunfire was after you lot started shooting, first it was the sticky with the revolver who the crowd stopped from firing, the rest were during fights in other areas. but it is well known that the Paras fired into a crowd of innocent civilians and that the Provos cleared the area out of guns beforehand at the request of the protest march's leaders to stop hotheads on their side from causing problems.

Here lads

What's santy bringing

It kept it alive to be fair, but if you want a conversation starter
>Couple charged with mutilating daughter
This shit worries me glad that they were charged but the fact that it's happening enough for them to get caught is alarming

two snipers were in falls flats , an the hand guns in crowd, one was 45 other 22 , the fertie bomb in pram laden with 2000 nails on a 15 min mech clock . .. ???